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Dr. Zakir Naik wins King Faisal award

well i used to have a positive opinion abt him... till i heard him praising the likes of yazeed n so on..

He is wahabbi, wahabbi clerics have also said on record that Hussain RA was wrong for rebelling against Yazid. :rolleyes:

I have a huge respect for Ahmed Deedat as he had the true insight of what he was doing. Zakir Naik, based on Deedat's efforts, built his reputation but then when he started giving his fatawa on aqaaid and calling yazeed a righteous man, I stopped listening to this joker. For me he is Zakir Na-laik now.

Deedat was the man, may he rest in Heaven.

He made fools out of all the people he debated lol.

I have done a lot of research in this matter before coming to conclusion. Belonging to ahlus sunnah wal jama'a and al-hanbali fiqh, to clarify, the position you have quoted is the the position of a "particular" group on this matter and not of all muslims. Kindly, don't quote me islamqa or other copy/paste fatawa/pamphlets; I know what am saying, I know what am doing. Just ending here, la ikraha fiddin.
Thank you bro.

Which particular group do you speak of?

Many scholars' position on that is unfortunately mistaken and inconsiderate of Quranic context. Apostasy can only be declared when someone says it himself, not based on others' views.

Those guidelines in the article are mostly correct though, couldn't find much I disagree with except that someone who does not perform obligatory duties is not a Kafir, he is simply a Muslim who is wrong and sinning. He only becomes non-Muslim if he explicitly abandons Islam entirely, and even then we can't call him a Kafir.

A Kafir is not just a non-Muslim. It's someone who denies the truth after there is no doubt left in it - do you think that can apply nowadays? There are so many doubts, so many confusions - we are in no position to even think about calling people Kuffar.

(Quranic basis for this point of view: Kafir - Exploring Islam

No offense but you are saying scholars are wrong so I would like to know what qualifies you to come to such a conclusion?
was this lecture given before or after he was collecting money because he want to buy emirate ticket for prophet muhammad (pbuh)...:lol::lol:

Seems like you prefer twisting historical facts to suit your arguments. The apostate rebels in the Ridda wars did a lot more than not paying Zakat - they rebelled against the Muslim state, only shortly after Itmam al Hujjah without any valid reason except their own greed. Most of them effectively and openly abandoned Islam by following false prophets.

Besides, even if their only crime was not paying Zakat, Abu Bakr RA had the right to prosecute them with or without declaring them apostates as that was the law of the state and he was the head of state.

Since no such state exists now, and the period of Itmam al Hujjah has long passed, we have no authority or right to go around calling people apostates or kuffar, unless you consider yourself to be a caliph and on the level of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA.
He is nothing more than an idiot.
On the topic.
Whats your take on Ijma'a. If ummat agrees on kuffar of some group, we call them Kuffar?
Dr. Zakir naik's views on yazeed frankly should be irrelevant to muslims as it doesn't make him a lesser muslim. Btw he did gave a explanation to the statement regarding yazeed. Its on youtube.
For those who love ahl e bait its very much relevant.

This should be the position of muslims on Yazeed :
That is the position of one group or sect. not whole muslims
"Every Muslim should be a terrorist. If Osama Bin Laden is terrorising America the terrorist then I am with him"
Is that enough for you?

If you don't know how to quote please don't quote . Listen carefully he says " if he is terrorizing the terrorists then I am with him ". You guys always quote out of context . So I also gave you an example the other way . Try to understand the main idea not just quoting out of context .:-)
Seems like you prefer twisting historical facts to suit your arguments. The apostate rebels in the Ridda wars did a lot more than not paying Zakat - they rebelled against the Muslim state, only shortly after Itmam al Hujjah without any valid reason except their own greed. Most of them effectively and openly abandoned Islam by following false prophets.

Besides, even if their only crime was not paying Zakat, Abu Bakr RA had the right to prosecute them with or without declaring them apostates as that was the law of the state and he was the head of state.

Since no such state exists now, and the period of Itmam al Hujjah has long passed, we have no authority or right to go around calling people apostates or kuffar, unless you consider yourself to be a caliph and on the level of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA.

al-aswad-al-anis in tribe of mudhajaj and musaylamah-al-khadhaab in tribe of abnu haeefah claim prophethood and tulayhah-al-asadyy in tribe of banu asad and sajaah in tribe of banu tameem claim prophet hood…

but it was tribe of murrah who refuse to pay zakat. And abu bakr and other companians made them very clear that it is not permissible for them to pick and choose islam according to their whims and caprices. Islam had either to be rejected or accepted and their was no room in islam for any compromise on fundamental.. zakat being a fundamental injunction of islam had to be paid and any refusal to pay is apostasy..when they refuse to pay after that they fought against them and declare them apostate..
for further refer to ibn katheer

there are many book on usool at takfir written by our nobel salaf containing all the guide lines from our prophet....
but then again you seems to follow the sugar coated western islam..
The orientalist Thomas Arnold was the first person who claimed islam is the religion of peace in his book The Preaching of Islam... non of our great scholars of the past ever claimed that....
islam is not the religion of peace but it is religion of justice......
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Led by goverment paid barelvis and you are against him because he exposes fraud of Qadyanis

Which government paid barelvis? This is not Pakistan where the government hands out cash to buy off Maulvis. That's Pakistani Maulvi business.

