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Durga idols broken, temples attacked

@ About hating India, it is common in Bangladesh and definately it has a reason too !!!!!
what kind of reason for providing refuge to millions of your people when you were being massacred and had no where else to go or for for training and providing equipment to your freedom fighters or for helping you guys in gaining sympathy and support for your cause or for going to war where hundreds of our soldiers died for your independence and to stop the genocide of your prople and doing all this when our own country was itself facing several hardships
It may be possible BD hindus themselves have done this.In India too hindus do such nonsense like flying pakistani flag , desecrating hindu temples to blame it on muslims so that communal tensions can be flared up.There are still doubts about sabarmati train burning which hindus blame as reason for gujarat riots.
It may be possible BD hindus themselves have done this.In India too hindus do such nonsense like flying pakistani flag , desecrating hindu temples to blame it on muslims so that communal tensions can be flared up.There are still doubts about sabarmati train burning which hindus blame as reason for gujarat riots.

First :-
If Muslims can plant a bomb in Karachi mosques & blow their muslim brothers performing salats in Pakistan why cant hindus burn sabarmati train??? Terrorism or terrorist is not act favoured by any religion or any religious community. Its just swine's bussiness.

Second :-
What benefit will 9% hindus get in Muslim dominated Bangladesh by doing such craps?
It may be possible BD hindus themselves have done this.In India too hindus do such nonsense like flying pakistani flag , desecrating hindu temples to blame it on muslims so that communal tensions can be flared up.There are still doubts about sabarmati train burning which hindus blame as reason for gujarat riots.

Its also possible that martians killed those muslims in Gujarat. But facts can only be reasonable and provable. As to taking refuge in desperate conjecture and conspiracy theory blaming a beleagured minority - AJTR you have frankly disappointed me.
What else do the Hindus there expect..? Such incidents will keep happening. Expecting decency from certain people is out of question..

Without any proper investigation we are only left to speculate. Bangladeshi internal politics is dirtier than that of India or Pakistan. Awami League is infamous for its notoriety and sabotage is their age-old technique to get the upper hand at the expense of national interest. However at the end of the day it's our failure that we have been unable to avoid such heinous activities.
1. Bengalees on either side of Radcliffe's divide are naturally non-communal. At this instance there are number of contributing factors.

a. BAL and Indian patronage have more or less isolated the BD Hindus from the majority community.

b. BAL, in order to convert them into a vote bank, has instilled a kind of fear in the Hindu community driving them to act odd. For instance there are regular cases of graft by Hindu officials, bankers, employees or businessmen who disappear across the border with the stolen money.

c. BAL, in order to please its Indian masters, have gone overboard in allotting quotas,vacancies, privileges, etc to the Hindus.

d. BAL has been on a policy of overdoing in allotting funds,etc for Pujas - far in excess of requirement. The dazzle of the mandir/temples, which were mostly unkept in the past, catches the eye; and sometime becomes eye sore to the majority community.

2. Because of all these and others, the Hindus are a suspected community whose loyalty to BD is questioned. Hindus maintain a second home in India which it secretly takes as its true home. On the other hand Bengalee Muslims are quite open in regarding India as the principal potential foe to the state of BD and to the Muslims.

3. Therefore, we might witness more of such backlash. The Hindus have really asked for it - unfortunately.

a. How do get your data? By word of mouth or by sheer ignorance? 40 million voted for the 14 party alliance compared to 26 mil who voted for the 4 parties. Explain to me why this happened and why hindus are isolated even though, going by proportion, hindus will only make around 5 million voters. Who are the other 35 million? Ok lets just guess every hindu voted for BAL. So they have a different political opinion, thus this will allow other religious groups to attack us?

b. Ah yes and bangladeshi muslims havent committed graft or laundered money to other countries,no? Are joy and koko muslims, cos last time i checked they laundered more money than an average hindu person can earn in several lifetimes. Making hindus the boogeyman for the corruption in the country wont solve anything

c. Hindus have lower birth rate due to higher education qualifications, this is the explanation i hear. But BAL, give them privileges for being hindu, not because the hold the qualifications.

d. Hindus recieve USD$30,000 for durga puja . That must be lot of money considering there is only 12 million of us. The rest comes from private funding. Heaps of garbage lays across our country, buildings being haphazardly built,etc , no eyesore. Hindus celebrating durga puja, eyesore.

2. You are a bangladeshi; living in canada, utilising your skills for the canadians, providing taxes to the canadians. You have some serious ball$ to make this statement about hindus being not loyal to bangladesh.

3. summary-"Hindus victimized in the attack, but they deserve it."

Well done, feel really proud to call you a countrymen :coffee:
1. Bengalees on either side of Radcliffe's divide are naturally non-communal. At this instance there are number of contributing factors.

a. BAL and Indian patronage have more or less isolated the BD Hindus from the majority community.

b. BAL, in order to convert them into a vote bank, has instilled a kind of fear in the Hindu community driving them to act odd.
For instance there are regular cases of graft by Hindu officials, bankers, employees or businessmen who disappear across the border with the stolen money.

c. BAL, in order to please its Indian masters, have gone overboard in allotting quotas,vacancies, privileges, etc to the Hindus.

d. BAL has been on a policy of overdoing in allotting funds,etc for Pujas - far in excess of requirement. The dazzle of the mandir/temples, which were mostly unkept in the past, catches the eye; and sometime becomes eye sore to the majority community.

2. Because of all these and others, the Hindus are a suspected community whose loyalty to BD is questioned. Hindus maintain a second home in India which it secretly takes as its true home. On the other hand Bengalee Muslims are quite open in regarding India as the principal potential foe to the state of BD and to the Muslims.

3. Therefore, we might witness more of such backlash. The Hindus have really asked for it - unfortunately.

The bold part is so true.
Its also possible that martians killed those muslims in Gujarat. But facts can only be reasonable and provable. As to taking refuge in desperate conjecture and conspiracy theory blaming a beleagured minority - AJTR you have frankly disappointed me.

Dont worry ~ for some days these kind of posts are to expected..after all she just has been unbanned and has to prove the loyalty now.
It may be possible BD hindus themselves have done this.In India too hindus do such nonsense like flying pakistani flag , desecrating hindu temples to blame it on muslims so that communal tensions can be flared up.There are still doubts about sabarmati train burning which hindus blame as reason for gujarat riots.

Madam you got serious problem in your ban period or just enjoying the annoying Indians cos of your constant attack on India?

Or you giving some solid proof of your statements... mujhe to lag raha hai maje le rahi ho ... releasing the frustration of banning period...:lol:
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