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Once this super duper shield be applied
So will be measures to counter it...
Just an ordinary arms race... nothing special
think probability.

There are 2 pieces , which should never come together.
they are backed with shape charges.
and the vehicle all this is carried in, is hit by a another entity.

When so much ( human life, and great Punjab) is on risk; then even the smallest of probabilities cause a head ache in risk management.
Lol, look at this guy. Basically all he is saying is, dont intercept the missile or the remote possibility of detonation due to interception will cause a lot of head ache. Instead just let it ride all the way to Delhi and destroy it. Its just a capital city with a few million people in it, whats the big deal. Fertile punjab should not be put at risk.
Tum logon kii tactical nuke sey itni phat-tii kiyoo hay?
So you are not scared of a tactical nuke? You do realize you are talking about a nuke bomb? ANY nuke bomb is scary. If it was not scary the world would not go crazy about them and India would not be looking at BMD, please do use your brain instead of typing nonsense.
Let me put it this way...
Think Probability...

There are hundreds of nukes in Pakistan
So are terrorists
and the place that keeps the nukes is attacked by terrorists

Lets not argue just for the sake of argument. Always know when to back out.

This is why close to 200,000 infantry is exterminating the terrorists as well as their basis; however stick to the topic.

Well then what is your alternative ?? Nuclear blackmail is rampant in our neighborhood.I think we will take our chances when alternative is a mushroom courtesy of a terrorist.
Not much; think about it this way.
The nuclear cards assuring MAD, actually deter both sides to behave.
Truly weapons of peace.

Lol, look at this guy. Basically all he is saying is, dont intercept the missile or the remote possibility of detonation due to interception will cause a lot of head ache. Instead just let it ride all the way to Delhi and destroy it. Its just a capital city with a few million people in it, whats the big deal. Fertile punjab should not be put at risk.

I am arguing, even in the case of an interception there IS a chance of loss of life and nuclear leak out.
Are you hydrabadi ?
This is why close to 200,000 infantry is exterminating the terrorists as well as their basis; however stick to the topic.

Not much; think about it this way.
The nuclear cards assuring MAD, actually deter both sides to behave.
Truly weapons of peace.

I am arguing, even in the case of an interception there IS a chance of loss of life and nuclear leak out.
Are you hydrabadi ?

So, as you say, there is a CHANCE of loss of life in interception and so it should be avoided but let the missile ride all the way to its destination and have a GUARANTEED loss of life and so India should not concentrate on BMD? Please do read your posts again.

And yes, I am a hyderabadi
I am arguing, even in the case of an interception there IS a chance of loss of life and nuclear leak out.
But it is our mentality that even if few thousand lives could be saved in a nuclear attack, then the tech is worth investing in. And that is what we are doing.
And again I am repeating even if the casing of the fissile Materials fail during an exo-atmosphere interception, the hypersonic speed in the oxygen rich environment will oxidise the elements. Even if some radioactive elements find their way to ground they will be localised to a very small area. Bcoz only a dense chunk (with very low surface area) could resist the violent re-entry environment. If the elements are disintegrated in to small pieces during the interception , they might be spread over a large area, hence have a large surface area, hence more rapidly oxidise in atmosphere.
But it is our mentality that even if few thousand lives could be saved in a nuclear attack, then the tech is worth investing in. And that is what we are doing.
And again I am repeating even if the casing of the fissile Materials fail during an exo-atmosphere interception, the hypersonic speed in the oxygen rich environment will oxidise the elements. Even if some radioactive elements find their way to ground they will be localised to a very small area. Bcoz only a dense chunk (with very low surface area) could resist the violent re-entry environment. If the elements are disintegrated in to small pieces during the interception , they might be spread over a large area, hence have a large surface area, hence more rapidly oxidise in atmosphere.
DRDO working to develop technology to intercept Missiles in Boosting phase itself. (inside enemy territory)

