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Draft MoU on Indo-Bangla Defence cooperation

India only offer lip service, why not invest 24 billions in BD same as China does?

We don't pose threats in any form to BD. We don't abduct its civilian by force, or kill so called trans-passer wantonly. China has no dip of malign intention toward BD. Instead of pushing the defence pact, you shall put more times to enhance your lame weapon industry. You don't have to worry helplessly.

Why don't 1 million Bangladeshis visit China each year and China host millions more of them illegally...and have 10's of millions of them hooked on Chinese TV and learn (and fluently converse in) Chinese etc?

It is because China cannot offer any of that anywhere close to the level of India, China thinks its liquidity based investment is only way to compete now that Hasina (pro - India) has solidified her power base....and all inherently pro-Pakistan and pro-China parties have been more or less liquidated.

But as seen by the tears in Hasina eyes when Modi talk about what she went through when her whole family got murdered (including founding father of BD - who was her father as well)....she does not forget how India hosted her, fed her, protected her and gave her a mentor as well (our current president).....when China was cold (and even hostile) to her and her father's situation....which were instrumental in establishing the country in the first place.

So you understand nothing about the emotions and soft power India enjoys in BD....and you never will. It is simply not your cup of tea. What BD engages with you in pragmatic manner for economic reasons will not displace what it has established with India. It is nowhere near a zero sum, black and white game with 1:1 leveraging translation of money/emotion.
Why don't 1 million Bangladeshis visit China each year and China host millions more of them illegally...and have 10's of millions of them hooked on Chinese TV and learn (and fluently converse in) Chinese etc?

It is because China cannot offer any of that anywhere close to the level of India, China thinks its liquidity based investment is only way to compete now that Hasina (pro - India) has solidified her power base....and all inherently pro-Pakistan and pro-China parties have been more or less liquidated.

But as seen by the tears in Hasina eyes when Modi talk about what she went through when her whole family got murdered (including founding father of BD - who was her father as well)....she does not forget how India hosted her, fed her, protected her and gave her a mentor as well (our current president).....when China was cold (and even hostile) to her and her father's situation....which were instrumental in establishing the country in the first place.

So you understand nothing about the emotions and soft power India enjoys in BD....and you never will. It is simply not your cup of tea. What BD engages with you in pragmatic manner for economic reasons will not displace what it has established with India. It is nowhere near a zero sum, black and white game with 1:1 leveraging translation of money/emotion.
I'm not saying India has no influence in BD, we try to reinforce our influence in BD. A competition is welcomed.

You are saying You are concerned China selling subs to BD, you can send your subs to join the bidding as well! No one stops you doing it. Sheikh Hasina belongs to BD, not contra versa. If she did anything betraying BD's national security or benefits, she will loose the election campaign. When Kalaeda in power, you have no chance at all when field China. India's influence on BD pertain to personal emotion while China does it on pragmatic support. So many BD students studying in China now, I personally welcome BD people visit China even millions per year.

I think BD people trust China more than India.

Hasina is just taking advantage of the non-essential defence pact to boost his campaign by support of India. When the election is done, she will come back to her normal track to be good Buddy with China. Does India has any other choice in BD except for Sheikh Hasina?

I say more investment and weapons for Bd, I don't give a jack shit who is in power.

When you support a country. You don't only love his leader, but his people and wellbeing.
When Kalaeda in power, you have no chance at all when field China.

Shows how little you genuinely know on the matter. Lots of political, economic and hard and soft power exchanges going on at both highest and people-people level during anyones rule in BD. No one is stupid to challenge reality beyond a point and try to enforce any zero sum game in saying "no chance at all".

Want to tell me how many BD people visited India for tourism and healthcare during Khaleda's rule compared to China? What the amount of money involved with that was?

So many BD students studying in China now, I personally welcome BD people visit China even millions per year.

Its not about what you personally want or welcome. Its about what actually happens in reality. You host close to 0 BD people in China (as actual working people who remit back to BD) and please lets see you post how many BD people visit China each year....and see how it compares with a million.

These are amounts of even direct money (tourism receipts, medical costs, remittances) that well exceed how Chinese loans materialise over many years...esp their conversion to soft power which remains to be seen. Sorry 24 billion (non-assured, largely MOU based) over many years is pretty token amount still (esp given BD economy size and potential)....its understandable, you are not fully confident in SHW and BD economy anyway has only so much absorption capability for liquidity at its current stage anyway. One BD member here constantly trumpets how little FDI BD gets as a major strength :)

If she did anything betraying BD's national security or benefits, she will loose the election campaign.

You can ask all BD people here about it...you will get diverse opinions....but few question her current power base and close connection to India.

You are saying You are concerned China selling subs to BD, you can send your subs to join the bidding as well!

You understand how geopolitical optics work? Portrayed concern versus actual concern are two very different things....given country A with the highest existing leverage in a country will always challenge any perceived encroachment by country B....no matter what the actual long term footprint is (given it simply can do that at little to no cost to itself).

There is a reason why BD military acquisition is piecemeal and insignificant to begin with....and why nothing advanced (Tier A or even Tier B) from China is offered to them in the first place (because you know who will inspect them thoroughly as a result).
its ridiculous to think that one fine morning when we wake up, we would see India gone from our window.... India is there and would be there as long as the Creator wants it, in whatever name it may be.... we have to live with that fact.....

and Bangladesh is on the trajectory that none can imagine.... I repeat - none can imagine.... there is no way we're gonna jump into someone's lap thinking that we're incapable of defending ourselves.... we're aware of everyone's interests, and we would play accordingly.....

a powerful Bangladesh is crucial for both India and China.... in a balancing game you need the balance to be strong and steady.... especially when the weights on both sides are hefty..... let the message be communicated that Bangladesh has the capability to do this balancing "comfortably"..... anyone underestimating this capability is bound to do a costly mistake....
Name a kind of weapon that India can offer to BD and China can't?

We don't have problem with India's existence in BD, so they shall not have problems with ours.

And I want everyone knows that China has no problem with Sheikh Hasina. As long as BD and China appreciate each other, I think it's not a problem who is in power. Actually sheikh Hasina is quite balanced.
Could you even imagined few years ago that, India will give 500million dollar loan to Bangladesh to be used on military purposes!!! :D
BD people (esp women) addicted to Indian TV (so much so that largest reported abuse in BD are men being smacked with the remote :P ).
Kudos,you are teaching them Urdu/Hindi which they rejected,many will die if they are told which they are daily dying to watch is in language which is other side of urdu,with same grammar and words bit under different banner.:chilli::chilli:
Could you even imagined few years ago that, India will give 500million dollar loan to Bangladesh to be used on military purposes!!! :D
Maybe China shall sell you SSBM, Indial will sell you nukes.:D:cheers:

India has got no weapon to offer, instead they provide 50 millions loan to BD for procuring Russian weapon! Joke of the world!:disagree:
Okay no fight guys.....

I think India agreed to sign the deals to counter Chinese influence. Hasina is doing good by playing both sides one by one. I don't see any major defense purchase happening from India. Not because Indian equipment are bad but because there are high amount of military politics involved in those purchases.

Big things(like subs, fighter planes) if they come, they will come from China or Russia.
Credit to China

Maybe China shall sell you SSBM, Indial will sell you nukes.:D:cheers:

India has got no weapon to offer, instead they provide 50 millions loan to BD for procuring Russian weapon! Joke of the world!:disagree:
Well, I still cant understand, why India providing military loan to Bangladesh? Might not be big, but it is a good amount... :undecided:

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