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Dr. A.Q. Khan Exposes the MYTH of Thar Coal and Riko Diq

A few years ago nobody believed that Reqo Dik was given away for a 30 year old lease with mining rights awarded to a foreign company and only 25% of share to be given to Baluchistan government.
However this was found to be true, so i say that at least we know this was all done below the radar.

The people who signed this deal on Pakistan's behalf should be charged with treason and given the appropriate punishment (death penalty). :sniper:

I am serious.

We need to make an example of these people. Corruption is killing our nation.
This thread is becoming a PR campaign for Dr Sb and PAEC rather than any thing else. I can’t understand how past achievements are related to an advanced and sophisticated mining project and I hope we all start to see through this. Can we get our head out of gutter and leave both A.Q Khan and Samer and go for someone who actually knows what this business is all about. Dr Sabihuddin Bilgrami internationally acclaimed geologist (former Head RDC ) also suggested that we don’t have the required expertise’s and resources to undertake such a massive project and supports bringing in firms with experience and financial resources.Its truly a amazing opportunity knocking on our door which must not be wasted over ignorance, remember the interests of the state supersedes everyone.

I think it is about time the PAEC was acknowledged for what it did in service of our country.

Anyways, coming back to the topic.
Even Sabihuddin Bilgrami has called for a review of this project through consultants before sealing the deal.
I am sure the courts will take all technical/financial input into consideration before deciding the fate of this deal.

Let us understand that even if we do not have the funds to do it in house, we should scrutinize the costing, budgeting and payment terms in the courts since this was a deal which came out of nowhere.
Also the terms of the lease and presence/absence of any real provisioning for in house training of our own experts should be reviewed.
The model should be not just to get money but also to get every possible benefit out of this deal to ensure we can have complete in house capability of every function, down the line.

Rest assured, our head shall be out of the gutter once we get closure on this deal.
No harm in scrutinizing this deal and modifying or adding clauses to ensure the interest of the State.
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I think Khan Sahab is using old figures of estimated Coal reserves in the country.

Remember the interview of the Head of Engro Energy Pakistan? Remember he said he has been allocated only one block out of many and the estimated coal reserves were 2.5 billion tonnes in that single unit/block only... but after the through geological survey conducted by two Chinese experts whose combined experience was of about 80 years in this sector.... They had confirmed the total reserves in that single unit exceeds 3 billion tonnes (higher than expectations)

We haven't touched other units or blocks yet and the article becomes value-less... :lol:

Dr A Q Khan Commented on Thar Coal with Reference from an article written by farrukh saleem(which i Personally think is Bullshit ).The Article Titled Thar Coal Claims vs Facts i gave a response to it in The Related Thread.I Give it Again:
To give the impression that Thar Coal Reserves are Useless Just Because they are of Lower Grade Poor Quality and have High Moisture Content Is Wrong
1.If They Have High Moisture Content,the problem can be solved through dehydration of coal.The Water Extracted can Be Used for Non Potable Purposes.This Is A blessing for the locals who Have to Endure Long Periods of Drought
2.Coal Refining Technology is an Established Technology.The US Company Evergreen Energy Inc. is Best Known for this. it was founded in 1984 with the goal of commercializing a coal upgrading technology first developed in a Stanford University laboratory by Edward Koppelman. Taking the K from Koppelman's name, Evergreen, known formerly as KFx Inc., branded its refined coal product as "K-Fuel."This Technology can be applied to Thar Coal
3.Through Fischer–Tropsch process we can produce a various Synthetic Fuels
4.Coal Gasification can Be Used to Solve our Problems of Gas Shortages.Coal Gasification Technologies Have Been Developed
and Utilised in United Kingdom Germany USSR and USA with Success.Last Time I Checked Dr Samar Mubarak Was Working on It
5.We Have Not Prospected for the Coal Bed Methane over There Yet.With such a Huge Coal field they are bound to be Enormous.Our Gas Shortages can be Solved for Good.
6.Through Clean Coal Technology we Can Produce Electricity Which is Environmentally Friendly
7.Most of The Coal Reserves of Germany are Lignite and They Have Created One Of The Worlds Biggest Chemical Industries Through Their Mastery of Coal Chemistry
My Point is with The careful application of Technology,These Reserves which are Useless to The Untrained Eye can Become a Great National Asset
Dr. Sahab also questions whether Thar Coal Gasification and Conversion to Diesel is Viable and Cost Effective.So What He Is Trying To Say Is It Is Cost Effective to Spend Billions of Dollars in Precious Foreign Exchange in The Import of Oil and Still suffer Fuel Shortages and Power Outages
In The End He Gives The Example of Japan which does not have Coal Reserves but Still Produces $4 Trillion worth of Goods and Services.Dr. Sahab if The Japanese are not blessed in The Same Way We Are This Does Not Mean We Should Not Use Our Domestic Resources For Energy Production because only then we will be able to develop our Industry

