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Drunk Saudi Embassy staff kills Iranian driver, injures 1 in Tehran

GDL doing it. But don't whine about your peeps behind the bars elsewhere.

As far as I'm concerned, any Iranian that visits saudi should have his/her citizenship rights, as well as all her assets, taken away. So put them in bars, kill them, torture them, finger them... I don't give two shits.

That goes for all these hezbollahi religous villagers that go to saudi to visit some black box.
I bet this ain't the first time this hypocrite got his hands on some booze.

May the driver rest in peace.
I looked up online couldn't find any single source wether credible or non beside $!ht tv but I red on twitter the guy is Iranian and works for the saudi embassy as a driver.

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He is not Iranian, if he was Iranian Saudi would not wait even for a minute to say that. also for capturing an iranian Iran does not need to ask Saudi. simply your government is shameful of calling himself Khadem al Haramein with drunk diplomats. he wanted scape two days ago and Iran airport police kept him

How do you know the guy was a Saudi in the first place? might be a native employee.

because he has saudi nationality with saudi pasport
He's being barred from leaving Iran for now (until a verdict is handed out).


An Iranian lawmaker says the Saudi diplomat responsible for the deadly drunk driving accident in Tehran has been barred from leaving the country until the case is closed.

Member of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Safar Naeemi-Raz said on Sunday that the case was reviewed in Majlis last week and submitted to Saudi Arabia for legal action against the diplomat.

He said the Saudi diplomat is being prosecuted both in Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The Iranian lawmaker added that Saudi officials have been trying to pull this diplomat out of Iran over the past few months and have held numerous rounds of talks with Iranian authorities in this regard, but their efforts have been in vain.

Naeemi-Raz stated that the Iranian Foreign Ministry and Judiciary have barred the Saudi diplomat from leaving until his file is closed and a verdict is handed down.

On March 18, an intoxicated Saudi diplomat killed an Iranian driver and injured a passer-by in a car accident in Tehran. The Saudi diplomat rammed his vehicle into the Iranian car before veering off the road, killing the Iranian driver on the spot. Four bottles of alcoholic beverage were found in the Saudi diplomat’s car.

Former Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, said on March 19 that the Foreign Ministry was pursuing the matter via judicial and diplomatic channels and that Tehran had strongly protested the guilty diplomat’s behavior.

Mehmanparast announced the cause of the accident as violating Iranian laws, exceeding the speed limit and driving under the influence.
Diplomatic immunity might save his life but not the relation between two countries which are already at low
i dont think they can do much due to diplomatic immunity but where is the rest of the car.. only first half can be seen in pic.
You are one disgusting person, car became more important to you than the live of a human being...

Well that's how they roll in that glorified bedouin desert they call a country, so don't expect any better.

RIP to the unfortunate Iranian driver. May his family find the strength to deal with their loss.
i think he should be thrown in jail for life, drunk wahabie bastard

Well that's how they roll in that glorified bedouin desert they call a country, so don't expect any better.

RIP to the unfortunate Iranian driver. May his family find the strength to deal with their loss.
tnx bro:cry:
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