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Durga idols broken, temples attacked

??????????? ?????????? ?????? ? ??????? ??????

সিরাজদিখানে দুর্গাপূজা মণ্ডপে ৫ প্রতিমা ভাংচুর

Another opportunity to blame BNP/Jamat/ "war criminals"/Rohingyas etc. Only braindead morons will overlook the hands of awami thieves in all these mess.
Good to see a sane post in the midst of hindu/muslim bashing. =)

buddy I am living in India & know how it works around.... I know sentiments of people get hurt by many incidents but what`ll you do as a common man? Just chat with others in angry tone in discussion about that incident & utter your frustration through your words or may be some time a lill bit push- pull with opponent ...

But then imagine a politician of any size over there what`ll he do?

He simply make a full picture of plan in his mind to take benefit from this incident... politicians always has supporters, call them free eater, jobless people or wannabe powerful hunks....

Now that scene becomes a mess when they react to any thing cos that`ll be a planed & ganged up thing... & after that they`ll disappear & all the allegations`ll be put on you & your like people who then have no choice but react...
It may be possible BD hindus themselves have done this.In India too hindus do such nonsense like flying pakistani flag , desecrating hindu temples to blame it on muslims so that communal tensions can be flared up.There are still doubts about sabarmati train burning which hindus blame as reason for gujarat riots.

In BD Hindu people have almost no record of vandalizing temples, mosques etc. This is sort of problem with them you know..you have to protest while being persecuted. Like in india when Hindu extremists run persecution on minority, Muslim people protest that even though they are minority. Besides there's no record of communal riot in BD after 71 that spontaneously happened here, always it's happened as an aftermath of communal riot in india. This time it's Burma though. I'm not saying as a retaliatory act it should happen here and I strongly condemn it but fact is there's something mysterious in the spirit of religious tie that's irresistible at the moment it starts. Also, one more thing to be noted that is the number of loss of lives (not possible in india, Burma)...it's zero here which I prioritize more than religious establishments. Anyway, this time in BD it's complete political game.
In BD Hindu people have almost no record of vandalizing temples, mosques etc. This is sort of problem with them you know..you have to protest while being persecuted. Like in india when Hindu extremists run persecution on minority, Muslim people protest that even though they are minority. Besides there's no record of communal riot in BD after 71 that spontaneously happened here, always it's happened as an aftermath of communal riot in india. This time it's Burma though. I'm not saying as a retaliatory act it should happen here and I strongly condemn it but fact is there's something mysterious in the spirit of religious tie that's irresistible at the moment it starts. Also, one more thing to be noted that is the number of loss of lives (not possible in india, Burma)...it's zero here which I prioritize more than religious establishments. Anyway, this time in BD it's complete political game.
That is because unlike Muslims in India, Hindus in bd don't live in ghettos, which make them more vulnerable. Also generally Bengali Hindus have attained higher form of evolution, they do not go around vandalizing things even where they are majority.
Off topic: it turns out that the boy who first saw Uttam barua's facebook post insulting Islam was an Awami politician. So in a summary - Buddhist boy liked a photo of Burning Quran. a awami league leader saw it first and told everyone. Twn other awami leaders led the first mob in Buddhist area. Police tried to add fuel to the fire. Common people were already angry for Rohingya massacre. What happened next is mob psychology.

Anyway, my question is - when this happened i saw, almost all my hindu friends in Facebook started accusing Jamatis. Now when it is obvious Awamileague did this, all of them are quiet. None have taken the name of Awmileague. Why is that? Even the indians left the thread opened by bombay dude. Why??
Off topic: it turns out that the boy who first saw Uttam barua's facebook post insulting Islam was an Awami politician. So in a summary - Buddhist boy liked a photo of Burning Quran. a awami league leader saw it first and told everyone. Twn other awami leaders led the first mob in Buddhist area. Police tried to add fuel to the fire. Common people were already angry for Rohingya massacre. What happened next is mob psychology.

Anyway, my question is - when this happened i saw, almost all my hindu friends in Facebook started accusing Jamatis. Now when it is obvious Awamileague did this, all of them are quiet. None have taken the name of Awmileague. Why is that? Even the indians left the thread opened by bombay dude. Why??

