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DRDO: More failures than successes.

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Superior skills and better tech we achieve this
Talk about troll boy Arjunk and Lost chance aircraft and toilet less country

Yes, with superior techs than USA and even your taller than friend China. Where many of their tests are failures. Many US defence projects have been junked and never productised. The world have highest regards for you research institutes in Karachi and Lahore. :lol:

We paint well.;)

China and NK paints your product as red. as far as the world knows.

Your industry, ship building, R&D, universities are world's best. Thats why you never had a single failure. Congrats man. :cheers:
Quite a few points raised by @Ifrit are harsh but true.
The major problems with DRDO imo:
1) Reservation for SC/ST, OBC.
2) Bad work culture
3) Useless upper management
4) Suppression of Talented scientists due to internal regional/caste politics.
All these plus more reasons result in an unprofessional organisation, which is responsible for cost overruns and delays of almost every single project it has undertaken.
A little info about our missiles:
Ballistic missiles: Our Agni series is comparable with the best in the world (accuracy and tech), the tech and know how gained by developing our space program will ensure and maintain our lead over Pakistan in BM tech.
Cruise missile and other missiles: Here work is in progress, if these missile are not up to the standard of defence requirements, they will be rejected, and foreign replacements will be procured. Its best to be optimistic about missiles like nirbhay, astra, etc.
Suggestions for improvements in DRDO:
1)Dismantling of the whole organisation, or at least the non performing labs.
2) Increased funding for R&D by private firms like Godrej & Boyce, Bharat Forge, Mahindra, Tata, etc.
3) Absorbing the brilliant scientists into these private firms
Or else let the non-performing labs be managed by private defence firms, but if the current methodology continues without any major reform, no improvement can be expected in DRDO results.
Source: I have worked in one of these pvt. firms and know 1st hand hand how DRDO functions.
1. AGNI Missiles (Still Not operational) - Inducted & operational
2. Submarine launched K-Series missiles (Still Not operational) - Inducted & operational
3. Akash SAMs Failed Project i will post this also - Inducted in huge numbers by IAF & IA
4. Pinaka MRBL Failed already mentioned above - Inducted in huge numbers by Army
5. Dhanush Artillery Failed will post source - 6 guns inducted this month
6. AWACS No one knows but only you - If you dont know its your problem, not mine.
7. Surveillance radar.No one knows but only you - If you dont know its your problem, not mine.
8. Fire control radar.No one knows but only you - If you dont know its your problem, not mine.
9. Weapons locating radar No one knows but only you - If you dont know its your problem, not mine.
10. Sonars No one knows but only you - If you dont know its your problem, not mine.
11. Anti tank missiles Nag Failed - Inducted & operational. Helicopter version being developed.
12. Dhruv helicopter. Every knows the quality - More than 100 working finely in India.
13. Rudra helicopter Every knows the quality - More than 50 working finely in India.
14. Kolkata class destroyer Every knows the quality - World class destroyer. Better than Chinese maal.
15. Kamortara class ASuW Frigate Every knows the quality - World class ASuW platform. Unique in world.

1. Tejas fighter plane Failed last thirty years in development - One fighter inducted. Serial production from March 2016.
2. Uttam AESA radar. Still under development a failed project - Still under development does not mean failed.
3. Kaveri jet engine Still under development a failed project - Still under development does not mean failed.
4. Astra BVR missileStill under development a failed project - Still under development does not mean failed.
5. Nirbhay cruise missile Still under development a failed project - Still under development does not mean failed.
6. Arjun Tank Still under development a failed project - 128 Mk1 induced. Testing of Mk2 version.
7. Light Combat Helicopter. Lets see.
8. Nuclear submarine. Lets see.
9. Glide bombs Lets see.
10. Laser guided bombs.Lets see.
Why to reply a dumb & his troll attempt.
I already posted full article just go back few pages you will get the reference.
Janab that was what the author of various blogs, defence reporters thinks. I am interested in your analysis of the product after getting the related knowledge from various sources and present us in much easily readable format with all the facts and figures and shortfalls pointwise. You could be very usefull for us to know were
Quite a few points raised by @Ifrit are harsh but true.
The major problems with DRDO imo:
1) Reservation for SC/ST, OBC.
2) Bad work culture
3) Useless upper management
4) Suppression of Talented scientists due to internal regional/caste politics.
All these plus more reasons result in an unprofessional organisation, which is responsible for cost overruns and delays of almost every single project it has undertaken.
A little info about our missiles:
Ballistic missiles: Our Agni series is comparable with the best in the world (accuracy and tech), the tech and know how gained by developing our space program will ensure and maintain our lead over Pakistan in BM tech.
Cruise missile and other missiles: Here work is in progress, if these missile are not up to the standard of defence requirements, they will be rejected, and foreign replacements will be procured. Its best to be optimistic about missiles like nirbhay, astra, etc.
Suggestions for improvements in DRDO:
1)Dismantling of the whole organisation, or at least the non performing labs.
2) Increased funding for R&D by private firms like Godrej & Boyce, Bharat Forge, Mahindra, Tata, etc.
3) Absorbing the brilliant scientists into these private firms
Or else let the non-performing labs be managed by private defence firms, but if the current methodology continues without any major reform, no improvement can be expected in DRDO results.
Source: I have worked in one of these pvt. firms and know 1st hand hand how DRDO functions.

1)Dismantling of the whole organisation, or at least the non performing labs.

Better Idea PSU to have speciality in One field only like Engine, Radars, lasers

2) Increased funding for R&D by private firms like Godrej & Boyce, Bharat Forge, Mahindra, Tata, etc.

Why should govt fund the private firms but what they can be given by the govt. is the comittment to support the project and a well defined Road map and the Requirement for future and clear vision. Afterall if they are investing in R&D they want profit in return.

3) Absorbing the brilliant scientists into these private firms

If the venture is profitable, private firms will give highter incentive to grap the best brains in the buisness anyway a clear vision for the educational institution wrt to the requirement

Or else let the non-performing labs be managed by private defence firms, but if the current methodology continues without any major reform, no improvement can be expected in DRDO results.
Source: I have worked in one of these pvt. firms and know 1st hand hand how DRDO functions.

I have also seen their work culture closely and came to the conclusion that its only the 33% output of the hardworking, well deserved people who should be given credit.

1) Reservation for SC/ST, OBC.

4) Suppression of Talented scientists due to internal regional/caste politics.

Don't speak too loud otherwise you would be the one connected with the Hindu RSS who wants to supress all the Dalits and destroy the constitution layed down by great leader who have provided the reservation for SC/ST for 10 years, but now expanded to 50% for SC. ST, OBC. You know I wish even Muslims should be given 20% reservation and 50% for the women, and any one who want to join any category should be freely given to choose its own category.
Don't speak too loud otherwise you would be the one connected with the Hindu RSS who wants to supress all the Dalits and destroy the constitution layed down by great leader who have provided the reservation for SC/ST for 10 years, but now expanded to 50% for SC. ST, OBC. You know I wish even Muslims should be given 20% reservation and 50% for the women, and any one who want to join any category should be freely given to choose its own category.
I am against reservation on basis of caste and religion in posts of National Interest and security. Why do you think there is no caste based reservation in the Indian armed forces? And if there was, what do you think would happen?
Deserving people who have the highest aptitude and intelligence should be selected for posts in DRDO, if a compromise is made in selection, it is the country that will be at a loss.
DRDO has had great success e.g. Agni, Nag, Tirshul, Prithvi, Arjun, Sagarika, INDRA, INSAS etc programs, and of course some failures. But that's how resarch works i.e. you learn from your mistakes.

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