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Well Congrats to Indians but i have a simple question a missile (nuclear ) is set detonate 30 KM above the surface before this interceptor destroys it.then i think indians radars and these interceptors will be useless an EM Wave will be produced and 70 % indian will be blackout for 20 minutes then these systems are useless.
Friend you need to gather some real knowledge ... till then its better not to comment . you can track it may be you get good info.
I m sure counter measures are already in work...
This is alot less threatening than s 400 that u guys may aquire
I m sure counter measures are already in work...
This is alot less threatening than s 400 that u guys may aquire
friend !! they all are a part of a multi layer defense system, so no comparison.
Well Congrats to Indians but i have a simple question a missile (nuclear ) is set detonate 30 KM above the surface before this interceptor destroys it.then i think indians radars and these interceptors will be useless an EM Wave will be produced and 70 % indian will be blackout for 20 minutes then these systems are useless.

70% ?? Do you know how Nuclear explosions are optimized for EMP generation or at what yield produces what quantity of EMP energy to actually disturb equipment ? Have such tests been carried out ?

You cannot simply Lob a nuclear weapon in the atmosphere set it for a 30km attitude detonation and expect 70% of the landmass to be affected by it. ? only 0.8% of the total yeild is converted into EMP. and for that you will need MT scale of yields to carry out any significant damage. At 40 KM height at maximum it will be able to affect only one city or installation at max. Still the fire ball wont be able to reach the ground. if the device is in the kiloton range, the Gamma radiation that actually affects power grids will only take out a small fraction of the grid.

Also Missile defense installations are usually off the grid and are shielded against such Low level EMP bursts.

However that will ensure a *strategic level* response. the Question is if PA is stupid enough to carry out such strikes and ensure a much more bigger response. its a death wish form the PA. Good luck with that. Hope PA generals are much more same than you.
Well Congrats to Indians but i have a simple question a missile (nuclear ) is set detonate 30 KM above the surface before this interceptor destroys it.then i think indians radars and these interceptors will be useless an EM Wave will be produced and 70 % indian will be blackout for 20 minutes then these systems are useless.
Its better to have an electrical blackout than loosing population, economical & technological centers.

BTW, how they explode 30 Km above ground, when they going to intercept in Exo atmosphere?
70% ?? Do you know how Nuclear explosions are optimized for EMP generation or at what yield produces what quantity of EMP energy to actually disturb equipment ? Have such tests been carried out ?

You cannot simply Lob a nuclear weapon in the atmosphere set it for a 30km attitude detonation and expect 70% of the landmass to be affected by it. ? only 0.8% of the total yeild is converted into EMP. and for that you will need MT scale of yields to carry out any significant damage. At 40 KM height at maximum it will be able to affect only one city or installation at max. Still the fire ball wont be able to reach the ground. if the device is in the kiloton range, the Gamma radiation that actually affects power grids will only take out a small fraction of the grid.

Also Missile defense installations are usually off the grid and are shielded against such Low level EMP bursts.

However that will ensure a *strategic level* response. the Question is if PA is stupid enough to carry out such strikes and ensure a much more bigger response. its a death wish form the PA. Good luck with that. Hope PA generals are much more same than you.
Friend these are ballistic missals interception will take place above atmosphere means more then 12 km above and there will be no harm whatever if interception happens above atmosphere as it itself acts as shield already lacs of nuclear explosion happening there but atmosphere shield is preventing us.
70% ?? Do you know how Nuclear explosions are optimized for EMP generation or at what yield produces what quantity of EMP energy to actually disturb equipment ? Have such tests been carried out ?

You cannot simply Lob a nuclear weapon in the atmosphere set it for a 30km attitude detonation and expect 70% of the landmass to be affected by it. ? only 0.8% of the total yeild is converted into EMP. and for that you will need MT scale of yields to carry out any significant damage. At 40 KM height at maximum it will be able to affect only one city or installation at max. Still the fire ball wont be able to reach the ground. if the device is in the kiloton range, the Gamma radiation that actually affects power grids will only take out a small fraction of the grid.

Also Missile defense installations are usually off the grid and are shielded against such Low level EMP bursts.

However that will ensure a *strategic level* response. the Question is if PA is stupid enough to carry out such strikes and ensure a much more bigger response. its a death wish form the PA. Good luck with that. Hope PA generals are much more same than you.
Friends first i congragulated india after that i asked a question only and share my knowledge with u
Well Congrats to Indians but i have a simple question a missile (nuclear ) is set detonate 30 KM above the surface before this interceptor destroys it.then i think indians radars and these interceptors will be useless an EM Wave will be produced and 70 % indian will be blackout for 20 minutes then these systems are useless.

