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Drones won't fly without bases in India

Somebody posted a supposed map of nuc strike on iran by the u s---and then it shows the fallout---afg and pak are completey gone and 1/4 of india---guess what----if strikes are in pak---maybe you need to get a ticket to europe to escape for awhile.
Maybe I don't! You just said that 1/4th of India would be gone. I live in the remainder 3/4th!! :yahoo:
Maybe I don't! You just said that 1/4th of India would be gone. I live in the remainder 3/4th!! :yahoo:

That was for the iran nuc strike---not the pak and india tit for tat---it would be total devastation.

And you know what happened---an american comes in---to hide his embarrassment and thrashing---he sticks a finger in the old wounds and made two neighbours fight again---.
Didn't the Indians give base(s) to Israel in the 1990s to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities... until Pakistan of course threatened to nuke India regardless where an attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities came from.

India maybe making another stupid move, perhaps, but make no mistake, India will be spoken in a language it best understands.

You think you are brilliant? India recognised Israel only in 1991-92. So spew ur usual BS some other place troller.
I highly doubt this will ever see the day of light. India doesn't allow Russia its closest ally/friend to base soldiers or any army personnel on its soil let alone US. With which it has had a very rough history. Yes, the argument stands that now we face a similar threat, but it doesn't mean we will give up our sovereignty for such things. Plus US already has many bases in Asia, that they can use to operate their drones from, they don't need India in the picture.

For what purpose Russia would have demanded or sought anything like that in the first place?
Incoming negative rating from @That Guy 8-)
Not really, he has a right to question me. Again, the reasons why I give negative ratings are because of insults and breaking of forum rules. Also, cool emote? Who uses that anymore?


Can you please link the post?
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Get off your high horse.. there was nothing in that post that was insulting. Seems like you don't know the difference between an insult and criticism.
Criticism is one thing, you can say I'm wrong for such, such and such, but by adding words like moronic, idiot, and generally racial stereotypes, you add another dimension to your "criticism".

Saudi-India defence cooperation pact next month | Page 7

Called me apu (not that i'm offended), but still an insult. Then you gave me a negative rating for this (which i still don't understand because there is nothing in that post that warranted a negative rating):

Saudi-India defence cooperation pact next month | Page 7

There goes your insult theory right out the window.

I've given him a negative rating for the clearly racist comment. Thank you for pointing it out.

Oh silly me, here I am thinking this is an Indian Forum or something..
It's a simple observation, I could be wrong.

Look above, I've proven otherwise.

Not really, all you did was point something out, which I specifically asked you to do, so I can address it.

So one comment directed at one poster and you got that I insulted all Pakistanis? Great logic there bud. Sounds to me like you took it personally even though it wasn't directed at you. Negative rating due to a personal vendetta perhaps?

What personal vendetta? Your comments were directed at Pakistanis in general, of course it's going to be offending. You don't bring up someone's nationality, you bring up their point.

Your logic is like a white guy calling one black guy the n-word, and not expecting other black people to be offended too. Nice logic there, buddy.

You took one post where you didn't give me a negative rating and used it as an example to prove your theory, but left out a the other ones. Keep making hollow statements, just makes you look foolish.

No, I used it as an example. I used this one example to point out that if you're not offending anyone's nationality, then it's fine. However, if you go out of your way to do so, you will get a negative rating.

AGAIN, I urge you to talk to @WebMaster and @jaibi if you think think my ratings were unjust and uncalled for. I will take them down, if I'm proven wrong, but since I've made my case, I no longer feel I have to defend myself to you.

As a TT, I KNOW people hate me. No matter what I say, people will criticize me and question me. It's not because I'm wrong, It's because I'm a TT, simple as that. As a TT, I'm here to analyze, not present popular opinion, if you don't like it, then (again) talk to @jaibi and ask him to revoke my title.

This is the last post I'm going to use to address this situation.

-That Guy

If its instantaneous, the advantage of first strike is worrisome

Everything vaporizes.. all so fast, even the guys who needs to push the button of retaliation.

Kaboom!... Disappeared from map.

