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DRDO successfully tests 1000 Kg Class Indigenous Guided Glide Bomb

nothing to do with BJP

Yes It is ...due to Kongies from last 10 year our defense sector got hit like anything...Modi has given them (Scientist and Army) full freedom and support... Due to that moral of scientist and Army is on high today....Without proper support no one can do anything does not matter how qualified you are.
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Isn't that a bit stretch statement. They successfully tested a glide bomb for the first time...
...Means in a few years we can build them

And that's the point, "for the first time, with many more tests, possibly modifications and improvements to follow, just as we see it with Sudharshan LGB, Astra or Nag. So why not acknowledge their current achievement and keep working on finishing it, before boasting yourself in front of the media and claim nonsense to make you look better.
They also kept celebrating every roll out of LCA prototypes for decades or Kaveri flight tests, but what came out at then end? Btw, as much as I do see this as a good development, the news came out at the same day when the MoD had to admit that the LCA FOC is delayed for at least 6 more month if not more and what is DRDO saying about that and which news is effecting India more?

Yes It is ...due to Kongies from last 10 year our defense sector got hit like anything...Modi has given them (Scientist and Army) full freedom and support... Due to that moral of scientist and Army is on high today....Without proper support no one can do anything does not matter how qualified you are.

LOL yes, because these bomb surely was developed within the last 6 month. :D
They also kept celebrating every roll out of LCA prototypes for decades or Kaveri flight tests, but what came out at then end? Btw, as much as I do see this as a good development, the news came out at the same day when the MoD had to admit that the LCA FOC is delayed for at least 6 more month if not more and what is DRDO saying about that :D
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Will TOI please cut out the propaganda on Tejas? The FOC delay is because of non-supply by Cobham.</p>&mdash; Saurav Jha (@SJha1618) <a href=" ">December 19, 2014</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Will TOI please cut out the propaganda on Tejas? The FOC delay is because of non-supply by Cobham.</p>&mdash; Saurav Jha (@SJha1618) <a href=" ">December 19, 2014</a></blockquote>
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That's the unofficial reason for the delays, but did you saw an official statement from DRDO, the developer of LCA? Boasting about this weapon surely is better than admitting even more delays in LCA, especially after the recent embarrassment with ending Kaveri.
That's the unofficial reason for the delays, but did you saw an official statement from DRDO, the developer of LCA? Boasting about this weapon surely is better than admitting even more delays in LCA, especially after the recent embarrassment with ending Kaveri.
DRDO does have a massive mouth... :D
Hopefully 20 years down the line, all Indian designed A/C can trace it's roots to the Tejas...
And we are seeing massive dividends from the IGMDP,ALH now.(Hopefully the same will be true for the LCA program)
The NP-1 take-off from the SBTF is a proud moment for all of us though.
DRDO does have a massive mouth... :D

If it would be based on real achievements it's ok, but not if they celebrate baby steps and don't deliver to their promises.

The NP-1 take-off from the SBTF is a proud moment for all of us though.

Which again is only one step in the development of that version, but far too little to celebrate. Can it do it from a shorter runway on a carrier? Can it do it with useful payloads and not just in clean config? We can be proud when the final N-LCA MK2 rolls out and it's able to take off and land on out carriers with "good enough" performance.
He he he....:partay: :partay:

You are right, I am not saying that they are boasting about development of the gluided bomb, but I made my point upon claim of 100% self reliance while we are still importing its equivalent.

Maybe they should adhere to time lines, imporve work culture & start delivering. :)

Well,if you look at it,they have actually delivered on most of the occasions except Trishul SAM and LCA ,albeit with varying degree of time and cost overruns.But the government and bureaucracy was at fault too as they chose to sanction resources in piecemeal manner which lead to all the missing deadline etc along with of course the lack of any requisite military industrial complex.But although far from ideal,the things are changing for good lately and that gives me hope.
Well,if you look at it,they have actually delivered on most of the occasions except Trishul SAM and LCA ,albeit with varying degree of time and cost overruns.But the government and bureaucracy was at fault too as they chose to sanction resources in piecemeal manner which lead to all the missing deadline etc along with of course the lack of any requisite military industrial complex.But although far from ideal,the things are changing for good lately and that gives me hope.

