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Dubai police arrest ‘shock video’ uploader

Dude, I've also visited Iran on numerous occasions. Nothing to be proud of your police either... they are subhuman...... on the other hand I've heard stories from my parents about pre-revolution Iran... that was another time.......

I would act the same if an authority in Iran did such thing to me. I get boiled easily with these acts. I have never seen an authority or police in Iran physically assaulting anyone because he/she is an immigrant or from another race.
Iran's police is no angel indeed, but they are not racists.
Besides, we are not speaking only about police, it's about a society that is indifferent and even praises such acts.
What does that video proof? One individual out of millions? If it was so bad then UAE would not be flooded by immigrants. Simple as that. You can find a bad apple everywhere. Neither Iraq or Pakistan has anything to envy UAE in that department. That is just the historical reality and the reality of today. UAE has a very good publicity and it did not came out of nowhere.

Laws are never equal and should not be between nationals and non-nationals.

Yes, I don't believe those rumors. There were many Iraqi fans in Bahrain. Whatever some moronic individuals say is not really my problem.

Lastly I really doubt that many fans from KSA, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and UAE will come to Iraq (Basra) given the security situation. Might be wrong. The whole visa thing alone will make many regret it. Anyway it will probably just be like in Yemen in 2010.

Its not 1 event, its 1 of many.
UAE being flooded with immigrants has to do with the oil and economic things, not the people.

Why should laws not be equal between nationals and non nationals ?
Ok, let the nationals receive all that free money and presents, good for them, but beating up someone, threatening, killing should all equally punished, Iraq treated all expats equal in the 70s, we were also flooded with them ( millions of foreign Arabs ).

Not many will come, not cause of the security situation, that part is not a real problem its more hospitality.
Construction projects need to be finished, the image of tourism has to be repaired aswell, though this cup sucks anyway.
#1#Laws in all civilzed nations are equal for everyone (bar certain regulations for immigration). That's precisely what justice means.

#2# those people you speak-of, who throng to Emirates from poorer nations, do it out of abject poverty and lack of education. Educated ones always immigrate to west. The ones which are left behind come there to face their sorry existence.

I even make sure not to use Arab "airspace" when traveling. I rather pay 10 times more to get my flights arranged in such a manner.

Btw, don't have much time. See those videos of slave camps in Emirates... well.... your choice.... ignorance is a bliss..

I'll stop here as I have recently developed a liking for Saudis, the new generation at-least, however you seem to be from the "old guard".... whatever dude, believe what you want.....

What does that video proof? One individual out of millions? If it was so bad then UAE would not be flooded by immigrants. Simple as that. You can find a bad apple everywhere. Neither Iraq or Pakistan has anything to envy UAE in that department. That is just the historical reality and the reality of today. UAE has a very good publicity and it did not came out of nowhere.

Laws are never equal and should not be between nationals and non-nationals.

Yes, I don't believe those rumors. There were many Iraqi fans in Bahrain. Whatever some moronic individuals say is not really my problem.

Lastly I really doubt that many fans from KSA, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and UAE will come to Iraq (Basra) given the security situation. Might be wrong. The whole visa thing alone will make many regret it. Anyway it will probably just be like in Yemen in 2010.

LOL, some Farsi talking about bad treatment of people. Ever looked at your own dirty history? Suppressing minorities (make up 40% of your country) is your favorite pastime occupation. Just ask the regular Baluch, Arab, Kurd etc.

Besides Iranian immigrants are not welcome in the Arab world by large. You have a very bad reputation and so does your leadership in case you have not realized this yet.

Not entirely true... you can call them borderline racists..... though NOTHING even close to the Emiratis.

I would act the same if an authority in Iran did such thing to me. I get boiled easily with these acts. I have never seen an authority or police in Iran physically assaulting anyone because he/she is an immigrant or from another race.
Iran's police is no angel indeed, but they are not racists.
Soon Arab apologists will throng to this thread and delver a very old message "their country, their rules"

This is precisely why I love having fun with Gulfees when they visit Turkey... It's absolutely such an amazing feeling..... :D

Can you open this sentence a bit, i didn't understand a single thing. :undecided:
Its not 1 event, its 1 of many.
UAE being flooded with immigrants has to do with the oil and economic things, not the people.

Why should laws not be equal between nationals and non nationals ?
Ok, let the nationals receive all that free money and presents, good for them, but beating up someone, threatening, killing should all equally punished, Iraq treated all expats equal in the 70s, we were also flooded with them ( millions of foreign Arabs ).