The boy muktadir who actually first saw the picture is a shibir activist thats what was published in prothom-alo not awami leaguer.

The boy muktadir who actually first saw the picture is a shibir activist thats what was published in prothom-alo not awami leaguer.



The boy muktadir who actually first saw the picture is a shibir activist thats what was published in prothom-alo not awami leaguer.


Yes. Prothom Alo wrote - police claimed that the boy is a Shibir activist. But if you have any personal contact in Ramu try to know the true fact... He and his family all are quite active awami politicians.

Yes your personal source(another jamati for sure) is more trustworthy than Prothom Alo. :tup:

Anyway it doesn't matter if a small time AL member was involved. AL govt has been very proactive to curb the riot and protecting the Budhhists and didn't let the perpetrators to go scot free and unlike last BNP tenure when similar incident happened.
d. Hindus recieve USD$30,000 for durga puja . That must be lot of money considering there is only 12 million of us. The rest comes from private funding. Heaps of garbage lays across our country, buildings being haphazardly built,etc , no eyesore. Hindus celebrating durga puja, eyesore.

Why don't Hindus refuse the money and why does BD govt spend public money on religious event?

What is the source of this rape of Bengali language?
The dazzle of the mandir/temples, which were mostly unkept in the past, catches the eye; and sometime becomes eye sore to the majority community.

Therefore, we might witness more of such backlash. The Hindus have really asked for it -

A person who vandalizes Puja Mondops and takes twisted pleasure from it would use words exactly like this.

But luckily, such attacks are condemned by majority Bangladeshies.

Btw, how much currency did you transfer to Canada?

I do not think it has been published in any news media. Just some one typed something and shared it in facebook. Many such stuff regarding BNP, BAL anf Jamaat can be found in facebook. I will appreciate if you can provide the news source of it.
I do not think it has been published in any news media. Just some one typed something and shared it in facebook. Many such stuff regarding BNP, BAL anf Jamaat can be found in facebook. I will appreciate if you can provide the news source of it.

its a screenshot from Nayadiganta ( red bold part was added by the facebook page admin i guess)
Yes your personal source(another jamati for sure) is more trustworthy than Prothom Alo. :tup:

What is the source of this rape of Bengali language?

Prothom baler alo is renowned for excreating awami malaunic propaganda $hits. If U didn't know ,at the start of the whole Ramu incidence they quickly reported that a 70 year old women died which was then found out to be false and guess what only they reported such sensationalist piece and then later retracted it after their agenda was full filled:
???????????? ?????, ??????? ?????? - ????? ??? - report of death
???? ????? ????? - ????? ??? retraction of their malaunic propaganda.

If that wasn't enough they then went on blaming the rohingyas with headlines such as "সন্দেহে রোহিঙ্গা জঙ্গিরা" but the article itself contained no reference to rohingya but rather involvement of awami fagots:
“রাত সাড়ে নয়টার দিকে ছাত্রলীগের নেতা সাদ্দাম হোসেন ও মৌলভি হাসানের নেতৃত্বে ৫০-৬০ জন লোক মিছিল বের করে। মিছিল শেষে একটি সমাবেশ হয়। এতে রামু নাগরিক উন্নয়ন কমিটির সভাপতি ও ছাত্রলীগের সাবেক নেতা নুরুল ইসলাম ওরফে সেলিম ও মৎস্যজীবী লীগের নেতা আনসারুল হক বক্তব্য দেন। সমাবেশের খবর পেয়ে থানার ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা (ওসি) নজিবুল ইসলাম সেখানে যান। তিনিও বক্তব্য দেন।”

SO can U tell me La la bong why your prothom Alo went on with such a twisted headline having no relevance to the article?

As for source of the fact that muktadir who is being labeled as a JI activist is just another propaganda , here the link:

????????? ?????? ????? ???? -?????????? | The Daily Sangram

অথচ মুক্তাদির আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা সাইমুম সরওয়ার কমল গ্রুপের সদস্য। মুক্তাদিরের মা শ্রীকুল ইউনিয়ন মহিলা আওয়ামী লীগের সভানেত্রী।মুক্তাদিরের পুরো পরিবারই আওয়ামী রাজনীতির সাথে জড়িত।

His whole family including him is involved with BAL.

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