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Drones won't fly without bases in India

Okay, if that is correct, it still means that Pakistan couldn't threaten to nuke India, because Pakistan had no method delivery...so you're still incorrect.

How are you a PDF think tank when all you do is go around giving people negative ratings? I mean you gave me a negative for calling out SUPARCO, but didn't give him one for producing conspiracy theories? Not to mention the other two you gave me when I called out a troll and you did the same thing. You butt hurt because I keep calling out your fellow Pakistani idiots?
Didn't the Indians give base(s) to Israel in the 1990s to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities... until Pakistan of course threatened to nuke India regardless where an attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities came from.

India maybe making another stupid move, perhaps, but make no mistake, India will be spoken in a language it best understands.

We don't need israelis to nuke you- we can do that much much much more devastatingly than the israelis can.
Didn't the Indians give base(s) to Israel in the 1990s to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities... until Pakistan of course threatened to nuke India regardless where an attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities came from.

India maybe making another stupid move, perhaps, but make no mistake, India will be spoken in a language it best understands.

Is this indirect indication of why SUPARCO is way behind ISRO?;)
Didn't the Indians give base(s) to Israel in the 1990s to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities... until Pakistan of course threatened to nuke India regardless where an attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities came from.

India maybe making another stupid move, perhaps, but make no mistake, India will be spoken in a language it best understands.

No that is a conspiracy theory created by Pakistanis to show they are also targetted by Israel in a lame attempt to show solidarity with their Arab brothers.
How are you a PDF think tank when all you do is go around giving people negative ratings? I mean you gave me a negative for calling out SUPARCO, but didn't give him one for producing conspiracy theories? Not to mention the other two you gave me when I called out a troll and you did the same thing. You butt hurt because I keep calling out your fellow Pakistani idiots?
Making things up isn't breaking forum rules, insulting people's nationalities is. I've given a few negative ratings to people who insult Indian members too.

For example, I'm going to give you a negative rating here because you said and I quote

You butt hurt because I keep calling out your fellow Pakistani idiots

Now, if you had just said "your fellow Pakistanis" I would have let it go.

Pakistan tested its nuclear bomb in 1999 and he is sayig that Pakistan threatened to nuke India in 1990 so you are right ;)
but did he HAVE to say "Must be what he learnt in a Pakistani Madrassah", you and I both know that this is just insulting to Pakistanis.
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It is snowing heavily right now here in the USA from SE up the East Coast and as far north now as Boston.

We also have family in the mountains of inland Virginia where about a foot of new snow is now falling.

I am in Birmingham, snowing heavily. Have family in Atlanta, also very heavy snow and ice. Etc.

Who has a drone which can work in bad weather...unless it can be pre-programmed by latitude and longitude to find a pin pointed target?
OK so this is what the US wanted our spineless robot PM to do? Is US angry at India because the guy did not bend enough?
Making things up isn't breaking forum rules, insulting people's nationalities is. I've given a few negative ratings to people who insult Indian members too.

For example, I'm going to give you a negative rating here because you said and I quote

Don't try to justify your actions with lies. You gave it because I called out a moronic post by a Pakistani. The first two negative ratings you gave me were for calling Desert Fighter an idiot (that is after he called me one), but did you give him a negative rating? Nope... There goes your theory of insulting other members.

Now, if you had just said "your fellow Pakistanis" I would have let it go.

Yea sure you would have.

but did he HAVE to say "Must be what he learnt in a Pakistani Madrassah", you and I both know that this is just insulting to Pakistanis.

Well he is Pakistani... and I made an assertion that he learnt it from a Madrassah.. What exactly in that warrants a negative rating? Oh thats right, it's because I insulted one of your Pakistani friends.
It is snowing heavily right now here in the USA from SE up the East Coast and as far north now as Boston.

We also have family in the mountains of inland Virginia where about a foot of new snow is now falling.

I am in Birmingham, snowing heavily. Have family in Atlanta, also very heavy snow and ice. Etc.

Who has a drone which can work in bad weather...unless it can be pre-programmed by latitude and longitude to find a pin pointed target?

I heard that there are storm all over Eastern Sea board all the way down to FL.

India will soon allow US to base drones in Indian territory. Its just a matter of time.
Unfortunately I believe India isn't Taiwan :(

Your country India will eventually allow US to post bases there. There is a reason that this news repeat itself multiple times in the last year. Its because Indian gov is preparing its people the inevitability that US will base drones there. US is not going to have boots on the ground in major Indian cities. But Indians should get use to have American drone in India to protect India.
Okay, if that is correct, it still means that Pakistan couldn't threaten to nuke India, because Pakistan had no method delivery...so you're still incorrect.


Pakistan’s first cold test of its nuclear device was carried out on 11 March 1983 in the Kirana Hills near Sargodha, home of the Pakistan Air Force’s main air base and the Central Ammunition Depot (CAD). Cold Test (CT) is a means of testing the working of a nuclear device without a nuclear explosion and the resultant radiation. This is achieved by triggering an actual bomb by initiating a chain reaction but without the radioactive fissile material needed to detonate it. The test was overseen by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmed. ...

Also, during the 1983-1990 period, the Wah Group went on to design and develop an atomic bomb small enough to be carried on the wing of a small fighter such as the F-16. It worked alongside the PAF to evolve and perfect delivery techniques of the nuclear bomb including ‘conventional free-fall’, ‘loft bombing’, ‘toss bombing’ and ‘low-level laydown’ attack techniques using combat aircraft. Today, the PAF has perfected all four techniques of nuclear weapons delivery using F-16 and Mirage-V combat aircraft indigenously configured to carry nuclear weapons.

When Mountains Move: The Story of Chagai - Nuclear, Missile and Space Warfare - PakDef.org : Pakistan Military Consortium
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Your country India will eventually allow US to post bases there.

India will allow us to station drones on their soil the day when your country China does.

There is a reason that this news repeat itself multiple times in the last year.

There are news reports of aliens multiple times a year as well.. Aliens real too?

Its because Indian gov is preparing its people the inevitability that US will base drones there. US is not going to have boots on the ground in major Indian cities. But Indians should get use to have American drone in India to protect India.

As much as i'd like the idea, whats the point when we have Diego Garcia, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan all ready and available?


Pakistan’s first cold test of its nuclear device was carried out on 11 March 1983 in the Kirana Hills near Sargodha, home of the Pakistan Air Force’s main air base and the Central Ammunition Depot (CAD). Cold Test (CT) is a means of testing the working of a nuclear device without a nuclear explosion and the resultant radiation. This is achieved by triggering an actual bomb by initiating a chain reaction but without the radioactive fissile material needed to detonate it. The test was overseen by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmed. ...

Also, during the 1983-1990 period, the Wah Group went on to design and develop an atomic bomb small enough to be carried on the wing of a small fighter such as the F-16. It worked alongside the PAF to evolve and perfect delivery techniques of the nuclear bomb including ‘conventional free-fall’, ‘loft bombing’, ‘toss bombing’ and ‘low-level laydown’ attack techniques using combat aircraft. Today, the PAF has perfected all four techniques of nuclear weapons delivery using F-16 and Mirage-V combat aircraft indigenously configured to carry nuclear weapons.

When Mountains Move: The Story of Chagai - Nuclear, Missile and Space Warfare - PakDef.org : Pakistan Military Consortium

ROFL.. quoting another forum's post? Is that forum owned by your Madrassah as well?

(Incoming negative rating from 'that-guy')
Didn't the Indians give base(s) to Israel in the 1990s to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities... until Pakistan of course threatened to nuke India regardless where an attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities came from.
Simple answer : NO..
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