Tum logon kii tactical nuke sey itni phat-tii kiyoo hay?
You are a person with no brain if you dont have no knowledge why u open your mouth ?This shield is against Ballistic Missiles to protect Imp. locations. Tactical ones would need different protection, something similar to Iron Dome that to should be in motion with attacking army not stationery.
Currently to face it Indian Tanks have NCB protection only. I know its not enough.
If you are a serious then reply why your so called strong Pak Army is not ready at all to face Indian army directly ?
Why the need come to use Tactical Nuclear weapons against small attacking Army in Cold start doctrine? Dont they have belief on themselves ?
Don't you not think by doing this they are literally putting all of your lives in danger legally (Like you people are insects in there eyes ) as Indian govt. has clear policy ""will not be the first to initiate a nuclear first strike, but will respond with unacceptable damage" ?
But it is our mentality that even if few thousand lives could be saved in a nuclear attack, then the tech is worth investing in. And that is what we are doing.
And again I am repeating even if the casing of the fissile Materials fail during an exo-atmosphere interception, the hypersonic speed in the oxygen rich environment will oxidise the elements. Even if some radioactive elements find their way to ground they will be localised to a very small area. Bcoz only a dense chunk (with very low surface area) could resist the violent re-entry environment. If the elements are disintegrated in to small pieces during the interception , they might be spread over a large area, hence have a large surface area, hence more rapidly oxidise in atmosphere.

It is only a matter of which is a greater evil;
both are evil nonetheless.

any number of people dying as a result of nuclear weapons, is most sad.
What is more is not just the people die, but the land is rendered useless for decades.
Remember what I said about great punjab. You have more than 5 rivers, and amazing agriculture at stake.

I am astonished at the ease you have talking about few thousand getting killed.
It is only a matter of which is a greater evil;
both are evil nonetheless.

any number of people dying as a result of nuclear weapons, is most sad.
What is more is not just the people die, but the land is rendered useless for decades.
Remember what I said about great punjab. You have more than 5 rivers, and amazing agriculture at stake.

I am astonished at the ease you have talking about few thousand getting killed.
What a drama queen! On a daily basis you see Pakistani official stating Nuke this nuke that etc. Every month like clockwork high ranking official will remind the world how they will nuke India. That is perfectly Ok with you. Then you don't become thought full about Rivers, fertile land and human life in general. Then it is perfectly OK to nuke everything. You never shy down from beating your chest... "Aatmi Kuwat". "We will nuke Delhi" "We will nuke Mumbai" "Hindu will cease to exist, muslims will still be there !! ". This not at all a threat to our environment. After every nuke Pakistan explode, just Hindu die but Rivers become more clean! Trees become more green! Fertile lands become more productive!

But when we come up with a BMD to save our people from the numb nuts across the border, it starts posing threat!!

Those hundreds of nukes in your inventory are good for the Rivers and fertile land but BMD will ruin everything!!

And this definitely is not hipocracy!
It is only a matter of which is a greater evil;
both are evil nonetheless.

any number of people dying as a result of nuclear weapons, is most sad.
What is more is not just the people die, but the land is rendered useless for decades.
Remember what I said about great punjab. You have more than 5 rivers, and amazing agriculture at stake.

I am astonished at the ease you have talking about few thousand getting killed.
Hypocrisy level = infinity
What a drama queen! On a daily basis you see Pakistani official stating Nuke this nuke that etc. Every month like clockwork high ranking official will remind the world how they will nuke India. That is perfectly Ok with you. Then you don't become thought full about Rivers, fertile land and human life in general. Then it is perfectly OK to nuke everything. You never shy down from beating your chest... "Aatmi Kuwat". "We will nuke Delhi" "We will nuke Mumbai" "Hindu will cease to exist, muslims will still be there !! ". This not at all a threat to our environment. After every nuke Pakistan explode, just Hindu die but Rivers become more clean! Trees become more green! Fertile lands become more productive!

But when we come up with a BMD to save our people from the numb nuts across the border, it starts posing threat!!

Those hundreds of nukes in your inventory are good for the Rivers and fertile land but BMD will ruin everything!!

And this definitely is not hipocracy!

Quote any two pakistani "officials" talking nuking this and nuking that.

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