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Dutch former anti-Muslim politician converts to Islam

@WebMaster @Horus @Oscar @Dubious This guy is spouting his venom for the last 5 pages of this thread. And now this....he's calling Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed R.A...well you can read what he said. He also said the same thing about Hazrat Umar R.A.

No one invited him here or tagged him. He's hurt because a anti-Muslim converted to Islam because the guy started researching Islam to find topics to use against Islam but found topics that made him believe in Islam. So yea, this dude Salman F has his heart torned cuz his hero converted to Islam. And now he's abusing well known & praised figures of Islam after trolling for the past 5 pages of this thread...

Looks like another Austerlitz if you know what I mean. :lol:
Ignore him. Deluded folks.
What is wrong with u iranians?

Are u hindu?
What isnt wrong with them? Good to know ur starting to realize for what they are.

Come on don’t be a stupid self hating creature you know that you are related to persians and you know they don’t worship fire it’s just like saying your are worshiping black stone in black box in the arabian desert:lol:

As for khusro he is your master in his shoes are above your head he ruled the world when you savages used to live in the desert like animals and worshiping cows and statues:rofl:

No body gives a shot about your Isis leaders the thing in here that you condem Isis while you glorify the historical Isis such as khalid, ghaznavi, Aurangzeb and other scumbags:cheesy::lol:

My names and flags aren’t your business besides Arabs were great nation before Islam ruined them
@Dubious @waz

He converted to Islam for his own benefit just like the other terrorist khalid
I don’t know which kind of Muslim u are. But do u believe in Hazoor Muhammad saws ?
When He in his dua asked for either Umar or an another guy to become Muslims then how can I say what you just did?
You don't know modudi than.

I know enough.

It seems he was also an inspiration to Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb, the leaders of Ikhwaan ul Muslimeen. That is enough to decide that he was an unnecessary mullah.
I know enough.

It seems he was also an inspiration to Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb, the leaders of Ikhwaan ul Muslimeen. That is enough to decide that he was an unnecessary mullah.
Aparently Hitler was also inspired by confucius.. I mean everybody is free to draw conclusions.
I know enough.

It seems he was also an inspiration to Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb, the leaders of Ikhwaan ul Muslimeen. That is enough to decide that he was an unnecessary mullah.

Sayyid Qutb left Ikhwan because he disagreed with their ways.

Maulana Maududi was an inspiration to many people, including Khomeini and Dr. Israr Ahmad, who influenced Imran Khan.

When you paint Islamic scholars of repute with one broad brush, you do a great disservice.
Aparently Hitler was also inspired by confucius.. I mean everybody is free to draw conclusions.
Sayyid Qutb left Ikhwan because he disagreed with their ways.

Maulana Maududi was an inspiration to many people, including Khomeini and Dr. Israr Ahmad, who influenced Imran Khan.

Should we not be celebrating progressive Muslims like Nasser instead of his enemies like the Ikhwaan ??

I don't know much about Israr Ahmed but should we be celebrating a regressive like Khomeini ??

When you paint Islamic scholars of repute with one broad brush, you do a great disservice.

Muammar Gaddafi was also a scholar of the Quran and it seems in the 80s or 90s he defeated some regressive mullahs live on TV.

My point is simple - Should we celebrate progressives or regressives/reactionaries ??
Should we not be celebrating progressive Muslims like Nasser instead of his enemies like the Ikhwaan ??

I don't know much about Israr Ahmed but should we be celebrating a regressive like Khomeini ??

Muammar Gaddafi was also a scholar of the Quran and it seems in the 80s or 90s he defeated some regressive mullahs live on TV.

My point is simple - Should we celebrate progressives or regressives/reactionaries ??
Totally depends on what you want to celebrate. 1857, we call it war for liberation, English guys call it mutiny.
Syed Qutb, Ikhwaan were best, that's what I say, you may not agree.
Should we not be celebrating progressive Muslims like Nasser instead of his enemies like the Ikhwaan ??

I don't know much about Israr Ahmed but should we be celebrating a regressive like Khomeini ??

Muammar Gaddafi was also a scholar of the Quran and it seems in the 80s or 90s he defeated some regressive mullahs live on TV.

My point is simple - Should we celebrate progressives or regressives/reactionaries ??

From what standard are you judging Muslim leaders?

Progressive being secular, Westernized?

Regressive/reactionary being theocratic?

Don’t you think we can have a progressive Islamic-minded leader also, or regressive/reactionary secular leaders?

Honestly, I don’t care about how personally religious a leader would be for Muslims, as long as he fights for the cause of Muslims, is guided on a sacred mission, and supports our rights.

Two of my favorite leaders are Atatürk and Quaid e Azam.
Islam only religion to teaches love and peace and dignity of human above all
Totally depends on what you want to celebrate. 1857, we call it war for liberation, English guys call it mutiny.

I believe that technically it was the last battle of Mysore, in 1799, that was the first war of independence. Tipu versus British+allies.

Syed Qutb, Ikhwaan were best, that's what I say, you may not agree.

Yes, we don't agree on this. :)

From what standard are you judging Muslim leaders?

Progressive being secular, Westernized?

Regressive/reactionary being theocratic?

1. "Secular" need not mean supporter of the Western governments of present.

2. "Westernized" can mean supporter of modern socialist thought like of Marx, and this goes against being a supporter of Western governments of the present.

3. Hamas leaders wear Western clothes yet they are regressive.

4. Islam was a earlier socialist movement so if we use the word "Theocratic" in context of Islam, it need not necessarily mean regressive.

Don’t you think we can have a progressive Islamic-minded leader also

Yes, we can.

How about Maulana Hamid Khan Bhashani ( "The Red Maulana" ) ??

Or like I mentioned two of them earlier - Nasser and Gaddafi.

or regressive/reactionary secular leaders?

Like who ??

Two of my favorite leaders are Atatürk and Quaid e Azam.

Mustafa Kamal Pasha and Jinnah were indeed progressives, I will not argue on that.

It is sad that Jinnah and Nehru, both progressives, both wanted to become the PM of Free India and their egos led to the Partition. But this is a subject for another day.

Actully we are our worst enemies not anyone else.

Very much so.

Watch the same that Gaddafi said in his 2008 Arab League speech. 8:29 mins.
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