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‘Don’t go back to those dirty Indians’: The marines’ case fuels fascist sentiments in Italy

Well as its already in Tribunal neither Italy nor India can do anyting.. Back channel deal news is already leaked few weeks ago.. so rest all is posturing.. The Italian right wing is inspired by their past and conduct of right wing in India like Shiv Sena... Since right wing has nothing else to do they try to raise patriotic sentiments not caring about anything else.. They are suppose to do that so we should not be surprised..

A two-three day back i think a senior person from Italy said about marines not returning.. Governments of Italy and India had distanced themselves and gave normal law following soundbytes.. But both governments calm attitude and back channels talks suggest a far more seriousness in a compromise.. Perhaps done already and now just leaking to slowly drown the potential impact positive and negative.

Especially as PM NaMo may like to visit Euro Zone based on specific invites of Germany, UK and France and we all know last summit was cancelled due to Italian flip flops. The India Euro engagement has sufferred due to Italians behavior and India suffered in places like NSG entry.

So right wing people are trying to just rake up this issue to bask the glory of success when the compromise becomes public.

It would be nice if media does not give them too much weight age and importance or else they will up the ante and become more racial in nature of criticism.
Made your day, didn't it? Congrats.

If the ISI or the shameless country called Pakistan had their people killed, they would arrange a special charter plane to send the killers home. Ahem..Raymond Davies

On topic, these antics will only hurt their case. Frustrated namecalling doesn't really impact us. But a few years in a mosquito infested jail cell in Trivandrum will teach them to value human lives in future.

Please refrain from using harsh language.The Pakistani Govt.were only doing what comes naturally to them.In the highest traditions of hospitality , it not only did put up with an ungrateful guest but also paid blood money on his behalf to the bereaved's family & allowed a safe passage for Davies out of Pakistan.

Some uncharitable folk may say that they never expected notions like honour , justice , etc from the Pak govt & hence this spineless display was in keeping with their usual behaviour.

But in the light of current circumstances in Pak , I'm sure you'd agree - This kind of "shamelessness" requires guts too.
Indians angry here but supporting extreme right wingers when they spout against Muslims should see this as a news flash, they lump you in with us and the Arabs as well, you're not White, so for them, you're not right. Sad reality of this world, the only people who see Indians as equal would be us and the Bengalis, and the only people who see Pakistanis as equal would be you and the Bengalis
Well as its already in Tribunal neither Italy nor India can do anyting.. Back channel deal news is already leaked few weeks ago.. so rest all is posturing.. The Italian right wing is inspired by their past and conduct of right wing in India like Shiv Sena... Since right wing has nothing else to do they try to raise patriotic sentiments not caring about anything else.. They are suppose to do that so we should not be surprised..

A two-three day back i think a senior person from Italy said about marines not returning.. Governments of Italy and India had distanced themselves and gave normal law following soundbytes.. But both governments calm attitude and back channels talks suggest a far more seriousness in a compromise.. Perhaps done already and now just leaking to slowly drown the potential impact positive and negative.

Especially as PM NaMo may like to visit Euro Zone based on specific invites of Germany, UK and France and we all know last summit was cancelled due to Italian flip flops. The India Euro engagement has sufferred due to Italians behavior and India suffered in places like NSG entry.

So right wing people are trying to just rake up this issue to bask the glory of success when the compromise becomes public.

It would be nice if media does not give them too much weight age and importance or else they will up the ante and become more racial in nature of criticism.

Damage already done with Italy vetoing India entry.

Indians angry here but supporting extreme right wingers when they spout against Muslims should see this as a news flash, they lump you in with us and the Arabs as well, you're not White, so for them, you're not right. Sad reality of this world, the only people who see Indians as equal would be us and the Bengalis, and the only people who see Pakistanis as equal would be you and the Bengalis

No body supports extremist in any religion in India .
Some People take that way.
For example, someone want sharia law in India , no one even cared for it.
Someone right wing wants hindu law be imposed , every one makes big issue out of it,
Don’t go back to those dirty Indians’: The marines’ case fuels fascist sentiments in Italy
Right-wing vitriol has worsened since the medical leave of one of the two Italian marines accused of killing Indian fishermen was extended.
Carlo Pizzati · Today · 09:15 am

Photo Credit:AFP/STR
A strange combination of oddities is reawakening the world of right-wing and post-fascist sentiments among some Italians. Odd nativity statuettes, imaginary flying luckdragons, threats of stealing the Indian flag, racist insults and much more are being employed as the result of the drawn-out story of two Italian marines to be tried in India for allegedly killing two fishermen off Kerala’s coast four years ago.

I don't understand what is the problem with Italian government repeatedly. These two people have killed two Indians inside our waters and are being charged as per the law of the land. Why is there so much politics being played over such a simple matter?

It is a criminal act guys! What is wrong with you? Do Italian courts let go of all murderers in their country or what?

