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( DSRO ) India to develop space warfare weapon systems

Were these organizations given a new life under Modi or is his govt enjoying the success while.the groundwork with these orgs was done under Congress?
What does it has to do with Congress or BJP?
National leaders no matter from which party they came always followed the visionary path of growth, development and self sufficient in space technologies, some are able to take larger bold decisions some crumple to take bolder decisions but continue to push the growth and challenges. Weather it was Atal Bihari vajpayees govt or HD Devegoda or Manmohan Singh or now Narendra Modi, every government took successive steps to build the confidence and provided the required bases to develop further. Right from independence the vision was clear that we have to grow scientifically. Education, Health, Research and Space is where the future lies and all the successive govts never lost track on those lines.

DRDO on the other hand has too many people working for it, recruitments are flawed with most of them getting an offer based on reservations and the top brass favoring people from their particular communities

You have lot more to learn about how DRDO functions, how recruitment happens and what kind of base they have now vis-a-viz under what conditions they have grown to reach this platform. Its easy to find faults, its way to easy comment on loopholes and faultlines. But when you start learning yourself, you fall, you get marks, you might select wrong or follow wrong footsteps which could have become a norm, but all this happens when there are constraints, no one to guide, lead or support and when you hit the walls everytime and 1bn+ people expectations that you would run like Bolt.
oh no please, stop, oh what oh what will we ever do now. :coffee:
You have lot more to learn about how DRDO functions, how recruitment happens and what kind of base they have now vis-a-viz under what conditions they have grown to reach this platform. Its easy to find faults, its way to easy comment on loopholes and faultlines. But when you start learning yourself, you fall, you get marks, you might select wrong or follow wrong footsteps which could have become a norm, but all this happens when there are constraints, no one to guide, lead or support and when you hit the walls everytime and 1bn+ people expectations that you would run like Bolt
China has similar govt controlled research organizations and have you seen the pace at which they develop tech and take it into mass production be it reverse engineered or not. You have commented on how I'm pointing out loopholes but you didn't give me any insight on how the recruitment actually happens. DRDO has been established for a purpose and it is expected to meet those requirements which can be achieved by good project management skills and recruiting the right people. I do agree in most aspects IA or IAF constantly change the requirements which ended up killing certain projects but DRDO also is incompetent in several aspects

We are not asking a single person but the entire organization of 30k+ workforce who are tasked on various aspects. I'm not blaming DRDO alone but several other PSUs fall under this category as well
China has similar govt controlled research organizations and have you seen the pace at which they develop tech and take it into mass production be it reverse engineered or not. You have commented on how I'm pointing out loopholes but you didn't give me any insight on how the recruitment actually happens. DRDO has been established for a purpose and it is expected to meet those requirements which can be achieved by good project management skills and recruiting the right people. I do agree in most aspects IA or IAF constantly change the requirements which ended up killing certain projects but DRDO also is incompetent in several aspects

We are not asking a single person but the entire organization of 30k+ workforce who are tasked on various aspects. I'm not blaming DRDO alone but several other PSUs fall under this category as well

If you are talking about recruitment process of 80-90's, then you got to also look into what was available to DRDO at that time, every other day new projects where taken up and along with them came timelines under which one has to get best heads, which were more interested in taking up international opportunities. So they got few good heads, few medicore and few seats where filled up with what ever they could get hand upon. Not denying there could have been some favoring and some pressure games. But come 2000 and there recruitment process changed and it now when they have established them in certain areas, the resources required are much easily available at the same time they have partnered with various universities to develop resources which could perform better in meeting there requirements.

Comparing with China, yes Chinese counterpart performed much better, one reason could be that all allied and associated industry was also developed and controlled by China, thus they could channelize resources according to there vision and plan. We lacked that along with poor speed of technology adaptation, research and development of local industry. At the same time neither govt had money to expand into various allied techs nor it gave ample opportunity to private industries to master in the supply chain components or technology at large. Now that we see these things happening, scenario would change for good.
This is a surprising turn of events, TBH. Indians looking forward to knock out Pakistani and/or Chinese satellites? Or trying to emulate Reagan's Star Wars PsyOps to increase pressure on Pakistani and/or Chinese economies?
This is a surprising turn of events, TBH. Indians looking forward to knock out Pakistani and/or Chinese satellites? Or trying to emulate Reagan's Star Wars PsyOps to increase pressure on Pakistani and/or Chinese economies?
the only thing indians will knock out is their own teeth. :coffee:

Indian ASAT kill vehicle maneuvering
Congress focuses mainly on swindling...rest is all side show only...i ma not saying this government is not corrupt...but even the common man sees that scam after after scam is not coming tumbling out during BJP era like the congress...this government gave green signal to anti sat test...where as the congress gov. did not...long back in a report they said for every Rs 1 the gov puts in ISRO it gets Rs 2 in return...that was decades ago...so its like operating a liquor shop...whatever bring in the money the government support it...bad comparison i know lol.

Next month they going to send some more shit to the moon for your info...dont know why this fixation on moon but anyway what do i know i did not even pass high school..good luck ISRO :dance3:
The moon serves as a close testing ground for various technologies we developed, it's the ideal place for us to try new stuff and gain research data.
It was DRDO which was quite incompetent due to poor mismanagement, corruption regarding utilization of research funds and recruitment of employees based on reservations and not through merit but that situation is improving recently
ISRO is as good or as bad as DRDO or any other Indian PSU is. Job of DRDO is much more difficult and diversified than that of ISRO. We criticize DRDO for delay in a couple of major projects. But don't even notice their most successful ones who have become part of Indian military industrial complex as if they existed always.
This is a surprising turn of events, TBH. Indians looking forward to knock out Pakistani and/or Chinese satellites? Or trying to emulate Reagan's Star Wars PsyOps to increase pressure on Pakistani and/or Chinese economies?
India as a nation, has an upward trajectory and aspirations to emerge as a great power. So India will try its best to acquire all those attributes that help it to qualify for same.

Pakistan is more like regional irritant. It got nothing to do with Indian ASAT. India doesn't need ASAT for taking Pak down.

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