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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

Iran is succeeding in taking the war inside Saudi arabia. This should worry saudi, not alot but abit. Arabs have a history of wars and conquests and their new generation is too fragile, such incidents will prepare them.
Saudi needs to take the war inside iran.

As for the irani stooges in Pakistan, u should be ashamed, dont be thankless. Saudi arabia is a frnd in need and iron brother of Pakistan. Pakistan should be ready to provide any type of help to oir brothers.
As far as hindutva is concerned, we know who helps hindutva in Afghanistan and who supports RAW agents in balochistan. We know who is helping hindutva bypass Pakistan and give them chabahar to isolate Pakistan and fail CPEC.
Any idea on the types of drones? Small available to the public types or large military drones?


As for the irani stooges in Pakistan, u should be ashamed

What should we call you then ? :)

Saudi needs to take the war inside iran

How would you feel if i say india needs to take the war inside pakistan ?

When it comes to china or ksa or other places you are in love with :
Their country , their rules , non of our bussiness !

When it comes to Iran :
Saudi needs to take the war inside iran !
How would you feel if i say india needs to take the war inside pakistan ?

When it comes to china or ksa or other places you are in love with :
Their country , their rules , non of our bussiness !

When it comes to Iran :
Saudi needs to take the war inside iran !

That's the retard Mullah brigade of Pakistanis, you should ignore them. These kind of people want sectarian conflicts in the Muslim world to please their masters. I think we Pakistanis should stay away from Iran-Saudi conflict, this is old conflict between Persians and Arabs that goes back centuries.

This should be alarming for the Saudis - Iranians have managed to bring the fight to the Saudi homeland and oil refineries without being directly involved.

The Saudis either should learn to fight via proxies or attack attack Iran directly. These half measures would just bring their economy and power to ruin.

They should also learn to solve issues via dialogue and give and take. Making enemies of Turkey when they already have a problem going on with Iran - and for odd reason with Qatar as well - will become a recipe for disaster.

I hope the Saudis are able to improve their strategic game before its too late.

Imagine how different our situation would be if all these Muslim countries weren't fighting with each other. With cooperation so much could be done but it seems there are a few more years before our forty years in the desert end.
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Iran is succeeding in taking the war inside Saudi arabia. This should worry saudi, not alot but abit. Arabs have a history of wars and conquests and their new generation is too fragile, such incidents will prepare them.
Saudi needs to take the war inside iran.

As for the irani stooges in Pakistan, u should be ashamed, dont be thankless. Saudi arabia is a frnd in need and iron brother of Pakistan. Pakistan should be ready to provide any type of help to oir brothers.
As far as hindutva is concerned, we know who helps hindutva in Afghanistan and who supports RAW agents in balochistan. We know who is helping hindutva bypass Pakistan and give them chabahar to isolate Pakistan and fail CPEC.

real friend tell each other when they are wrong.
Saudi is wrong in every aspect in this situation.

What you are referring to is "Pakistan is Saudi slave"
Arabs are trying to overreach their powers (given to them by the colonialists). They're trying hard to exert pressure in Africa / Mediterranean; even trying to convince Pakistan to solve Kashmir by its own. Not that they really cared anyway.
This is IRGC in Iraq or from the Persian Gulf. Iran is still hurting from oil sanctions and said they will prevent others from exporting oil if they are prevented from it too. And it seems these explosive drones have been effective for them.

This is the most significant attack on an oil facility in Saudi that there has been. Obviously Saudi Arabia needs AA to protect its oil facilities. And they need diplomatic action of some sort to implicate Iran or Iraqi militias operating in Iraq. They are afraid to do so on a public level , so far. Houthis are just a coverup.

There's a video of the drones flying over the Iraqi/Saudi border near Kuwait.

Arabs are trying to overreach their powers (given to them by the colonialists). They're trying hard to exert pressure in Africa / Mediterranean; even trying to convince Pakistan to solve Kashmir by its own. Not that they really cared anyway.

MBS reign has been bad for Saudi Arabia compared to Abdullah or Salman. That being said, this is not about 'overreaching' by them. Iran has played its cards right in the region and has encircled Saudi Arabia. It has them facing two fronts one in Yemen and now one in Iraq. Iran has been waiting for this day for a long time and is much more prepared for a war than Saudi Arabia is. And is more motivated for a war. Saudi Arabia wants stability more than anything else.

Make no mistake though, any Saudi-Iranian war would have huge negative repercussions for the region.
saudis should invest heavily in cyber and electronic warfare and jamming capability to disable these drones.Pakistan should fully support them in strengthening airdefense and downing these drones and we should also use chinese assistance for this purpose if required,Paf should jointly carryout air attacks with saudis on sites from where these drones fly
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