And he did not expose any qadiani, I watched a few of his videos about Ahmadis. He openly lied and attributed beliefs to us. He is not only a terrorist sympathiser and a bigot but also a big liar. Guess that makes him a perfect role model for the likes of you.
al-aswad-al-anis in tribe of mudhajaj and musaylamah-al-khadhaab in tribe of abnu haeefah claim prophethood and tulayhah-al-asadyy in tribe of banu asad and sajaah in tribe of banu tameem claim prophet hood…

but it was tribe of murrah who refuse to pay zakat. And abu bakr and other companians made them very clear that it is not permissible for them to pick and choose islam according to their whims and caprices. Islam had either to be rejected or accepted and their was no room in islam for any compromise on fundamental.. zakat being a fundamental injunction of islam had to be paid and any refusal to pay is apostasy..when they refuse to pay after that they fought against them and declare them apostate..
for further refer to ibn katheer

there are many book on usool at takfir written by our nobel salaf containing all the guide lines from our prophet....
but then again you seems to follow the sugar coated western islam..
The orientalist Thomas Arnold was the first person who claimed islam is the religion of peace in his book The Preaching of Islam... non of our great scholars of the past ever claimed that....
islam is not the religion of peace but it is religion of justice......
Abu Bakr RA had the authority to make things clear to the tribes under his jurisdiction because he had a legitimate Islamic state and was enforcing the law of his state. You seem to be confusing apostasy with the crime of stealing from and rebelling against the state.

Another problem with your argument is that it does not take into account the fact that there is a big difference between just not paying Zakat and saying or preaching that Islam allows them to not pay Zakat. That's where the picking and choosing and fundamentals of Islam part comes in, and would mean that they were not only stealing taxes but also distorting religion .

Which one of those crimes comes under kufr is not for us to judge.

A legitimate Islamic state could prosecute these people under a proper justice system for not paying Zakat or for distorting religion and causing incitement (and then obviously fight them if they rebel) but no one, today, right now, has the right, capability or authority to do any of that. You can keep your Takfir with yourself, we don't need any more of it.

Your understanding of everything is a totally intertwined mess, as is typical of people misguided by Mullahs and molvis. Who do you think has the authority of Abu Bakr RA now? ''Khalifa'' Baghdadi? The Saudis? Your local mullah? Who can, today, claim to be on the level of the Khulafa e Rashideen? No one. Then what are you arguing over?

but then again you seems to follow the sugar coated western islam..
Funnily enough, I tend to get called both a 'Wahabi extremist' and a 'secular/sugar coated Islam/west lover' a lot, simultaneously too.

If the only alternative is Takfiri Mullah bull, I'd gladly take ''sugar coated Islam''. But it isn't. You can have a perfectly normal middle path, as the Holy Prophet instructed us to. I would be very, very glad if we had a legitimate Islamic state to enforce the correct principles of Islam, but we don't have anything of the sort.

Narrated by Abu Huraira
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshipping in the mornings, the nights." [Sahih Bukhari Vol 1, Book 2, Number 38]

But then again, you seem to think that anyone not fighting and murdering people while labeling them Kuffar is a kafir himself. If you keep that view, it's hopeless.

Whats your take on Ijma'a. If ummat agrees on kuffar of some group, we call them Kuffar?
My problem with that is that firstly nowadays the Ummat is too divided to have legitimate Ijma' on such matters. It will undoubtedly be abused for political reasons, rather than being handled as a serious Islamic issue.

Secondly, no one can no for sure what people's actual reasons are. Unless they say it openly, we can not tell whether or not the alleged Kuffar are actually purposely covering the truth and opposing Islam or if they are simply mistaken. Since the period of Itmam al Hujjah was a long time ago, many, many confusions and distortions have been created, which results in many people being misguided.

At this point in time, in the situation we are now, I disagree with declaring anyone 'kuffar'. Through Ijma'a, we can decide what goes out of the bounds of Islam (in case it's not already clear) but we can't go around fighting people for that, unless they actively fight against (other) Muslims (like Taliban and ISIS are doing, we can fight them).
Abu Bakr RA had the authority to make things clear to the tribes under his jurisdiction because he had a legitimate Islamic state and was enforcing the law of his state. You seem to be confusing apostasy with the crime of stealing from and rebelling against the state.

