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Dutch former anti-Muslim politician converts to Islam

What example lmao? The arabs, and Persian muslims here go out drinking till the sun rises and doesnt touch a word from Islam, what example are u talking about?

I was talking about the example we should set, rather than the one we do.
Funny how those who oppose Islam the most in the end turn into the tools that expand and help islam the most

They plan and Allah too plans and Allah is the best planner.
Remind me of Hazrat Umar RA
This is what Europe and USA is and was afraid off, because when ever a educated person researches about Islam he realizes that islam is a true religion,thats why they created proxy's like Alqida, ISSI etc to portary Islam a religion of violence,Allah Has his plan ,and his plan is the best,
In the US, mostly Zionist Jews are the masterminds with their useful idiots like Republicans, alt-right, toxic gamers, and some Democrats.

The Alt Right could have been decent movement to wake up American Whites and Europeans about the J..ws running amok and ruining their nations but the idiots got hijacked by J...ws **** the Democratic Party that cesspool of Liberal J..ws and f,,,gs are worse than the GOP
The Alt Right could have been decent movement to wake up American Whites and Europeans about the J..ws running amok and ruining their nations but the idiots got hijacked by J...ws **** the Democratic Party that cesspool of Liberal J..ws and f,,,gs are worse than the GOP

They are all slowly heading towards Islam. Their whole society is unraveling and they are aware of the fall of their prestige more than anyone.

They are doing a better job discrediting themselves and their worldviews than Muslims could ever do.

We are literally doing nothing to help our cause. Allah swt is accomplishing all this without us.

Imagine if Muslims woke up and decided to do something for Islam. @Pakhtoon yum @313ghazi
Allah has His way of guiding people.
That's why we need to be patient with those who insult Islam or say/write hurtful things as they are doing so out of their ignorance.

And that's why some one needs to capture the mullah ignorant jahils and the mindless monkeys who follow them and beat them up day and night so they understand they are the most harmful breed to Allah's message, and they by their acts of stupidity out of sheer ignorance are responsible for turning many people away from trying to understand the true message of Islam.

People blame the cartoonists, I say the cartoonist can be forgiven for his ignorance. But the real blasphmey happens by the monkeys who go out on streets and behave like retarded apes. Because the ignorance of these monkies is entirely self inflicted and self chosen.
Reform the religious education...
It's interesting though, seeing the reaction. I mean, according to most people here, death is the punishment for blasphemy, and under their laws, he would have already been dead. Thank God for no Blasphemy laws right, that allows a person to change their views?
He converted to Islam for his own benefit just like the other terrorist khalid

@WebMaster @Horus @Oscar @Dubious This guy is spouting his venom for the last 5 pages of this thread. And now this....he's calling Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed R.A...well you can read what he said. He also said the same thing about Hazrat Umar R.A.

No one invited him here or tagged him. He's hurt because a anti-Muslim converted to Islam because the guy started researching Islam to find topics to use against Islam but found topics that made him believe in Islam. So yea, this dude Salman F has his heart torned cuz his hero converted to Islam. And now he's abusing well known & praised figures of Islam after trolling for the past 5 pages of this thread...

Looks like another Austerlitz if you know what I mean. :lol:
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