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Drones hit 2 Saudi Aramco oil facilities, cause fires

seems they got their reward for supporting cypriots :)

and all those big moth saudi trolls on the forum what do they think would happen if iran is really attacked ? that would be much more harder and worser than just some little drones..
Houthis apparently also used their Quds-1 Cruise missile on the attack on Aramco oil facilities at Abqaiq KSA, replica of the Iranian "Sumar". The tail part can be seen without the booster which was jettisoned after launch.





The houthis have shut down HALF of saudis oil production!!,I`m fvcking speechless!.
The houthis have shut down HALF of saudis oil production!!,I`m fvcking speechless!.

its just temporary

but far more one thing to think of is the saudi ambition to take on iran... these ppl are nuts with their nationaracism and dreams of war with iran fe sebili israel.. despite the damage they could do to iran they would suffer also much more damage than this two drones.. but will they understand that war is of no interest of any sane ppl in the region?
Saudis need to learn that war has consequences. and its not a 1 way street of bombing destutite people with impunity.

This entire war is based on the hurt ego and pride of a bunch of spoiled little Saudi princesses...

millions of Yemenis are suffering a famine to stroke the ego of a fat entitled monkey faced rat. The creators of Viagra also share some blame in this...….

This is just 1/1000th of a payback.... Billions of dollars of damage, and complete humiliation for the Saudi princesses.. how can you not love this? beautiful.

Yemen needs many more attacks like this. the more Saudi oil facility they take out, the less cash the Saudis have to prop up the American war industry and slaughter destitute muslims….
I agree with what you're saying....this narcissistic "Princess" as you called him. is responsible for a lot of Muslim deaths. He needs to know he's touchable. Freaking stupid, spoiled, Wahhabi a-hole.
Saudis with their $100billion+ of latest weapons from US, France, UK, Canada cannot stop a bunch of sandal wearing yemenis from flying deep into Saudi territory and bombing their most important infrastructure. And these same saudis think they can stand up against Turkey lol :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
What indications? Houthis have been droning Sauds for months with increasing escalation, not to mention they have proudly claimed the attack. You're peddling lies and disinfo like the you know whos.

You must be talking about yourself, as you're nothing more than a propaganda shill for Iran. So do your shilling elsewhere. Houthi's announced they attacked with 10 drones and visual evidence shows drones entering Saudi airspace via the Iraqi border near Kuwait. And visual evidence shows wreckage of a cruise missile, which Houthi's didn't claim to use.
You must be talking about yourself, as you're nothing more than a propaganda shill for Iran. So do your shilling elsewhere. Houthi's announced they attacked with 10 drones and visual evidence shows drones entering Saudi airspace via the Iraqi border near Kuwait. And visual evidence shows wreckage of a cruise missile, which Houthi's didn't claim to use.

Please present this visual evidence.
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