Another problem with your argument is that it does not take into account the fact that there is a big difference between just not paying Zakat and saying or preaching that Islam allows them to not pay Zakat. That's where the picking and choosing and fundamentals of Islam part comes in, and would mean that they were not only stealing taxes but also distorting religion .

Which one of those crimes comes under kufr is not for us to judge.

A legitimate Islamic state could prosecute these people under a proper justice system for not paying Zakat or for distorting religion and causing incitement (and then obviously fight them if they rebel) but no one, today, right now, has the right, capability or authority to do any of that. You can keep your Takfir with yourself, we don't need any more of it.

Your understanding of everything is a totally intertwined mess, as is typical of people misguided by Mullahs and molvis. Who do you think has the authority of Abu Bakr RA now? ''Khalifa'' Baghdadi? The Saudis? Your local mullah? Who can, today, claim to be on the level of the Khulafa e Rashideen? No one. Then what are you arguing over?
So conclusion of your above statement is:

Those laws are only to be implemented by Khulafa who are on Minhaj un Nabowa, or on the path of prophet S.a.w.

After Ameer ul Momeenen Ali A.s I don’t consider Banu Ummayah (Except umer bin Abdul Aziz), Banu Abbas and Turks on Minhaj e Nabwi. They are just dictators nothing more.

Will have to wait for Imam Mahdi A.s.

My problem with that is that firstly nowadays the Ummat is too divided to have legitimate Ijma' on such matters. It will undoubtedly be abused for political reasons, rather than being handled as a serious Islamic issue.
Ummat is divided for almost 1400 years. Division starts in the days of Hazrat Usman R.a. There are certain basic principles on which ummat is not divided.

For Example Finality of Prophet Hood. Declaration of ahmedis as Non Muslims.

You can say that qadianis are politically oppressed or abused by this. Firstly there is no political motivation behind this. Secondly the problem here is on implementation level not with the basic ideology.
Secondly, no one can no for sure what people's actual reasons are. Unless they say it openly, we can not tell whether or not the alleged Kuffar are actually purposely covering the truth and opposing Islam or if they are simply mistaken. Since the period of Itmam al Hujjah was a long time ago, many, many confusions and distortions have been created, which results in many people being misguided.
For those situations Asool ul Fiqh has separate terminologies. Work done by scholars is astonishing in this regard.

If the only alternative is Takfiri Mullah bull, I'd gladly take ''sugar coated Islam''. But it isn't. You can have a perfectly normal middle path, as the Holy Prophet instructed us to. I would be very, very glad if we had a legitimate Islamic state to enforce the correct principles of Islam, but we don't have anything of the sort.
Fully agreed.

beware you are dealing with grave worshipping sufies over here who dance around graves and give electric shocks..:lol:
here comes the Lover of Ameer ur Munafiqeen Yazeed.

Led by goverment paid barelvis and you are against him because he exposes fraud of Qadyanis
That is the sad part for us. No one even pays a penny to us. Let alone pakistan government.
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congratulation to Zakir naik. he is doing a great job kudos to you sir
So conclusion of your above statement is:

Those laws are only to be implemented by Khulafa who are on Minhaj un Nabowa, or on the path of prophet S.a.w.
Yes, pretty much. At the very least a legitimate and reasonably just Islamic state with a reasonably large area under its jurisdiction is required, to be able to implement proper Islamic Law.

Ummat is divided for almost 1400 years. Division starts in the days of Hazrat Usman R.a. There are certain basic principles on which ummat is not divided.

For Example Finality of Prophet Hood. Declaration of ahmedis as Non Muslims.

You can say that qadianis are politically oppressed or abused by this. Firstly there is no political motivation behind this.
I said too divided, not just divided. For example, many Barelvi Molvis would love to declare all Deobandis as non-Muslims and vice versa. I won't even get into Shia-Sunni. That is the politics, right there.

Ahmedis have crossed limits by abandoning the important concept of finality of prophethood, and I believe they are wrong but by targeting them with violence the way many have done we have advanced their cause and made them more popular than they would've been otherwise. Imagine this - if they were just ignored, shunned, disagreed with but left alone - nobody would even know about them. But now that they've got the victim card, the whole world knows about them.
Secondly the problem here is on implementation level not with the basic ideology.

For those situations Asool ul Fiqh has separate terminologies. Work done by scholars is astonishing in this regard.
It is, but I have some reservations regarding some of the work. Some, on the other hand, I fully agree with. There's literally loads upon loads of it, can't sort through all of it without devoting one's entire life to the purpose.
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