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Dec 24, 2010
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i have seen a lot of posts in this section by indian and bengali members trying their best to undermine us. Lets not forget our roots and the sacrifices we made to achieve what we have today.

I could care less if indian or some other other members try to derail this thread. I will be happy if my message gets across to pakistani members on this forum. It is not a vs thread but rather a reminder of the sacrifices we made to achieve what we have today

Hats off to Sameeullather for making a marvellous video

YouTube - 28th May 1998-The Day Pakistan Confronted Israel ''The Final Showdown Is Inevitable'' !! [HD] !!
and exactly what do you have today??
you were having very less population when both of us got independence which means you had blank slate and better chance to progress...today also you have very less population but still you cant capitalize that advantage....
only making videos wont make anyone great...
and exactly what do you have today??
you were having very less population when both of us got independence which means you had blank slate and better chance to progress...today also you have very less population but still you cant capitalize that advantage....
only making videos wont make anyone great...
We also were the poorest when we got independence...... with a disfunctioning jute n textile mills n only 1 university even tht was without furniture n teachers..... unlike a much industrialised india.......... P.S=We were doin till we joined WOT........N Inshallah we will rise with full strenght again.
Of course,we all should Keep history and national humiliation in our mind!.keep going and going!As we are never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders and forgive Japanese.
But i think India anf Pakistan have been possible to achieve mutual understanding,not like ours feud has gone on now for 500years.
We also were the poorest when we got independence...... with a disfunctioning jute n textile mills n only 1 university even tht was without furniture n teachers..... unlike a much industrialised india.......... P.S=We were doin till we joined WOT........N Inshallah we will rise with full strenght again.

a blank slate is always better friend....you had chance to convert your dreams to reality..not like us with all the british created problems...
Lately ive been getting lots of Troll posts from Indians who undermine every word and they don't read my sentences correctly and misunderstand what i'm trying to say.

I ain't had a problem with a Bengali in this forum

The Chinese and Sri Lankans have been kind, they answer your questions in a nice manner and explain nicely in details, without trying to be a show-off.

One Indian member on this forum called B R I C whose a Indian, me + him see eye to eye his views are similiar to mine, so not Indians have been trolling me on this site.
No !

The percaptia income of Pakistan was always higher than that of India (right from independence). India pulled ahead only in the last 10 years.

With 2 disfunctioning mill we were richer then india with more thn 17 ordinance factories alone? u pulled ahead only in economy yet in human development n poverty u r still behind us........ Ant even tht is coz of the full scale war we r fighting...
With 2 disfunctioning mill we were richer then india with more thn 17 ordinance factories alone?

You were richer because you got the fertile lands of Punjab. In those times the economy of the Indian subcontinent was mostly agro based. While India faced famines, Pakistan exported agro products.

Only after the green revolution things stabilized for India

u pulled ahead only in economy yet in human development n poverty u r still behind us........ Ant even tht is coz of the full scale war we r fighting...

Incorrect. Our Human Development Index is higher than Pakistan's (Please don't make this poverty, slum thread)

India 0.519
Pakistan 0.490

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
With 2 disfunctioning mill we were richer then india with more thn 17 ordinance factories alone? u pulled ahead only in economy yet in human development n poverty u r still behind us........ Ant even tht is coz of the full scale war we r fighting...

you cant imagine with what pace we are reducing poverty...and you need to do google search on human development index..
We got punjab n feudralism? n mass migration....... n poverty tht we reduced to 17%.... u also had fertile sil in punjab,south india,up,andhra pardesh....
Lately ive been getting lots of Troll posts from Indians who undermine every word and they don't read my sentences correctly and misunderstand what i'm trying to say.

I ain't had a problem with a Bengali in this forum

The Chinese and Sri Lankans have been kind, they answer your questions in a nice manner and explain nicely in details, without trying to be a show-off.

One Indian member on this forum called B R I C whose a Indian, me + him see eye to eye his views are similiar to mine, so not Indians have been trolling me on this site.

Those who because of a lack of having a command of the lack, write in such a way that misunderstandings, if indeed they are so, occur.

It is also those who cannot with articulation debate issues, who are frontrunners to whimper, when they lose out, that the other bloke is a 'troll'.

If one is a troll, then he can always be reported.

To lament in a post, is merely indicative of a defeatist mindest that wants to drum support so as to restore the confidence lost in a debate.

I find it amusing that posts here could make one worry about his roots so much so to take it up as an issue to remind all not to forget one's roots!

As I see it, come hail, storm, rain or high water, no proud person of any nationality will ever forget his roots and also will not appreciate if their is a lament raised not to forget one's roots.

Why should a person forget his roots?

I fail to fathom this rationale.

There are many out here who mock India, but does it mean one should shake like an aspen leaf and be seized with fear that we are losing our roots?

One must learn to take the thick with the thin, more so on fora in the cyberspace where all sorts are floating free!
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