How did u get the number 70%,i am just curious
For readers,


This diagram plots typical peak radiated EMP signals from 1 kt and 1 Mt bombs as a function of altitude for an observer at a fixed distance of 100 km from ground zero. For very low burst altitudes, the major cause of EMP radiation is the asymmetry due to the Earth's surface. As the burst altitude is increased above about 1 km or so, this ground asymmetry mechanism becomes less important because the gamma rays take 1 microsecond to travel 300 metres and don't reach the ground with much intensity; in any case by that time the EMP has been emitted by another mechanism of asymmetry, the fall in air density with increasing altitude, which is particularly important for bursts of 1-10 km altitude. Finally, detonations above 10 km altitude send gamma rays into air of low density, so that the Compton electrons have the chance (before hitting air molecules!) to be deflected significantly by the Earth's magnetic field; this 'magnetic dipole' deflection makes them emit synchrotronic radiation which is the massive EMP hazard from space bursts which was discovered by Dr Conrad Longmire after the Starfish test on 9 July 1962.

For a specific test result consider Operation Tightrope under Starfish program where a 10-20Kt N warhead was exploded over 21.03 Km altitude on 4th Nov 1962 but not published much due to lower altitudes.

The final test of Operation Fishbowl was detonated at 2130 (9:30 p.m. local Johnston Island time) on 3 November 1962 (the time and date was officially recorded as 0730 UTC, 4 November 1962). It was launched on a Nike-Hercules missile, and detonated at a lower altitude than the other Fishbowl tests. Although it was officially one of the Operation Fishbowl tests, it is sometimes not listed among high-altitude nuclear tests because of its lower detonation altitude. The nuclear yield was reported in most official documents only as being less than 20 kilotons. One report by the U.S. federal government reported the Tightrope test yield as 10 kilotons

"At Johnston Island (2 miles from test location), there was an intense white flash. Even with high-density goggles, the burst was too bright to view, even for a few seconds. A distinct thermal pulse was also felt on the bare skin. A yellow-orange disc was formed, which transformed itself into a purple doughnut. A glowing purple cloud was faintly visible for a few minutes

This shot is usually regarded as the last U.S. atmospheric test
Atleast better than exploding.

You can't be sure about that;
All nuclear devices are triggered, the priming charge can be set to explode on impact ramming the two fissile parts together, or it may be set to explode at a certain height.
In anyway, on being intercepted there is not guarantee that the trigger may or may not go off.

Considering the population density of the subcontinent; that is too much of a risk

Fists it is not to save complete Indian land it will save Imp. Installations, cities, and high strategic values to give back reply It cant protect farm lands. Its a two stage endo and exo, you can search abt it on net.

I know enough to not need google.
You on the other hand are too young to talk with any further.
And for others , i had put on quote due to length of the post
Although nuclear EMP was known since the very first days of nuclear weapons testing (and often caused problems in the local area -- especially with monitoring equipment), the magnitude of the effects of high-altitude nuclear EMP were not known until a 1962 test of a thermonuclear weapon in space called the Starfish Prime test. The Starfish Prime test knocked out some of the electrical and electronic components in Hawaii, particularly in Honolulu, which was 897 miles (1445 kilometers) away from the nuclear explosion. The damage was very limited compared to what it would be today because the electrical and electronic components of 1962 were much more resistant to the effects of EMP than the sensitive microelectronics of today. Also, the Starfish Prime warhead was very inefficient at producing EMP.

In testimony before the United States Congress House Armed Services Committee on October 7, 1999, the eminent physicist Dr. Lowell Wood, in talking about Starfish Prime and the related EMP-producing nuclear tests in 1962, stated,

"Most fortunately, these tests took place over Johnston Island in the mid-Pacific rather than the Nevada Test Site, or electromagnetic pulsewould still be indelibly imprinted in the minds of the citizenry of the western U.S., as well as in the history books. As it was, significant damage was done to both civilian and military electrical systems throughout the Hawaiian Islands, over 800 miles away from ground zero. The origin and nature of this damage was successfully obscured at the time -- aided by its mysterious character and the essentially incredible truth."