Sounds scary!!
Not really. If a nuclear weapon is launched, chances are the enemy is going to find out, and they'll have launched their own.
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Criticism is one thing, for one thing, you can say I'm wrong for such such and such, but by adding words like moronic, idiot, and generally racial stereotypes, you add another dimension to your "criticism".

Adding lies on top of lies eh? Show me where i called you either a moron, idiot or attributed a racial stereotype towards you.

I've given him a negative rating for the clearly racist comment. Thank you for pointing it out.

After I pointed it out. But you had no problem perusing through my posts and giving negative ratings to me automatically without asking DF to point out the instances right? Like I said, personal vendetta.

Not really, all you did was point something out, which I specifically asked you to do, so I can address it.

And in doing so, I've proven your insulting others theory incorrect. You had no problem automatically giving me negative ratings, but how about doing so on your own Pakistani Comarde? Talk about a one-sided viewpoint, hence why I asked how you are a "think-tank" member.

What personal vendetta? Your comments were directed at Pakistanis in general, of course it's going to be offending. You don't bring up someone's nationality, you bring up their point.

So now it's an insult when I call out peoples Nationalities? Again how are you a think-tank member?

Your logic is like a white guy calling one black guy the n-word, and not expecting other black people to be offended too. Nice logic there, buddy.

So now you're comparing the word Madrassah to the n-word? Talk about a racist. Again, how are you a think-tank member when you make such racist comments?

No, I used it as an example. I used this one example to point out that if you're not offending anyone's nationality, then it's fine. However, if you go out of your way to do so, you will get a negative rating.

Yea whatever dude, just read the thread where I pointed out DF's post. There were multiple instances where he questioned my nationality yet you didn't do anything about it. And you want me to believe your little "insult other peoples nationalities" theory?

As a TT, I KNOW people hate me. No matter what I say, people will criticize me and question me. It's not because I'm wrong, It's because I'm a TT, simple as that. As a TT, I'm here to analyze, not present popular opinion, if you don't like it, then (again) talk to @jaibi and ask him to revoke my title.

ROFL playing the people are going to hate me because i'm a minority card. How rich.

This is the last post I'm going to use to address this situation.

People who say things like the above usually say it because they're wrong and have run out of ways to defend their stance.
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I know I said I wouldn't reply, but...

Adding lies on top of lies eh? Show me where i called you either a moron, idiot or attributed a racial stereotype towards you.

Not me, but others, you did. So, no lies on my part, just you denying the truth.

After I pointed it out. But you had no problem perusing through my posts and giving negative ratings to me automatically without asking DF to point out the instances right? Like I said, personal vendetta.

Again, what personal vendetta? You keep throwing this phrase around, but I don't think you know what it means.

And in doing so, I've proven your insulting others theory incorrect. You had no problem automatically giving me negative ratings, but how about doing so on your own Pakistani Comarde? Talk about a one-sided viewpoint, hence why I asked how you are a "think-tank" member.
Like I've said, I've given plenty to Pakistani members, don't assume anything about me. @Ravi Nair Can you please help me with this guy? He's getting on my nerves.

So now it's an insult when I call out peoples Nationalities? Again how are you a think-tank member?

It's an insult when you insult people's nationalities. When you say things like "Must be what he learnt in a Pakistani Madrassah", you are deliberatly targetting a specific nationality. Why couldn't you just have said Madrassah? Why did it HAVE to be Pakistani Madrassah? We're not dumb, we could figure out which one you're talking about; we could look at the guy's nationality find out. No, you chose to deliberately target a specific nationality.

Actually, why even a Madrassah at all? You could have just said something else. Not only did you insult his intellect and a nationality, but you insulted a religious institution.

So now you're comparing the word Madrassah to the n-word? Talk about a racist. Again, how are you a think-tank member when you make such racist comments?
No, I'm comparing your entire insulting statement to the n-word. Don't use straw man arguments, it makes you look, how did you put it...?

just makes you look foolish.

...Right back at ya, good pal.