Last month, two miniature plastic soldiers appeared in a nativity scene that was photographed and circulated widely on social media and in the Italian press. Hovering above baby Jesus, next to Mary and rubbing elbows with Saint Joseph were two characters who couldn’t possibly have lived 2015 years ago in Bethlehem. They were dressed in modern Italian marine fatigues and standing erect and proud, as if they were sailing on a giant aircraft carrier. It was Giorgia Meloni, leader of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, who had decided that figurines of the two Italian marines deserved a place of honour at the heart of a much-revered Italian Christmas tradition.


Giorgia Meloni, leader of Brothers of Italy, with figurines of the Italian marines.
Further trouble came in the form of Simone Di Stefano, vice-president of the extreme right-wing group New Force. “We will steal the Indian flag from the embassy in Rome and we will cause a diplomatic incident,” he thundered. Such chest-thumping was not uncommon in the Italian fascist and neo-fascist tradition about 100 years ago, but they still survive in some quarters.

You got got be joking! Really!!? Putting two criminals next to holy figures? :blink:

These people couldn't have insulted the world's entire Christian population in a worse manner than this.

By putting two murderers on trial for killing in next holy figures, they have just offended nearly 3 billion people.

And any aggression against the embassy of any country as per international rules is an act of war.

Why are these stupid parties meddling with international law? They want to do politics, go beat up your PM and stuff. Why taking international rules in your hands?

Is stealing flags supposed to be a threat? Any attempt to overpower guards (mostly Italians and Indians jointly guarding the embassy) will be breaking the legalities of their own country as well.

These fascists have a soft, dreamy side too. Since the marines’ nativity gimmick didn’t work so well, Brothers of Italy launched a new campaign. It plastered the streets of Rome and parts of Italy with the image of the two marines riding on the back of Falkor, a “luckdragon” from the German fantasy novel The Neverending Story. “Let’s bring them home,” exhorted the poster against the backdrop of a blue sky filled with scattered clouds, and ended with the comment, “Italy takes off."

In fact, Italy is not taking off, and neither are the two marines.


Simone Di Stefano, vice-president of New Force, has threatened to steal the Indian flag from the embassy in Rome.

And I thought Indian politics was funny.... :what:

One of them, the taciturn Massimiliano Latorre, who had returned temporarily to his homeland of Puglia after suffering a stroke, will not take off for Delhi on January 15, as originally planned. This week an Italian senator announced he would not be sent back at all. Shortly after, on the same day, the Supreme Court of India granted Latorre an extension till April 30 on medical grounds. The Kerala government and some Congress leaders were not pleased. “Sad and unfortunate,” was how Charles George, convenor of the Kerala Fisheries Coordinating Committee, described the leniency.

What about the other marine who is still under house arrest at the Italian embassy in Delhi? Salvatore Girone is “coming back on February 30”, said an angry commentator upon hearing the news of Latorre’s extension. In fact, he’s not taking off either. Girone is staying put, regardless of the fact that a defence committee in Italy announced he would be returning soon.

In the past few weeks the Italian government has asked a new International Court to apply “urgent measures” to bring Girone back to Italy, after the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg rejected a similar plea. The International Tribunal is still evaluating the case in its entirety.

This is too much! What the hell does the court think it is doing? Do you think Italians of Europeans would allow criminals of Indian origin get away from law in their country? Just get them in or don't let the Italian ambassador (on the ground of his own words, where he offered himself as a security) leave the country.

I guess you would expect a bit of gratitude from Italians for a decision that allows a sick man to stay in his own country longer than originally granted. But this infuriated commentators all over right-wing blogs and social networks. “Those primordial types are making fun of us,” wrote Salvatore Zambrino. Spurted Domenico Libri on his Facebook page, “Don’t go back to those dirty Indians."

This is what happens when a failed colonizer, who has some serious image issues, tries to put itself in the light of his successful neighbors.

Move on, Libri; your era is long gone.

Ruined conversations, relations

It must be remembered that up until the 1940s, crowds of Fascists would march on Italian streets singing these words with Ethiopians in mind: “You little black face, pretty Abyssinian, just wait and hope, the time is nearing, when we will be next to you, we will give you another Duce and another King.” Of course, things went south quite fast for Italians in their colonial war in Africa, and a few years later Italians were hanging their Duce upside down in Milan and bludgeoning him and his mistress to death, but that’s another story for another time. In today’s Italy, racist comments against refugees are heard regularly on television, and it is not rare for hooligans in football stadiums to hum racist chants against African and Arab players, despite the reprimand and fine that follows.

The bold part was the funniest. :rofl:

So it was Duce and not Douche huh? :D

Sitting around a festive dinner table a few days ago, I told my nephew that the surest way to revive a languishing conversation in Italy these days is to say, “E i marò?,” which in English means “how about those marines?” The issue of the two Italian marines accused of killing Indian fishermen seems a sure-fire way to get people talking. I was, unfortunately, right. The dinner was almost ruined by bickering and fights. Two years after the alleged killings, chances are still high that you’ll always unearth conflicting, strong opinions among Italians on this topic. The situation has been worsened by the latest news. The impression is that no solution is in sight, and no beginning of a trial either.