Make No Mistake about it Thar Coal does live up To Its Reputation
So What He Is Trying To Say Is It Is Cost Effective to Spend Billions of Dollars in Precious Foreign Exchange in The Import of Oil and Still suffer Fuel Shortages and Power Outages
In The End He Gives The Example of Japan which does not have Coal Reserves but Still Produces $4 Trillion worth of Goods and Services.Dr. Sahab if The Japanese are not blessed in The Same Way We Are This Does Not Mean We Should Not Use Our Domestic Resources For Energy Production because only then we will be able to develop our Industry

Make No Mistake about it Thar Coal does live up To Its Reputation

Dr A Q Khan was also opposed to the development of nuclear power reactors by PAEC. He had opposed the 300 MW Chashma-I nuclear power reactor deal being negotiated with China in 1990 when he tried to dissuade Benazir Bhutto from going ahead with the Sino-Pak agreement for the reactor signed by PAEC and CNNC in 1989. But Benazir chose to listen to PAEC and the reactor was constructed at Chashma.
Thnx for the info
I will try to shed some light upon technical aspects.
Besides gasification technology no other technology namely Fischer–Tropsch process; Coal Bed Methane are in infantry in our education portfolio. Our chemical engineering books are full of environmental hazard stuff@ coal (~it though is a western conspiracy who wants us to be feeding on their oil!!)

I am again saying it that AQK in his article never said the coal is shiyyt!! He just stated that technical backgrounds aren't available here; also another disease that plaque us in nepotism....
One must keep in mind that nuke scientist were trained & had worked in foreign firms but today a Pakistan engineering student isn't given the same opportunity in 21st century
AQ Khan's tone is patronizing and insulting.
Insulting to Human Intellect and specifically to Pakistani Engineers. I know a lot of them and have working experience in overseas projects. No one in their right minds will give preference to a Chinese engineer over a Pakistani engineer. No multinational does that. I would seriously question the motives of AQ Khan for questioning the competence and capabilities of his own nationals.

The crux of his article is a shameless advocation of Shenhua. Why is AQ Khan doing that?

People from across the LoC should be asking this question.
I really don't care if A.Q Khan, takes credit for his work or not. Thats not the point of the article, there only few people in our country who have the experience and understanding of the dynamics of undertaking such a project in our country.

He is a credible person, and his words hold weight.
credit or no credit to AQ Khan is not an issue
the main thing is what is the best solution to the problem

1. we need Mining Engineers
2. we need Gasification Engineers
3. we need Chemical Engineers

what short term options do we have.
ask some foreign Engineers to visit and work and train the local engineers in these fields.

pressurise the Government to provide funds for this.

construct Universities with facilities for these subjects if possible near the mining sites.

Invite professors to give lectures in these universities
run an awareness program on Media to make people aware of these technologies.

we can Locally produce SynGas from Coal, Rice Husk, Biomass.
the Technology has been well understood in China and India and they are working on this and making it easier day by day.

Tomorrow can be Day One so start now and do it.
Baluchistan could be made a Mining Heaven with Mining Schools and Universities with a Faculty for Geology and Mining. then most probably we would not need an International Miner to Mine for us and take away the major share.

we should still consider the option of training and teaching our own people instead of giving away the future of our children to others.

we did not Mine Gold and Copper for 63 years so why not wait for another 10 years and develop our own technology for deep mining and purification

Chinese company Shenhua which claims to employ 170,000 people did not exist 20 years back.

so come on wake up and do something now
Countries are not Companies to make profits in 5 years Politicians should try to see beyond the 5 years of their Term and make policies for the country not for themselves.
COAL GASIFICATION is the future of our COAL
please try to understand this Technology and try to build a manufacturing base in our country before the Foreign Companies sell them to us on a heavy Price

PS. this is not Underground Coal Gasification. if anyone needs further details about this technology and How to use it may contact me.
I think Dr.A.Q. Khan is saying this in rivalery of DR. Samar, thats it. however it is not suitable for him, because our nation love A.Q khan
I Said This Regarding Desktop Intellectual Dr Farrukh Saleem
Dr A Q Khan was also opposed to the development of nuclear power reactors by PAEC. He had opposed the 300 MW Chashma-I nuclear power reactor deal being negotiated with China in 1990 when he tried to dissuade Benazir Bhutto from going ahead with the Sino-Pak agreement for the reactor signed by PAEC and CNNC in 1989. But Benazir chose to listen to PAEC and the reactor was constructed at Chashma.

I was Talking About Dr Farrukh Saleem The Desktop Intellectual Who Has Never Seen a Coalfield in His Life
From Whose Column Dr A Q Khan Was Referring to
I respectfully disagree with the article and am disappointed that Dr. A Q Khan cannot help but take a cheap shot at all the other scientists.

He is again trying to portray PAEC as a non entity which actually has done a lot for Pakistan, his personal bias against the other scientists and his tendency to always portray himself as the sole reason of our technological advancement is now becoming very annoying to me.

