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Dr. Zakir Naik wins King Faisal award

zakir naik is an idiot lol, he's the biggest hypocrite and bullshiter i've ever seen, he's a businessman, he goes to all these big gulf countries because he receives a big pay cheque, why didn't this dog come out and condemn ISIS or the peshawar killings, he was too busy acting like a bufoon on his tv show to give a damn, his son is basically a moron too, Naik represents everything i hate about indians the cheap, money grubbing, arrogant and show off mentality, his son basically acts the same way as his dad and lacks any originality. look at his son make a fool of himself infront of the whole world.
I said too divided, not just divided. For example, many Barelvi Molvis would love to declare all Deobandis as non-Muslims and vice versa. I won't even get into Shia-Sunni. That is the politics, right there.
Pait Poja for most of them.

Ahmedis have crossed limits by abandoning the important concept of finality of prophethood, and I believe they are wrong but by targeting them with violence the way many have done we have advanced their cause and made them more popular than they would've been otherwise. Imagine this - if they were just ignored, shunned, disagreed with but left alone - nobody would even know about them. But now that they've got the victim card, the whole world knows about them.
True. My point here is that concept of Ijma'a is still applicable in certain cases.

It is, but I have some reservations regarding some of the work. Some, on the other hand, I fully agree with. There's literally loads upon loads of it, can't sort through all of it without devoting one's entire life to the purpose.
There are people who devoted there life but only able to get some of it.
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