I agree. With a workhoalic like NaMo as PM, things will certainly change for better I hope.
I agree. With a workhoalic like NaMo as PM, things will certainly change for better I hope.

And also do not forget about the new defense minister -- Mr Parikkar,he's a no nonsense type himself.Best thing is,finally the government has increased the budget allocation of the DRDO which,untill very recently,was being proved to be their Achilles hill.

Experimental flight trial of around 100km range weapon

INDIA EAST COAST – OFF BALASORE (.) CHARTS 31 301 351 3011 INT 71 INT 706 (.)
0530 – 0730 AND 0830 – 1030 UTC AND 17 DEC FROM 0530 – 0730 AND 0830 – 1030 UTC AND
(A) 21-22.51N 086-58.52E (B) 21-45.63N 087-57.18E
(C) 21-28.17N 088-05.11E (D) 21-05.55N 087-06.20E

This means we don't really have to enter enemy airspace to engage targets. With the help of satellite imagery and GPS ordinance could be released at very high altitude and the Jets could be back to home base before the bombs even land on there targets.
And that's the point, "for the first time, with many more tests, possibly modifications and improvements to follow, just as we see it with Sudharshan LGB, Astra or Nag. So why not acknowledge their current achievement and keep working on finishing it, before boasting yourself in front of the media and claim nonsense to make you look better.
They also kept celebrating every roll out of LCA prototypes for decades or Kaveri flight tests, but what came out at then end? Btw, as much as I do see this as a good development, the news came out at the same day when the MoD had to admit that the LCA FOC is delayed for at least 6 more month if not more and what is DRDO saying about that and which news is effecting India more?

LOL yes, because these bomb surely was developed within the last 6 month. :D

I never said ...Bomb was developed in 6 months of time... Here my point is BJP Government funded and supported them properly and it is big Moral Booster support to them....Result you can see, how Indian armed force is replying any provocation over the border.

these were the developments happening more than 3 years

as for the BJP, since they almost doubled the budget, increasing the no. of scientist & supporting all the way
you can expect many more big & bigger projects succeeding later, depending on the project :tup:.
Great news indeed,DRDO must increase the array of missiles to fullfill the armed force demand.
If it would be based on real achievements it's ok, but not if they celebrate baby steps and don't deliver to their promises.
Straight from the horse's mouth:
However FOC for the Tejas Mk-I is now expected to be achieved only by late 2015. This, according to Dr K. Tamilmani, Director General (Aero),DRDO, is chiefly on account of delays in receiving two significant parts from an overseas vendor that will need to be certified for FOC acceptance. These are of course a bolt on inflight refuelling (IFR) probe and a new quartz nose cone radome, both of which are being procured from different divisions of UK's Cobham.
Saurav Jha's Blog : The Radiance of Tejas: A bright prospect for 'Make in India'
^^Read this article through and through, lots of information.

Which again is only one step in the development of that version, but far too little to celebrate. Can it do it from a shorter runway on a carrier? Can it do it with useful payloads and not just in clean config? We can be proud when the final N-LCA MK2 rolls out and it's able to take off and land on out carriers with "good enough" performance.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Actually we should be proud now.No need to push it off to a later date as the current achievement is significant!
But when the Mark-2 comes along, there'll be even prouder moments :)
LCA (Navy) is designed with stronger landing gears to absorb forces exerted by the ski jump ramp during take-off, to be airborne within 200 m as against 1000m required for normal runways. It’s special flight control law mode allows hands-free take-off relieving the pilot workload, as the aircraft leaps from the ramp and automatically puts the aircraft in an ascending trajectory.
LIVEFIST: Full Details Of LCA Navy 1st Ski-Jump Flight
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