Pakistan successfully mined Uranium for its Nuclear program without any such firms helping us since it was taboo to support Pakistan's nuclear program.
Necessity was the mother of invention in that particular case and the good doctor is forgetting it now.
Now we absolutely need to be in control of our gold mining and extraction,we should control the project more actively and pay for any services which we cannot carry out in house; instead of granting a significant percentage of the mined gold and copper to the foreign companies which shall take home much more than they deserve.
This project needs to be managed and supervised in house and not controlled by foreign companies.

When A Q Khan flaunts his own genius as the sole reason of our Nuclear program he forgets that it was also a huge project and needed contribution and collective genius of many scientists, engineers, technicians and various other staff.
Nuclear technology was a closely guarded secret however mining and extraction is not exactly the same and we can seek better terms and engage many other companies if need be to assist us in this regards, on OUR TERMS!
For Pakistan to review the deals which were signed below the radar in order to ensure that we are not wasting our money and resources is a logical thing to do and should not be opposed so vehemently.

Coming to Thar project.
Instead of letting it hang in limbo as it has been, the initiative by our scientists to try and do things in house is something that i personally appreciate.
You can engage the Chinese firm in parallel since there are many blocks of the coal deposits which can be worked upon by different entities at the same time, but to not try ourselves is also criminal.
Underground coal gasification allows usage of coal reserves that are not economically recoverable by other technologies so it is not something that should not be studied and tested in order to fully utilize the reserves.

I would rather have us try and fail instead of not trying at all.

i think AQ khan was the biggest factor in our atomic power because first of all we had to import a guy from overseas to initiate our nuclear program,l this means we had no talents of our own, we had to import a foreign graduate into our program

if our home grown engineers and scientists were that capable, pakistan produces many engineers but not of that upper level

Abdul Qadeer Khan[note 1] (Urdu: ڈاکٹر عبد القدیر خان ; born: 1 April 1936), also known in Pakistan as Mohsin-e-Pakistan (in Urdu: محسن پاکِستان; lit: Savior of Pakistan), D.Eng, Sc.D, HI, NI (twice), FPAS; more widely known as Dr. A. Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer

[In 1972, the year he received his doctorate, Khan through a former university classmate, Friedrich Tinner, and a recommendation from his old professor and mentor, Martin J. Brabers, joined the senior staff of the Physics Dynamics Research Laboratory (FDO) in Amsterdam.[11] At first, he was responsible for evaluating High-strength metals to be used for centrifuge components.[12] The FDO was a subcontractor for URENCO Group, the uranium enrichment research facility at Almelo, Netherlands, which had been established in 1970 by the United Kingdom, West Germany, and the Netherlands to assure a supply of enriched uranium for European nuclear reactors.[11] According to Khan's deputy, Dr. Ghulam Dastigar Alam, Khan was very fluent in German, French and English, and the FDO administration gave him a drawing of a centrifuge machine for translation.[11] However, Khan later joined the URENCO Group after Urenco offered him a prestigious job.[11] Khan was responsible for performing experiments on uranium metallurgy[11] and was tasked to produce commercial-grade uranium usable for light water reactors.[11] In the meantime, the URENCO Group gave drawings of centrifuges for the solution of engineering problems that Urenco's engineers were facing.[11] The Urenco facility used Zippe-type centrifuge technology to separate the fissile isotopes 235U from non-fissile 238U by spinning UF6 gas at up to 100,000Rpm.[11] Abdul Qadeer Khan's academic and leading-edge research in metallurgy brought great laurels to Urenco Group.[11] In a short span of time, Khan earned a great reputation there, and enjoyed a distinguished career at Urenco.[11] One of his greatest achievements was to enhance and improve the efficiency of the gas-centrifuges, which he did all alone.[11] URENCO enjoyed a great academic relationship with Dr. Khan, and Urenco had Khan as one of the most senior scientists at the research facility where he worked and researched.[11] URENCO granted Khan access to the most restricted areas of its facility as well as to the most restricted and highly classified documentation on gas centrifuge technology.[11] During this time, Urenco had granted this privilege to few of the senior academic scientists who were working in the highly secretive and classified research projects.[11]
Uranium enrichment is an extremely difficult process, as 235U exists in natural uranium at a concentration of only 0.7%; for the purposes of most power-generation reactors the concentration of that isotope has to be increased about fivefold, to at least 3%. The trick is to isolate and shed a similar isotope known as 238U which is barely 1% heavier. By spinning at very high speeds—electrically driven to 100,000 Rpm, in perfect balance, on superb bearings, in a vacuum, linked by pipes to thousands of other units doing the same—this is what the centrifuge achieves. Much of the technical details of these centrifuge systems are regulated as secret information and subject to export controls because they could be used for the purposes of proliferation, and useful to make weapon-grade fuel for weapon making purposes.[11] Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan was responsible for improving the efficiency of the centrifuges used by Urenco, and greatly contributed to the technological advancement of the Zippe technology, a technology that was developed by Gernot Zippe, a mechanical engineer, in the Soviet Union during the 1940s.

the guys has been awarded for his brilliance in europe and was key guy for the research for urenco, just stated above
i was amazed to see samar mubarak a nuclear scientist conducting gasification and projects, and as AQ khan is a metallurgical engineer i will consider his opinion not just baseless

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