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Dr. Abdus Salam: A question

I don't know how do you come to that conclusion based on what?? Why don't you try explaining the word??

Confusion or not, an Indian an obviously secular Indian should not be spreading word of Islamists barbarians.

Why is it so hard to understand.
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Confusion or not, an Indian an obviously secular Indian should not be spreading word of Islamists barbarians.

Why it is so hard to understand.

Learn from Malala...apparently she has more balls than most of you.

You may want to be a mute spectator to their barbarian acts but the rest of the world will not sit silent and condone their behavior.
Nobel prize winning Pakistani physicist who predicted the 'God particle' is shunned in his own country because of his religious beliefs

He was the first Pakistani to win a Nobel prize in physics after he predicted the existence of the so-called 'God particle', but in his home country Abdus Salam's achievements have been written from the record books.

Despite being a leading figure in Pakistan's space and nuclear program Salam was shunned by Muslim fundamentalists when they took control of the country in the 1970s.

Although he was a Muslim, the physicist, who died in 1996, belonged to the Ahmadi sect, who believed Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was their spiritual leader as opposed to the prophet Muhammad.


Ignored: Abdus Salam was the first Pakistani to win a Nobel prize in physics after he predicted the existence of the so-called God particle, but in his home country his achievements have been written from the record books

As a result Salam along with Pakistanis from other religious minorities, such as Shiite Muslims, Christians and Hindus were pushed into the wilderness and attacked by militants from the Sunni Muslim majority.

Today all Pakistani passport applicants must declare on their passport application that they believe the prophet Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was an 'impostor' and that his followers are 'non-Muslims.'

Today Ahmadis face prison or even death if they pose as Muslims, practise their faith publicy, describe their places of worship as mosques or take part in the sacred Muslim call to prayer.



Breakthrough: The groundbreaking work by professor Salam, left, on subatomic particles was proved by the discovery of the Higgs-boson particle at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, pictured right

Salam received a string of international prizes and honours for his groundbreaking work in the world of subatomic physics.

In 1979, he was joint winner of the Nobel Prize for his research on the Standard Model of particle physics, which theorized that fundamental forces govern the overall dynamics of the universe.

Salam and Steven Weinberg, with whom he shared the prize, independently anticipated the existence the 'God particle' which later became formally known as the Higgs boson after the British professor Peter Higgs who said the particle was responsible for endowing other particles with mass.

Pervez Hoodbhoy, a Pakistani physicist who once worked with Salam, said the way his colleague had been treated was a tragedy.

He added: 'He went from someone who was revered in Pakistan, a national celebrity, to someone who could not set foot in Pakistan. If he came, he would be insulted and could be hurt or even killed.'

Physicists in Switzerland stoked worldwide excitement on Wednesday when they announced they have all but proven the Higgs boson particle's existence.

This was done using the world's largest atom smasher at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, near Geneva.

'This would be a great vindication of Salam's work and the Standard Model as a whole,' said Khurshid Hasanain, chairman of the physics department at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad.


Discover: A computer generated image of a collision between two protons. The discovery of the so-called 'God particle' proved Salam's theory correct


Atomic level: Salam received a string of international prizes and honours for his groundbreaking work in the world of subatomic physics - pictured a 'typical candidate' event measured in the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland

In the 1960s and early 1970s, Salam wielded significant influence in Pakistan as the chief scientific adviser to the president, helping to set up the country's space agency and institute for nuclear science and technology.

Salam also assisted in the early stages of Pakistan's effort to build a nuclear bomb, which it eventually tested in 1998.

Salam's life, along with the fate of the 3 million other Ahmadis in Pakistan, drastically changed in 1974 when parliament amended the constitution to declare that members of the sect were not considered Muslims under Pakistani law.

Salam resigned from his government post in protest and eventually moved to Europe to pursue his work. In Italy, he created a centre for theoretical physics to help physicists from the developing world.

Although Pakistan's then-president, General Zia ul-Haq, presented Salam with Pakistan's highest civilian honour after he won the Nobel Prize, the general response in the country was muted. The physicist was celebrated more enthusiastically by other nations, including Pakistan's archenemy, India.

Despite his achievements, Salam's name appears in few textbooks and is rarely mentioned by Pakistani leaders or the media.


Professor Higgs, 83, wiped a tear from his eye as the findings were announced, and later said: 'It's really an incredible thing that it's happened in my lifetime.'


Acknowledged: Salam and Steven Weinberg, with whom he shared the prize, independently anticipated the existence the 'God particle'. The Super Proton Synchrotron tunnel at the Large Hadron Collider is pictured


Find: Physicists in Switzerland stoked worldwide excitement when they announced they have all but proven the Higgs boson particle's existence using the world's largest atom smasher

By contrast, fellow Pakistani physicist A.Q. Khan, who played a key role in developing the country's nuclear bomb and later confessed to spreading nuclear technology to Iran, North Korea and Libya, is considered a national hero. Khan is a Muslim.

The president who honored Salam would later go on to intensify persecution of Ahmadis, for whom life in Pakistan has grown even more precarious. Taliban militants attacked two mosques packed with Ahmadis in Lahore in 2010, killing at least 80 people.

