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Dr۔ Shahabaz Gill arrested from Islamabad

I never thought of SG as a genuine person.

If the University of Malaya was controversial, UIUC wouldn't have hired him as adjunct faculty and kept him for so long...

Yeah, of course. Fake case which PTI government never exposed infront of the public. Halal abductions happened in PTI's tenure, now it's haram.

You guys are missing one simple point in all of this.

Asad Toor, Ali Wazir, and Matiullah were picked up by military agencies, and the civilian government had nothing to do with it. The civilian government was actually silent during the whole dilemma and did not come out all guns blazing defending the arrests.

In this case, not only has the Islamabad Police made the actual arrest, but the civilian government is defending these arrests to the hill. Also, even media such as Geo is defending this...ARY for it's part did not condone the arrests of Matiullah and others.

One thing I have found common among all N supporters, they love to twist, misinterpret, or deliverately omit facts to get their point across. Be it a point of law, logic, or economy.
This brings to light a point I have often repeated.

Any agency, no matter federal of provincial, should have properly identifiable uniform or ID visible on it when making an arrest, similar to the jackets and badge FBI wears. I know that FIA even has those sort of jackets, blue in color...

They should at least have a visible badge.

Anyways, welcome to the USSR guys!

To all the N supporters saying Gill or ARY were anti-state, what about the fine folks in the video below? Ya yeh tareefain kar rahay hain fauj ki? Show me one PTI leader who said even half of what is said below...

Empire strikes back. Supporters inside Pakistan should be careful. Use VPN. No one will come for rescue of individuals.

1st, why are they defaming armed forces?

2nd, even using vpn, some people in past were arrested for blasphemy.
I do not want to dicuscuss more in depth, but their friends on youtube told the same, some even left the country immediately, when they heard their friends are being arrested.
There are many ways to catch.
The Grand daughters & Great grandson of the Prophet pbuh were arrested and taken as prisoners to Sham.

Keep your political Bakwas to yourself & leave the household of Rasool ALLAH ( pbuh) out of this.
The PTI is taking the establishment and generals to the cleaners. IK has mentioned couple of times Pakistan needs a strong army.

Now compare that with Sharifs, Zardaris and their lackeys statements.
Bad move will only lead to more hate, anger, abuses and all sorts of negativity towards institutions. Already you can see on twitter. Better sense needs to prevail and free and fair elections in entire Pakistan are only way forward.
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