Not many will come, not cause of the security situation, that part is not a real problem its more hospitality.
Construction projects need to be finished, the image of tourism has to be repaired aswell, though this cup sucks anyway.

Eh, just like everywhere else. When millions of largely poor Europeans migrated to USA it had nothing to do with the people but the opportunities. Same with your own country Iraq in the 1970's. Besides I doubt that "millions" of Arabs went to work in Iraq.

About treating everyone well than that is not correct at all. Look at how the Palestinian community was treated after 2003. Most of them expelled. Look at how some Egyptians were treated. Thousands are still waiting for payments. Look how the 2 million strong community of Black Iraqis are treated. Look at how Kurds have been treated historically. Or look at the Iraqi Jews who were expelled in the late 1940's.

You have nothing to envy UAE as I said in fact UAE has a much more "clean" history so to speak.

Because nationals have more rights than non-nationals in every country. For example the right to purchase land, to vote etc. Nothing wrong with that. Foreign workers in Iraq cannot do this things either. Just like in the UAE.

What you said is already being applied. You commit murder in KSA and you will likely face the death penalty regardless of where you are from. Same in other GCC. Some user made a thread about a execution in Kuwait a few months ago where a Kuwait, Pakistani and Saudi were executed (hanged).

Well, I hope that more collaboration between neighboring Arab countries would happen and such situations are a good step for that to happen. I was just saying that you should not expect to be flooded by foreigners.

Yes, the cup is not a big deal. The Asian Cup is much more important but it is a nice regional tournament.
Dude, I miss the chit chat in Baghdad and fish of Basra. How is Iraq nowadays by the way? I'm Sunni, however, once I took my mom and dad to Karbala and all those places, loved the food.... have fond memories of people and their hospitality.... I remember one Christian family "Awad" or "Alaaw", great people......

Its not 1 event, its 1 of many.
UAE being flooded with immigrants has to do with the oil and economic things, not the people.

Why should laws not be equal between nationals and non nationals ?
Ok, let the nationals receive all that free money and presents, good for them, but beating up someone, threatening, killing should all equally punished, Iraq treated all expats equal in the 70s, we were also flooded with them ( millions of foreign Arabs ).

Not many will come, not cause of the security situation, that part is not a real problem its more hospitality.
Construction projects need to be finished, the image of tourism has to be repaired aswell, though this cup sucks anyway.

Canim, yapamam. ayip olur... :D

Can you open this sentence a bit, i didn't understand a single thing. :undecided:
#1#Laws in all civilzed nations are equal for everyone (bar certain regulations for immigration). That's precisely what justice means.

#2# those people you speak-of, who throng to Emirates from poorer nations, do it out of abject poverty and lack of education. Educated ones always immigrate to west. The ones which are left behind come there to face their sorry existence.

I even make sure not to use Arab "airspace" when traveling. I rather pay 10 times more to get my flights arranged in such a manner.

Btw, don't have much time. See those videos of slave camps in Emirates... well.... your choice.... ignorance is a bliss..

I'll stop here as I have recently developed a liking for Saudis, the new generation at-least, however you seem to be from the "old guard".... whatever dude, believe what you want.....

Not entirely true... you can call them borderline racists..... though NOTHING even close to the Emiratis.

Look, I am not here to please you first of all. You can believe what you want to and hate Arabs all you want to. Nor visit our countries too. I don't really care. But don't generalize whole countries or people in a region that you know very little about. You are probably from the same segment of people who do not know about the differences between people from Hejaz or the Eastern Province in KSA.

This act is wrong but much worse things are happening in the world and inside your own country, Pakistan, that there is no need to mention here since this is not a thread about it. Lastly we do not know what happened even or what was said before. Lastly most locals in UAE don't have anything to do with the poorest of the immigrants in UAE since they barely see them or have contact to them. Not everything is perfect but those people are willing to work and move to UAE OUT OF THEIR FREE WILL and that says much of it. That despite "supposedly" being treated as slaves, massacred etc. (LOL) they still choose to travel there and not stay in their own countries or better immigrate/work elsewhere. Last time I checked then there are other countries than just the UAE that provide similar or even better opportunities.

Nobody here is supporting such behavior but neither will I tolerate ignorants and foreigners who know nothing about my people and world (Arab world) to generalize me and other nationals based on behavior that is done by a minority.
Eh, just like everywhere else. When millions of largely poor Europeans migrated to USA it had nothing to do with the people but the opportunities. Same with your own country Iraq in the 1970's. Besides I doubt that "millions" of Arabs went to work in Iraq.