'Many Ahmadis have received letters from fundamentalists since the 2010 attacks threatening to target them again, and the government isn't doing anything,' said Qamar Suleiman, a spokesman for the Ahmadi community.

For Salam, not even death saved him from being targeted.

Hoodbhoy said his body was returned to Pakistan in 1996 after he died in Oxford, England, and was buried under a gravestone that read 'First Muslim Nobel Laureate.' A local magistrate ordered that the word 'Muslim' be erased

Read more: Abdus Salam: Nobel-winning physicist who predicted the 'God particle' is shunned in native Pakistan | Mail Online
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Just a little mistake, ahmadis believe Mirza sahib was a sub ordinate and a servant of Syedna Muhammad (SAW) and not an alternative spiritual leader.
I read below comment on this article;

One very clear example of religious bigotry emanates in the hometown of Dr.Abdus Salam during 1991.As the Founder Principal of Chenab College,Jhang___the first genuine English medium school in the district, I wrote to Dr.Salam about the fact that this school was coming up in his hometown.So enthusiastic and prompt was his reply that I was enthused.He not only expressed his best wishes but offered to also equip the Science lab of the upcoming school.Along with his hand written reply he also sent me an autographed photograph.I had this framed and hung in my office.I also named a House after him.Seizing upon his offer to equip the science lab,I took the Chairman of the Board (DC Jhang) into confidence.Instead of appreciating the gesture he turned blue and panicked.The fear of religious groups was too much for him to handle.Not giving up I wrote a personal letter to Dr Salam explaining things back home and asking him if there was another way out.To the credit of this great human being,he said that he could send the lab equipment in my name.After the completion of my term in 1993,the name of the House was changed,the offer rejected.

In the more recent past in 2010 I founded another school,funded by H.H.Excellency the ruler of Abu Dhabi, in Rahim Yar Khan and again named a House after him.No sooner had my term expired the incoming Principal cowing down to the lunatic fringe also changed the name of the House! What is very intriguing to explain that if I as a Founder Principal of both the schools could withstand the pressures from vested lobbies why couldn't the incoming Principals.who had their job cut out for them.The answer is:this holy land of the puritanical sinners and bigots is rapidly losing ground to the fanatics and most educationists are men/women of straw who would rather 'getting going' than stick their ground.
Egyptians have named a whole science city after their Nobel Laureate and are benefiting from it. Brainless Punjabis however have no such vision.


Zewail City theoretical physics research highlighted in international media sparks debate about the beginning of the Universe

Zewail City of Science and Technology aims at creating a step-change in the Egyptian research and education scene. The City houses ten different state-of-the-art Research Centers, all of which aim at producing research that will deal with long-standing inherent problems of the Egyptian society and contribute to Egypt’s scientific and technological advancement. The Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) was one of the first centers established in the City. Since its establishment in Feb. 2012, CTP has been conducting ground breaking research in fundamental physics. The CTP gives Egypt a strong international presence in the most fundamental areas of modern science.

Recently, CTP two researchers: Dr. Adel Awad (who has been recently appointed as a Deputy Director of a research center at the British University in Egypt) and Dr. Ahmed Farag Ali -in collaboration with a researcher from the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad – state that if high-energy light rays of different frequencies travel through the cosmos along different paths, which is a possible consequences of an idea for modified gravity, known as “Rainbow Gravity”, then the Universe may not have begun with a singularity but rather have been in existence for an infinitely long time. Their work appeared in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics in October.

The findings by the CTP team have been picked up by international media and opened up a debate opposing the widely known ‘Big Bang’ theory as the beginning of the Universe. The core of the debate is: what if the universe had no beginning and time stretched back infinitely without a big bang to start things off?. International media which have picked this up include Daily mail of UK, Scientific American and Top news of the US in addition to a number of TV shows. (Include links to coverage)

Professor Shaaban Khalil, Director of the CTP commented on these research findings stating: “It is very interesting and important result, which shows that our idea about the universe may change if we considered a theory of gravity beyond Einstein theory of general relativity. In fact, the study of the very early Universe requires a theory that combines Quantum Mechanics with theory of general relativity, which is known as Theory of Quantum Gravity. However, there are some difficulties in formulating such theory. So far, the best candidate for Quantum Gravity is the Superstring Theory, known as the theory of everything. Nevertheless, this theory is not yet completed. Therefore, the theory of Quantum Gravity is an open problem and is one of the most important research areas in the world and in CTP at Zewail City as well. Thus, one should be careful of any conclusion about the early universe at this stage, and should consider it as an attempt to understand the expected difference in results from Einstein’s classical theory for Gravity”.

The CTP is part of the Egyptian Network for High Energy Physics (ENHEP), which acts as the nucleus of the scientific cooperation between the Egyptian experts in High Energy Physics and CERN in the LHC project. The CTP is also one of six research centers worldwide affiliated to the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy.

Zewail City theoretical physics research highlighted in international media sparks debate about the beginning of the Universe | Zewail City of Science and Technology
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