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I think there are more 1000 steps left as of now . and after that we will get some other weapon for blackmailing :D your nightmare will never end :P
Keep laughing but beware predator coming towards you ...........

An atomic bomb is detonated when the fissionable material is compressed to a critical mass using conventional high-explosives. before then, it is sub-critical and wil not explode. I hope now everyone's confusion/assumption will be solved specially of our "Pakistani Brothers"

You can't be sure about that;
All nuclear devices are triggered, the priming charge can be set to explode on impact ramming the two fissile parts together, or it may be set to explode at a certain height.
In anyway, on being intercepted there is not guarantee that the trigger may or may not go off.

Considering the population density of the subcontinent; that is too much of a risk

I know enough to not need google.
You on the other hand are too young to talk with any further.
Hello Sir ji ! Kya Baat dukhi lag rahe ho ? "I know enough to not need google." LoL ....
Plz Remove this Quote because actually you don't know anything Even double of my age. Sorry if this hurts you.
First stop comparing A nuclear and conventional Bomb.
Conventional Bomb has the type of explosive which in high temperature got in unstable state. Whereas
In Nuclear already chain reaction was going on and it is detonated when the fissionable material is compressed to a critical mass using conventional high-explosives. before then, it is sub-critical and will not explode. Only when electrons produced due to chain reaction crossed a certain Critical threshold it explodes when intercepted The envelop damaged then explosion becomes no chance also being ballistic missal intersection happens around 20 to 100 kms above earth atmosphere even damaged missile will reach earth in ashes due to resistance of atmosphere
Keep laughing but beware predator coming towards you ...........

An atomic bomb is detonated when the fissionable material is compressed to a critical mass using conventional high-explosives. before then, it is sub-critical and wil not explode. I hope now everyone's confusion/assumption will be solved specially of our "Pakistani Brothers"

Hello Sir ji ! Kya Baat dukhi lag rahe ho ? "I know enough to not need google." LoL ....
Plz Remove this Quote because actually you don't know anything Even double of my age. Sorry if this hurts you.
First stop comparing A nuclear and conventional Bomb.
Conventional Bomb has the type of explosive which in high temperature got in unstable state. Whereas
In Nuclear already chain reaction was going on and it is detonated when the fissionable material is compressed to a critical mass using conventional high-explosives. before then, it is sub-critical and will not explode. Only when electrons produced due to chain reaction crossed a certain Critical threshold it explodes when intercepted The envelop damaged then explosion becomes no chance also being ballistic missal intersection happens around 20 to 100 kms above earth atmosphere even damaged missile will reach earth in ashes due to resistance of atmosphere

How are the fissionable materials ( the 2 parts ) compressed.
What causes them to smash into each other ?
How are the fissionable materials ( the 2 parts ) compressed.
What causes them to smash into each other ?
By a calculated shaped charge conventional explosive, firing simultaneously to push all the fissionable material into a single chunk. And I know where you are going with this. But even a direct hit from the interceptor will not simulate the explosion from the shaped charge , neither will it detonate the shaped charge themselves. Had that been the case then all the incidents of broken arrow would have resulted in a mushroom clouds.
By a calculated shaped charge conventional explosive, firing simultaneously to push all the fissionable material into a single chunk. And I know where you are going with this. But even a direct hit from the interceptor will not simulate the explosion from the shaped charge , neither will it detonate the shaped charge themselves. Had that been the case then all the incidents of broken arrow would have resulted in a mushroom clouds.