The Sky After the Starfish Prime Nuclear Test
from nearly 900 miles away

Unless the device is very small or detonated at an insufficiently high altitude, it is likely that it would knock out the nearly the entire electrical power grid

The Starfish Prime test (a part of Operation Fishbowl) was detonated at 59 minutes and 51 seconds before midnight, Honolulu time, on the night of July 8, 1962. (Official documents give the date as July 9 because that was the date at the Greenwich meridian, known as Coordinated Universal Time.) It was considered an important scientific event, and was monitored by hundreds of scientific instruments across the Pacific and in space. Although an electromagnetic pulse was expected, an accurate measurement of the size of the pulse could not be made immediately because a respected physicist had made calculations that hugely underestimated the size of the EMP. Consequently, the amplitude of the pulse went completely off the scale at which the scientific instruments near the test site had been set. Although many of the scientific instruments malfunctioned, a large amount of data was obtained and analyzed in the following months, especially from equipment in more distant locations.

When the 1.44 megaton W49 thermonuclear warhead detonated at an altitude of 250 miles (400 km), it made no sound. There was a very brief and very bright white flash in the sky that witnesses described as being like a huge flashbulb going off in the sky. The flash could be easily seen even through the overcast sky at Kwajalein Island, about 2000 km. to the west-southwest.
Operation Fishbowl - Futurescience.com

After the white flash, the entire sky glowed green over the mid-Pacific for an instant, and a bright red glow formed around "sky zero" where the detonation had occurred. The initial fireball lasted less than a second before being dissipated along the Earth's magnetic field lines. This was followed by a bright red-orange auroral display lasting more than 7 minutes. Long-range radio communication was disrupted for a period of time ranging from a few minutes to several hours after the detonation (depending upon the frequency and the radio path being used).

In a phenomenon unrelated to the EMP, the radiation cloud from the Starfish Prime test subsequently destroyed at least 5 United States satellites and one Soviet satellite. The most well-known of the satellites was Telstar I, the world's first active communications satellite. Telstar I was launched the day after the Starfish Prime test, and it did make a dramatic demonstration of the value of active communication satellites with live trans-Atlantic television broadcasts before it orbited through radiation produced by Starfish Prime (and other subsequent nuclear tests in space). Telstar I was damaged by the radiation cloud. The damage to Telstar 1 increased each time that it traveled through the belt of radiation, and it failed completely a few months later.

Nuclear EMP is actually an electromagnetic multi-pulse. The EMP is usually described in terms of 3 components. The E1 pulse is a very fast pulse that can induce very high voltages in equipment and along electrical wiring and cables. E1 is the component that destroys computers and communications equipment and is too fast for ordinary lightning protectors (although devices that are fast enough are routinely being produced, but are rarely used in the civilian infrastructure). The E2 component of the pulse is the easiest to protect against, and has similarities in strength and timing to the electrical pulses produced by lightning.

The E3 pulse is very different from the E1 and E2 pulses from an EMP. The E3 component of the pulse is a very slow pulse, so slow that most people would not use the word "pulse" to describe it. The E3 component lasts tens to hundreds of seconds, and is caused by the nuclear detonation heaving the Earth's magnetic field out of the way, followed by the restoration of the magnetic field to its natural place. The E3 component has similarities to a geomagnetic storm caused by a very severe solar storm

US Researcher says a thin-cased 100 kiloton weapon optimized for gamma ray production (or even the relatively-primitive super oralloy bomb of more than 61 years ago) detonated 250 to 300 miles above Nebraska, might destroy just about every piece of unprotected electronic equipment in the continental United States, southern Canada and northern Mexico (except for small items not connected to any external wiring). Such a weapon would also very likely knock out 70 to 100 percent of the electrical grid in this very large area. Nearly all unprotected electronic communications systems would be knocked out. In the best of circumstances, as completely unprepared for such an event as we are now, reconstruction would take at least three years if the weapon were large enough to destroy large power grid transformers.


The above picture is part of the declassified research of USA. notice the tonnage versus damage.

A lower tonnage test by Russia

Above: USSR Test ‘184’ on 22 October 1962, ‘Operation K’ (ABM System A proof tests) 300-kt burst at 290-km altitude near Dzhezkazgan. Prompt gamma ray-produced EMP induced a current of 2,500 amps measured by spark gaps in a 570-km stretch of 500 ohm impedance overhead telephone line to Zharyq, blowing all the protective fuses. The late-time MHD-EMP was of low enough frequency to enable it to penetrate the 90 cm into the ground, overloading a shallow buried lead and steel tape-protected 1,000-km long power cable between Aqmola and Almaty, firing circuit breakers and setting the Karaganda power plant on fire.
You can't be sure about that;
All nuclear devices are triggered, the priming charge can be set to explode on impact ramming the two fissile parts together, or it may be set to explode at a certain height.
In anyway, on being intercepted there is not guarantee that the trigger may or may not go off.

Considering the population density of the subcontinent; that is too much of a risk

Its better they explode above 50-80 Km from ground level.

Most of air burst nukes explode at 2-15 KM.

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