About treating everyone well than that is not correct at all. Look at how the Palestinian community was treated after 2003. Most of them expelled. Look at how some Egyptians were treated. Thousands are still waiting for payments. Look how the 2 million strong community of Black Iraqis are treated. Look at how Kurds have been treated historically. Or look at the Iraqi Jews who were expelled in the late 1940's.

You have nothing to envy UAE as I said in fact UAE has a much more "clean" history so to speak.

Because nationals have more rights than non-nationals in every country. For example the right to purchase land, to vote etc. Nothing wrong with that. Foreign workers in Iraq cannot do this things either. Just like in the UAE.

What you said is already being applied. You commit murder in KSA and you will likely face the death penalty regardless of where you are from. Same in other GCC. Some user made a thread about a execution in Kuwait a few months ago where a Kuwait, Pakistani and Saudi were executed (hanged).

Well, I hope that more collaboration between neighboring Arab countries would happen and such situations are a good step for that to happen. I was just saying that you should not expect to be flooded by foreigners.

Yes, the cup is not a big deal. The Asian Cup is much more important but it is a nice regional tournament.

There were more then a million foreigners of which a large part from the Arab countries, aswell GCC and Egypt, GCC mostly for the university education.

2003.. this is war dude, after 2003 there was a change of regime, no law, everything abolished, no one can expect any fairness in such situations, just look at Kuwait 1991.. the locals took jobs from expats.
The expats in Iraq were treated fair, ask any. Egyptians waiting for payments has nothing to do with bad treatments, its because of the wars, many of them enjoyed their stay.

Iraqi jews were forced out to Israel, Israel even has organizations to make sure "Aliyah" happens, it is part of Zionism to do this.
Did you know Israel flew Yemeni jews to Israel secretly ? they would even do bombings such as in Iraq to get jews migrate to Israel.

Kurds are a different chapter, would take too much text to explain that 1.
I agree about the black people, besides many Arabs disrespect them and still call them abed/abd, this is not just Iraq.

Some laws must be equal, you cannot beat up someone for being a foreigner and get away with it, this still happens in Kuwait and the other small states, they can get away with many things.

this I mean http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Magic_Carpet_(Yemen)
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Dude, I miss the chit chat in Baghdad and fish of Basra. How is Iraq nowadays by the way? I'm Sunni, however, once I took my mom and dad to Karbala and all those places, loved the food.... have fond memories of people and their hospitality.... I remember one Christian family "Awad" or "Alaaw", great people......

It is getting better, all that is needed is security and ease of secterianism/hate, once security returns the construction projects will increase, the image of the country will be repaired for tourism and stuff, the people will also most likely open up, now it is a depressing image from time to time, though we believe in a better future :D
There were more then a million foreigners of which a large part from the Arab countries, aswell GCC and Egypt, GCC mostly for the university education.

2003.. this is war dude, after 2003 there was a change of regime, no law, everything abolished, no one can expect any fairness in such situations, just look at Kuwait 1991.. the locals took jobs from expats.
The expats in Iraq were treated fair, ask any. Egyptians waiting for payments has nothing to do with bad treatments, its because of the wars, many of them enjoyed their stay.

Iraqi jews were forced out to Israel, Israel even has organizations to make sure "Aliyah" happens, it is part of Zionism to do this.
Did you know Israel flew Yemeni jews to Israel secretly ? they would even do bombings such as in Iraq to get jews migrate to Israel.

Kurds are a different chapter, would take too much text to explain that 1.
I agree about the black people, besides many Arabs disrespect them and still call them abed/abd, this is not just Iraq.

Some laws must be equal, you cannot beat up someone for being a foreigner and get away with it, this still happens in Kuwait and the other small states, they can get away with many things.

Most came from Egypt from what I know of. That is besides the point since the migration to UAE is unprecedented in our part of the world.

You talk like everything was fine. Sure, probably most of it was, JUST LIKE IN THE UAE, but there were also elements of mistreatment, lack of payments, racism etc. at that time too. I know this since I happen to have relatives in Iraq. I am not ignorant about the country and you know this very well.

Immigrants are always a vulnerable group of people that is nothing new.

Well, we know this but there were also massacres on Jews in Iraq etc. The Yemeni Jews history I know. I just gave you one example.

I am not going to say that there is no racism in the Arab world or the Middle East among non-Arabs. Because there is. I just don't think that UAE has a track record that is particularly bad compared to others.