Yea whatever dude, just read the thread where I pointed out DF's post. There were multiple instances where he questioned my nationality yet you didn't do anything about it. And you want me to believe your little "insult other peoples nationalities" theory?

Believe what you want, I know where I stand and I've proven my point, which you seem to be picking out only one word from, and ignoring the rest.

ROFL playing the people are going to hate me because i'm a minority card. How rich.

No, it's the truth. Again, believe what you want, but before I became TT, I didn't have to deal with this amount of sheer hatred towards me.

People who say things like the above usually say it because they're wrong and have run out of ways to defend their stance.

No, they're just tired of repeating the same answers to the same tired old argument over and over again. You saying otherwise doesn't make what you say the truth.

-That Guy

P.S. It just seems like you're recycling your old arguments, instead of bringing up new ones, so this will REALLY be my last ply.

Again, contact WebMaster and jaibi if you have a problem with my ratings.
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Not me, but others, you did. So, no lies on my part, just you denying the truth.

You said I insulted you and then you accused me of adding words like "moron, idiot and other stereotypes" to my argument. I asked for you to show me one instance of where I directed that at you. Changing stories now are we?

Again, what personal vendetta? You keep throwing this phrase around, but I don't think you know what it means.

Umm this thread bud: Saudi-India defence cooperation pact next month | Page 7

Where you decided you'd give me negative ratings and leave DF untouched.

Like I've said, I've given plenty to Pakistani members, don't assume anything about me. @Ravi Nair Can you please help me with this guy? He's getting on my nerves.

Why do I have to assume anything when I can see it for myself. You had no problem handing out negative ratings to me like candy, but fail to do some when Pakistani's do the same. Like for example take a look at the post where the guy talks about nuking India and how India would cease to exist if Pakistan was the size of India. Talk about insulting an entire nation, where's the negative rating there Mr. I hand out negative reviews to everyone who insults others.

It's an insult when you insult people's nationalities. When you say things like "Must be what he learnt in a Pakistani Madrassah", you are deliberatly targetting a specific nationality. Why couldn't you just have said Madrassah? Why did it HAVE to be Pakistani Madrassah? We're not dumb, we could figure out which one you're talking about; we could look at the guy's nationality find out. No, you chose to deliberately target a specific nationality.

So if someone says "You got an education at an American Institution" Is that an insult as well? You only perceive that as an insult because you know it's true that Pakistani Madarassah's teach nothing but a blinded one-sided BS account of history.

No, I'm comparing your entire insulting statement to the n-word. Don't use straw man arguments, it makes you look, how did you put it?

I highly doubt you know what a straw-man is, and if anyone is guilty of doing it, it's you with your n-word analogy bs.

Believe what you want, I know where I stand and I've proven my point, which you seem to be picking out only one word from, and ignoring the rest.

Oh don't worry, the rest of the world knows where you stand. It's right next to your conceited Pakistani friends.

No, it's the truth. Again, believe what you want, but before I became TT, I didn't have to deal with this amount of sheer hatred towards me.

You really think I hate you because you're a think-tank? Or anyone else for that matter? Man you really need to get that stick out your behind, it's a tad bit too far up. We hate the fact that you hand out negative ratings like candy.
We wont allow any American base because we are a sovereign nation. Unlike Pakistan.
yea sovereign nation allowing israelis to builts schools what kind of soverign shit is that?? :rofl:
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yea sovereign nation allowing israelis to builts schools and preach jewism what kind of soverign shit is that?? :rofl:
I have a lot of friends that are jews, there is nothing wrong with people who're Jewish. Remove this part of your comment and I will remove my rating.
We wont allow any American base because we are a sovereign nation. Unlike Pakistan.
As much as I hate to admit it, but Pakistan's sovereignty is a joke right now.

Just hope that India learns from Pakistan's mistake's, and your politicians don't sell you out.

Thank you.


Look, i'm tired of arguing. here is a solution to this situation...

If you want me to remove my ratings, just edit out the parts that are the issue. Your main opinion isn't what I disagree with, it's what you add to it. Just remove those parts and I'll remove my ratings.

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