Now read all my posts.
a. There is no 100% probability that the two pieces won't collide when intercepted.
b. What ever chance is there of collision, call it X, would you really want to take that chance over such high population density area ?
c. Considering that the two countries share a land border; would a nuclear fallout be worth it over the most fertile,
the most beautiful, the most caring land of Punjab ? along with it's rivers ?
How are the fissionable materials ( the 2 parts ) compressed.
What causes them to smash into each other ?
One Incident where US bomber accident
Now read all my posts.
a. There is no 100% probability that the two pieces won't collide when intercepted.
b. What ever chance is there of collision, call it X, would you really want to take that chance over such high population density area ?
c. Considering that the two countries share a land border; would a nuclear fallout be worth it over the most fertile,
the most beautiful, the most caring land of Punjab ? along with it's rivers ?
I think you are not applying your mind look Ballistic Miss is currently intercepting at Terminal phase means when it already reached to the peak altitude and started falling freely, at the height of far beyond atmosphere.
Let suppose I take your condition that nuclear bomb explodes still atmosphere itself acts as barrier and not even single life can be lost. There already many thermonuclear explosion experiments conducted by US and Russia, (far bigger magnitude then you have) you can study there findings., except some electric wires no affect on humans.
Also If you dont know DRDO has started working on Hunting down Miss at boosting phase itself which is far more easier then intercepting a miss. coming at 7 mach speed, some new radar technology needed to track and find then it will be destroyed in your home itself.
Kind request stop putting foolish questions here !!
One Incident where US bomber accident

I think you are not applying your mind look Ballistic Miss is currently intercepting at Terminal phase means when it already reached to the peak altitude and started falling freely, at the height of far beyond atmosphere.
Let suppose I take your condition that nuclear bomb explodes still atmosphere itself acts as barrier and not even single life can be lost. There already many thermonuclear explosion experiments conducted by US and Russia, (far bigger magnitude then you have) you can study there findings., except some electric wires no affect on humans.
Also If you dont know DRDO has started working on Hunting down Miss at boosting phase itself which is far more easier then intercepting a miss. coming at 7 mach speed, some new radar technology needed to track and find then it will be destroyed in your home itself.
Kind request stop putting foolish questions here !!

Please quit quoting me.
Now read all my posts.
a. There is no 100% probability that the two pieces won't collide when intercepted.
b. What ever chance is there of collision, call it X, would you really want to take that chance over such high population density area ?
c. Considering that the two countries share a land border; would a nuclear fallout be worth it over the most fertile,
the most beautiful, the most caring land of Punjab ? along with it's rivers ?
Sir, I have a fleeting realization that you have still not got the reins on this topic.
1. Probability of intercept is ~94% with 2 interceptors per incoming warhead.
2. These interceptors are not kinetic kill, ie impact to disable. They are proximity kill. This means on a bad day they will "tumble" the rv along with ripping the refractory lining. We all know what follows next. To jog your memory pls watch Columbia's re entry.
3. Every nuclear weapons, even the first gen ones had safe guard to defeat exactly the same thing from happening accidentally. ie, Premature detonation.
4. Even if it dose explode in exo-atmosphere environment, the yields of Pakistani nukes (ever so popular, your garden variety tack nukes), as put by someone else, wont even cause a blackout in a colony !!!

And even after all this you are concerned about fertile lands, then don't launch nukes in the first place !! You make it sound like if the nuke is allowed to explode on ground, it will bypass all the fertile lands and just kill hindus !!! And you launching nuke, in some demented mindset, is our fault !! Similarly when Pakistan launches terror attacks on foreign soil , its a pious act , case in point Kargil or Mumbai attacks. But when India plans to retaliate, it is hindu's hegemonic intentions !! After all it was just few Pakistani muslims going around Mumbai, killing about hundred innocents, that was just them doing pious acts.

@Saurabh jindals : Dude I would suggest you to pls adopt a proper way to express your arguments. The way you write, it is becoming progressively difficult to understand. Even trolls write their demented mentality in a proper way. Just a friendly suggestion. Rest I leave it on you.
Sir, I have a fleeting realization that you have still not got the reins on this topic.
1. Probability of intercept is ~94% with 2 interceptors per incoming warhead.
2. These interceptors are not kinetic kill, ie impact to disable. They are proximity kill. This means on a bad day they will "tumble" the rv along with ripping the refractory lining. We all know what follows next. To jog your memory pls watch Columbia's re entry.
3. Every nuclear weapons, even the first gen ones had safe guard to defeat exactly the same thing from happening accidentally. ie, Premature detonation.
4. Even if it dose explode in exo-atmosphere environment, the yields of Pakistani nukes (ever so popular, your garden variety tack nukes), as put by someone else, wont even cause a blackout in a colony !!!