Regarding the Blacks then this is somehow also the case in KSA or Yemen. They are largely the most poor community and lack a presence in the politics, society etc. Although that is slowly changing at least in the KSA.

I agree that most basic laws should be equal and they actually are for most part. But being a national also gives you benefits that non-nationals will never have. Even in the West too. You know the differences between being a national in the Netherlands and a non-national. Same in Iraq. Things such as buying land, voting, social benefits, protection from the state etc.

Well, same way as rich landlords can get away with treating their poor workers badly in Iraq or Pakistan. Also that is a minority that is doing that. Most immigrants have a much better live than in their homelands. Many even fully integrate, marry and get children. That is just the reality.

Also we all know that the Middle East or Arab world/Muslim world is not fully democratic so why are we assuming that everything will be just like in Western Europe where everything is neither perfect btw?

We can say a lot, some non-Arabs can generalize here and there and make the same 4-5 threads a year about some local UAE citizen behaving badly while always ignoring some of the bad habits of the immigrants themselves such as criminal offenses etc. (again a minority) against immigrants and then generalizing whole groups of people, countries etc.

Anyway no point writing more. I think that I said what I wanted to say on this topic. Let the non-Arabs have a field day for all I care.
It saddens me, just one and a half decade ago you were the most cultured and educated of all the middle east and beyond. I loved your people, their kindness. Inshallah all will be better soon. You are not just a nation but a great civilization, just like the Persian, the Turks and us. Few decades here and there in the history of civilizations are nothing but a footnote when histories are compiled. If I have hope for one nation in the ME, it's you people. Don't let petty differences amongst your people destroy your culture, you should be proud of every little detail of it.

One day Inshallah, if I ever own dwelling in any Arab country, it will be Iraq. I don't know why, but you people click with my nature...

It is getting better, all that is needed is security and ease of secterianism/hate, once security returns the construction projects will increase, the image of the country will be repaired for tourism and stuff, the people will also most likely open up, now it is a depressing image from time to time, though we believe in a better future :D
Most came from Egypt from what I know of. That is besides the point since the migration to UAE is unprecedented in our part of the world.

You talk like everything was fine. Sure, probably most of it was, JUST LIKE IN THE UAE, but there were also elements of mistreatment, lack of payments, racism etc. at that time too. I know this since I happen to have relatives in Iraq. I am not ignorant about the country and you know this very well.

Immigrants are always a vulnerable group of people that is nothing new.

Well, we know this but there were also massacres on Jews in Iraq etc. The Yemeni Jews history I know. I just gave you one example.

I am not going to say that there is no racism in the Arab world or the Middle East among non-Arabs. Because there is. I just don't think that UAE has a track record that is particularly bad compared to others.

Regarding the Blacks then this is somehow also the case in KSA or Yemen. They are largely the most poor community and lack a presence in the politics, society etc. Although that is slowly changing at least in the KSA.

I agree that most basic laws should be equal and they actually are for most part. But being a national also gives you benefits that non-nationals will never have. Even in the West too. You know the differences between being a national in the Netherlands and a non-national. Same in Iraq. Things such as buying land, voting, social benefits, protection from the state etc.

Well, same way as rich landlords can get away with treating their poor workers badly in Iraq or Pakistan. Also that is a minority that is doing that. Most immigrants have a much better live than in their homelands. Many even fully integrate, marry and get children. That is just the reality.

Also we all know that the Middle East or Arab world/Muslim world is not fully democratic so why are we assuming that everything will be just like in Western Europe where everything is neither perfect btw?

We can say a lot, some non-Arabs can generalize here and there and make the same 4-5 threads a year about some local UAE citizen behaving badly while always ignoring some of the bad habits of the immigrants themselves such as criminal offenses etc. (again a minority) against immigrants and then generalizing whole groups of people, countries etc.

I know the benefits of a national in some GCC lands, but what do you mean about the Netherlands.
Here there is no difference between a real Dutch guy or me wih a Dutch passport. Ofc there is some racism here and there but both are treated equal, like in the US. its 1 of the major things which made the EU/US succesful, theres no such thing as a foreigner in America if they have the passport as there is no real American anymore besides the native Americans. The whites are from EU and the blacks from Africa, though everyone knows this. EU has the same system except that they are native here unlike in the US.

I know there were problems, just like in Turkey today, though we both know that for foreigners law is more equal in Turkey then in Kuwait for example.
A Yemeni person told me that he opened his shop in the US instead of the GCC cause laws are unfair there, if laws become 100% equal in the GCC it will be better for the country, though not better for the locals since they will have to work hard and will not get money for no reason.
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