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( DSRO ) India to develop space warfare weapon systems


Sep 20, 2014
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The Modi government has approved a proposal to set up a new agency that will develop sophisticated weapon systems and technologies to enhance the capabilities of the armed forces to fight wars in space.

An official statement by the Defence Ministry said:

“The Cabinet Committee on Security headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has cleared the setting up of this new agency called the Defence Space Research Agency (DSRO), which has been entrusted with the task of creating space warfare weapon systems and technologies.”

The agency will comprise scientists who will work closely with integrated staff officers of the three armed forces - the Indian Air Force, Army, and the Navy.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi

New Challenger
India announced Tuesday that it will develop new weapons systems for combat in outer space.

The government approved plans to launch a weapons research agency called the Defense Space Research Agency, according to Business Standard, further establishing India’s militarized interests in space.

Org Chart
The scientists and engineers building space weapons for the Indian government would formally report to the Defense Space Agency, a separate military agency set up to fight any future space wars, Business Standard reports.

Bold Statement
The new announcement comes just three months after the Indian government used a missile to destroy a satellite orbiting the Earth, a show of force that was later criticizedfor introducing more hazardous space debris that could collide with other satellites or spacecraft.

Business Standard speculates that the missile test serves in part as a deterrent against hostile countries that might consider targeting its satellites. But with news of the new space weaponry research division only just breaking, it remains unclear just how aggressive India’s space program intends to be in the future.

India is blessed to have some great leadership at ISRO/DSRO/DRDO despite having a hate-mongering terrorist as PM.
India is blessed to have some great leadership at ISRO/DSRO/DRDO despite having a hate-mongering terrorist as PM.

Brilliant students who dont get the chance to go abroad mostly for economic reasons join these organisations...there is no shortage of brilliant minds in south india.
Yes, because at least in the space there is no one there yet to get butt slapped from.
Mean while on the ground. We neeeeed raphaaaelllllllll.....
Brilliant students who dont get the chance to go abroad mostly for economic reasons join these organisations...there is no shortage of brilliant minds in south india.

No all over India. Though numbers are high in South India.
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India airdefense is very weak so they should first focus on improving it before entering in space war as evident on 27feb. Their sams were unable to down any of Paf jets which included 3rd gen mirages within indian territory which show high level of weakness in their arir and missile defenses and they also downed their own mi17 and lost pair of jets which reflects much worst capability of indian armed forces
India airdefense is very weak so they should first focus on improving it before entering in space war as evident on 27feb. Their sams were unable to down any of Paf jets which included 3rd gen mirages within indian territory which show high level of weakness in their arir and missile defenses and they also downed their own mi17 and lost pair of jets which reflects much worst capability of indian armed forces
We have a potent space capability. So, it is only natural we develop on it, in parallel while we plug gaps in others.
Once you understand the hindu psyche and their delusions of grandeur you then get why they
see the yeti
Lose 10 air craft in crashes in a few months
Get a fighter jet shot down and call the return of the pilot, victory
Lose a transport plane in their own territory and take 7 days to find it after offering thousands to public to help find it

^This nation now claims to have space weapons
And great leadership are built and nurtured by great leaders governing the country with a vision.

Were these organizations given a new life under Modi or is his govt enjoying the success while.the groundwork with these orgs was done under Congress?
Were these organizations given a new life under Modi or is his govt enjoying the success while.the groundwork with these orgs was done under Congress?

Congress focuses mainly on swindling...rest is all side show only...i ma not saying this government is not corrupt...but even the common man sees that scam after after scam is not coming tumbling out during BJP era like the congress...this government gave green signal to anti sat test...where as the congress gov. did not...long back in a report they said for every Rs 1 the gov puts in ISRO it gets Rs 2 in return...that was decades ago...so its like operating a liquor shop...whatever bring in the money the government support it...bad comparison i know lol.

Next month they going to send some more shit to the moon for your info...dont know why this fixation on moon but anyway what do i know i did not even pass high school..good luck ISRO :dance3:
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Maybe they should learn to fight on earth first before worrying about the space. As usual delusional priorities.
India is blessed to have some great leadership at ISRO/DSRO/DRDO despite having a hate-mongering terrorist as PM.
Only ISRO & DSRO are good at recruiting the right scientists and engineers along with excellent project management skills which is why they've always tasted success and meeting deadlines.

DRDO on the other hand has too many people working for it, recruitments are flawed with most of them getting an offer based on reservations and the top brass favoring people from their particular communities

No all over India. Though numbers are high in South India.
ISRO & DSRO are primarily South Indians while BARC/DRDO have a good mix of both

Were these organizations given a new life under Modi or is his govt enjoying the success while.the groundwork with these orgs was done under Congress?
ISRO & DSRO have always been successful and all our launches of satellites and moon/mars missions took place both during UPA & NDA regimes with fractional costs of what other international space agencies took up. The commercial arm of ISRO, Antrix Corp itself is a major earner of forex by launching several foreign satellites

It was DRDO which was quite incompetent due to poor mismanagement, corruption regarding utilization of research funds and recruitment of employees based on reservations and not through merit but that situation is improving recently

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