And even after all this you are concerned about fertile lands, then don't launch nukes in the first place !! You make it sound like if the nuke is allowed to explode on ground, it will bypass all the fertile lands and just kill hindus !!! And you launching nuke, in some demented mindset, is our fault !! Similarly when Pakistan launches terror attacks on foreign soil , its a pious act , case in point Kargil or Mumbai attacks. But when India plans to retaliate, it is hindu's hegemonic intentions !! After all it was just few Pakistani muslims going around Mumbai, killing about hundred innocents, that was just them doing pious acts.

@Saurabh jindals : Dude I would suggest you to pls adopt a proper way to express your arguments. The way you write, it is becoming progressively difficult to understand. Even trolls write their demented mentality in a proper way. Just a friendly suggestion. Rest I leave it on you.

What i was referring to, was probability of the two chunks of fissile materials colliding.

Now, please reassess the equations.

2. The small nukes from pakistan are to used on small missile at battle field range.
right now we are discussing delhi, which is enemy's capital.
I believe the biggest fatest load will be used for enemy's capital.
Fists it is not to save complete Indian land it will save Imp. Installations, cities, and high strategic values to give back reply It cant protect farm lands. Its a two stage endo and exo, you can search abt it on net.
Like he want to listen to you :no:
What i was referring to, was probability of the two chunks of fissile materials colliding.
I have understood what you said the first time itself. Point #3 of my post #53 and the last line of my post #49 talk about the same thing. It is designed into the device ground up that until unless right chain of even occurs, the pieces of fissile material will never meet and create a critical mass. This holds true even in a violent environment. It is designed so because if something happens to the launch vehicle, the warhead will not detonate over the launching site.
I have understood what you said the first time itself. Point #3 of my post #53 and the last line of my post #49 talk about the same thing. It is designed into the device ground up that until unless right chain of even occurs, the pieces of fissile material will never meet and create a critical mass. This holds true even in a violent environment. It is designed so because if something happens to the launch vehicle, the warhead will not detonate over the launching site.

think probability.

There are 2 pieces , which should never come together.
they are backed with shape charges.
and the vehicle all this is carried in, is hit by a another entity.

When so much ( human life, and great Punjab) is on risk; then even the smallest of probabilities cause a head ache in risk management.
think probability.

There are 2 pieces , which should never come together.
they are backed with shape charges.
and the vehicle all this is carried in, is hit by a another entity.
Let me put it this way...
Think Probability...

There are hundreds of nukes in Pakistan
So are terrorists
and the place that keeps the nukes is attacked by terrorists

Lets not argue just for the sake of argument. Always know when to back out.

When so much ( human life, and great Punjab) is on risk; then even the smallest of probabilities cause a head ache in risk management.
Well then what is your alternative ?? Nuclear blackmail is rampant in our neighborhood.I think we will take our chances when alternative is a mushroom courtesy of a terrorist.
Intercept a missile coming from Pakistan can be intercepted only after it has reached delhi- lol
Intercept that-
think probability.

There are 2 pieces , which should never come together.
they are backed with shape charges.
and the vehicle all this is carried in, is hit by a another entity.

Lol, your logic is akin to throwing all the parts of a Cell Phone into thin air together and expecting a fully assembled Cell Phone when it falls to ground!

If that is your logic, then we will happily take our chances!

When so much ( human life, and great Punjab) is on risk; then even the smallest of probabilities cause a head ache in risk management.

So what are India's alternatives? Hand over Kashmir to you? Is that what you want to say?

Well then what is your alternative ?? Nuclear blackmail is rampant in our neighborhood.I think we will take our chances when alternative is a mushroom courtesy of a terrorist.

The dude is asking you to succumb to their blackmailing tactics and hand over Kashmir on a platter.

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