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Is Majid Nawaz a kafir according to you?

I am not a scholar. Why don't u ask a scholar? :undecided:

But even a lay muslim knows that mazid nawaz's type people's views are contrary to Islam and not part of the mainstream muslim community. :)
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He should stick to comparative religion, Sharia and Fiqh is not his strong point at all. But I wouldn't go so far as to say he's a terrorist sympathizer.
You have stolen my words brother. He should focus on his area of expertise and that is comparative religion. Venturing into the depths of Aqaid and Fiqh is not good for him, and also the people who follow him.
He has a very poor choice of words, but he did not say what it's being shown as.

Islam and Terrorism - The Pen Wrote

He should stick to comparative religion, Sharia and Fiqh is not his strong point at all. But I wouldn't go so far as to say he's a terrorist sympathizer.

Its not abt choice of words. Its either u r with us or against us. Bilal philips was banned from germany for stating the Islam stand on homosexuality. Its purely to do with their zeal of diluting Islam to conform their narrative of right and wrong. But we know that's not possible so such western inflamed "controversies" will keep on arising.
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Its not abt choice of words. Its either u r with us or against us. Bilal philips was banned from germany for stating the Islam stand on homosexuality. Its purely to do with their zeal of diluting Islam to conform their narrative of right and wrong. But we that's not possible so such western inflamed "controversies" will keep on arising.
Bro you have to admit that his choice of words was bad - he could have said it in a very different way and still explain Islam's stance perfectly.

He could have said ''I condemn all terrorists who target civilians, however I must say that a distinction should be made between legitimate fighters and terrorists. Islam would support the legitimate fighters because... (and so on)''

If they still banned him and made controversies about him, then yes, your argument would be perfectly relevant and valid. As for Bilal Phillips being banned from Germany, well, that's Western freedom of speech for you.

Tell me, have I misunderstood or does he sound like a typical Taliban supporter in Pakistan who excuses their violence by saying they didn't do these terrorist attacks but other people are attributing it to them. He's either very naïve or definitely very cautious of how he voices his opinions on Bin laden and the Taliban.

This is a sad day for Muslim Ummah that we cannot even afford suitable lightings. :(

EDIT: Even in that video he continues to speak about conspiracy theories. Why can't he just condemn openly? Bin laden also claimed the bombings in Kenya, called for war against shias etc but this guy still says he doesn't know enough to condemn him? What does he want, a written and signed statement and a personal message from Bin Laden?

So its either u are with us or against us? He clearly said killing of innocent is against Islam but no, he has to explicitly condemn those condemned by the west and he must subscribe to the western narrative to avoid labels such as "terrorist sympathizer." Why can't someone have a indifferent opinion on something?
this idiot has to be kept away from entering India...
So its either u are with us or against us? He clearly said killing of innocent is against Islam but no, he has to explicitly condemn those condemned by the west and he must subscribe to the western narrative to avoid labels such as "terrorist sympathizer." Why can't someone have a indifferent opinion on something?

So Bin Laden is also not a terrorist in your views? You don't need a "western narrative" to know that the killings of 3000 innocent people who had done no wrong to Muslims cannot be justified under any circumstances and that whoever carries them out is worse than an animal and deserves to be condemned and punished. Maybe in your blinded hatred for every thing west you have also forgotten the Islamic rules of war. Just because someone ( The US in Iraq for example) commits atrocities that does not mean we forget about Islamic rules of engagement and start butchering people left, right and centre.
True ape is the perfect definition of a clown.
Even a scholar can not declare someone Kafir, not unless that scholar is a higher authority than Allah (astaghfirullah)
Take a look at the lecture given by tahir ul qadri. May be it could clear something.
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