While Italian President Sergio Mattarella vows that the country “will continue to fight for Latorre and Girone”, the legal implications are a bit more muddled up. Relationships, including economic ties, between Italy and India are still strained. On the diplomatic front, Italy has veto power, which it exercised against India in September to stop New Delhi’s membership applications before all four export control regimes in charge of the world’s trade in nuclear supplies. It is all a strange combination of oddities, indeed.

No wonder Sonia Gandhi is so disgusting in her attitude towards the country that made her what she is today.


Falkor the Luckdragon will bring back the Italian marines.

If they didn't kill (which they did as overwhelming proof exists for it), then they will be free. If they did kill, then they will go to the gallows.

You want to put your international relations at risk for these two?

Go ahead; we don't mind.

But for the world barring India, that is the sad reality. A man's blood is valued by the nation he comes from..and that nations economics, power and prestige define it.

An Italian's blood is worth more than a Chinese's blood which is worth more than an Indian's blood which is worth more than a Pakistanis blood which is worth more than a Bangladeshis blood.

We can and will uphold the law. And as our country develops more, the pecking order shall change.

Well there is nothing they can do about it.

At the most our ties with them will fall apart. Big deal.

Murder if proven by law, is murder.

To hell with everything else.

Especially as PM NaMo may like to visit Euro Zone based on specific invites of Germany, UK and France and we all know last summit was cancelled due to Italian flip flops. The India Euro engagement has sufferred due to Italians behavior and India suffered in places like NSG entry.

We still hold the upper hand. Whether Italy agrees to anything or not, it doesn't matter. Germany, France and UK are keen on European ties with us and how they convince their little partner, is upto them.
But for the world barring India, that is the sad reality. A man's blood is valued by the nation he comes from..and that nations economics, power and prestige define it.

An Italian's blood is worth more than a Chinese's blood which is worth more than an Indian's blood which is worth more than a Pakistanis blood which is worth more than a Bangladeshis blood.

We can and will uphold the law. And as our country develops more, the pecking order shall change.

As far as western nations are concerned, only white caucasian European people are seen as worthy. A non-white country's military or economic power is seen as being meaningless to the white race. China and india both have a more powerful economy and military than Spain, Italy or Denmark but a Spanish, Italian or Danish life will always be seen as far superior to that of a Chinese or indian life regardless of whatever China or india achieve. That is why americans dropped atom bombs on Japan (even when they offered to surrender) and not on Germany during ww2. That is why the americans have murdered millions of Iraqis since 2003 yet it is seen as acceptable by white people.

The above is a taboo subject but the unfortunate reality of the world.

Oh no, he is descended from glorious Arabs, don't you know? And Pakistanis have such a wonderful reputation everywhere, don't you know?

That's the point. Unlike other peoples, Pakistanis totally do not care what white people think of them, at least those Pakistanis born and raised in the west.
That's the point. Unlike other peoples, Pakistanis totally do not care what white people think of them, at least those Pakistanis born and raised in the west.

Did you see his post? The Pakistani whom I was mocking? He was sooo thrilled that a few white guys called Indians "dirty." Apparently he values what they think or say.
Did you see his post? The Pakistani whom I was mocking? He was sooo thrilled that a few white guys called Indians "dirty." Apparently he values what they think or say.
Well, he's being taken in, same as any Indian supporting BNP and such right wing organisations abroad ( @sathya, I mean abroad and on these forums, you can see threads where any statement by right wingers abroad against Muslims is accepted, even Trump's rhetoric is supported by some). In the end, after Muslims, next will be Indians, for some other reason
Great amount of respect for the Italian Navy and hope their crew members are freed from the torturous environment in India

Solidarity with italian crew members
Bro, they think pretty much the same of us. This is one case where India are probably in the right, and Italy wrong. It's time they learnt that Pakistani/Indian lives aren't worth less than theirs. Indians are the enemy but the West hardly love us either.

They'd do the same in Pakistan without thought.
Great amount of respect for the Italian Navy and hope their crew members are freed from the torturous environment in India

Solidarity with italian crew members



The rule is simple, man; if he is proven innocent by court, he is free to walk with a formal apology. If guilty, he will be sentenced.

Courts here don't function according to governments and are independent.
Italians thought they could get away murdering innocents. They are making a complete mockery of themselves. We made their marines return to India twice without even using the military might. Our supreme court has ordered his return by April and by April he shall be.

Italy cannot withdraw its diplomatic relationship with India, coz, if they do , it will be sign of withdrawal from all agreements, giving us the liberty to do what ever we chose to, with those two accused.

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