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Don't be jealous over India-China ties, Chinese daily tells US


May 1, 2013
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As Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made a "successful" visit to India despite recent border stand off, an influential state-run daily here took a dig at US saying Washington should not feel "jealous" over close Sino-Indian ties.

The ruling Communist Party's mouthpiece 'People's Daily' also said India would not harm its ties with China to further US' strategic interests.

"Li Keqiang's India visit will promote the two countries strategic partnership to a large extent. But the United States should not be jealous, because China and India do not want to be its enemy; they just hope to cooperate with it," the Daily said.

Outlining India-China economic development, it said "even the United States cannot ignore China and India's influence in international affairs. The two highly complementary economies are quickly developing their economic and trade cooperation."

"Because of the boundary problems between the two countries, some conflicts do exist between them. But the leaders of the two countries have not been misled by American and Japanese right wing forces. India will not harm the relationship with China just for the sake of realising certain countries' strategic interests," it said.

It said Li's first visit abroad to India and Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Russia earlier were part of China's efforts in the new diplomatic situation to promote new patterns of relationship between great powers.

"China and India voice a harmonious theme in foreign affairs. The two countries are the co-founders of the 'Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence', which shows similar stance of the two countries in diplomatic sector," it said.

"China has been adhering to an independent foreign policy of peace; India has been pursuing the nonalignment policy. The purpose of the both countries is to safeguard sovereignty and independence," it said.

Noting that China and India are the important members of G20 and BRICS, it said the two are in favour of practising democracy in international relations and advocate promoting world multipolarisation and abiding by international code, it said.
It's not about American 'jealousy'. It's plain and simple 'insecurity'! Just imagine, if China and India can work together and form a strategic alliance, it would put paid to the American dream of establishing a New World Order according to its diktats.

The center of power - economically and militarily - will then not be the US of A and its surrogates like the UK. It would shift to a new world order controlled by China, India and Russia. It is this that has started causing discomfiture in the corridors of power in the the US. And with it will go the 'great American dream' of a NWO proposed by the neo-cons.

I think this strategic alliance should be accelerated. There is a dire need for a strategic balance to prevent the West from indulging in 'color revolutions' like the ones in the CIS Republics and Africa earlier, and now in the Middle East. They need to invent wars to fuel their military-industrial complex.

The only way these American invasions can be stopped is to shift the balance of power to Asia. With two super power entities, (Like the Soviet Union and the US during the Cold War era) the odds of the West indulging in war games as and when they like and bullying less powerful nations will be a thing of the past.
ek haseena (India PM) ..teen diwane(China PM, Pakistan PM & US President) :omghaha:
Not until border remains disputed, most of Indians really do have short memory.
It's not about American 'jealousy'. It's plain and simple 'insecurity'! Just imagine, if China and India can work together and form a strategic alliance, it would put paid to the American dream of establishing a New World Order according to its diktats.

The center of power - economically and militarily - will then not be the US of A and its surrogates like the UK. It would shift to a new world order controlled by China, India and Russia. It is this that has started causing discomfiture in the corridors of power in the the US. And with it will go the 'great American dream' of a NWO proposed by the neo-cons.

I think this strategic alliance should be accelerated. There is a dire need for a strategic balance to prevent the West from indulging in 'color revolutions' like the ones in the CIS Republics and Africa earlier, and now in the Middle East. They need to invent wars to fuel their military-industrial complex.

The only way these American invasions can be stopped is to shift the balance of power to Asia. With two super power entities, (Like the Soviet Union and the US during the Cold War era) the odds of the West indulging in war games as and when they like and bullying less powerful nations will be a thing of the past.

Well said, you seem like An Indian who has a good understanding of what's needed, welcome:)
Just one qq.. will this United Asia have China bullying India??

Of course, if India is siding with China, prepare to cede territories.

It's not about American 'jealousy'. It's plain and simple 'insecurity'! Just imagine, if China and India can work together and form a strategic alliance, it would put paid to the American dream of establishing a New World Order according to its diktats.

The center of power - economically and militarily - will then not be the US of A and its surrogates like the UK. It would shift to a new world order controlled by China, India and Russia. It is this that has started causing discomfiture in the corridors of power in the the US. And with it will go the 'great American dream' of a NWO proposed by the neo-cons.

I think this strategic alliance should be accelerated. There is a dire need for a strategic balance to prevent the West from indulging in 'color revolutions' like the ones in the CIS Republics and Africa earlier, and now in the Middle East. They need to invent wars to fuel their military-industrial complex.

The only way these American invasions can be stopped is to shift the balance of power to Asia. With two super power entities, (Like the Soviet Union and the US during the Cold War era) the odds of the West indulging in war games as and when they like and bullying less powerful nations will be a thing of the past.

India should cede territory to China to realize your dream.
of course the USA is jealous, even we are jealous.

but we aren't that low to post stir-up comments like most USA cyber IDs do, if you look at most Indian media's website. We see plenty of them these days.
Indian and Chinese rapproachment and friendship would be the anti-thesis of American influence.

And US would fight tooth and nail against it.
China or India or Russia can not bring balance in power in the world alone, to make balance in power, China+India+Russia must work together with support of their neighbors... that will be check mate for NATO.
Of course, if India is siding with China, prepare to cede territories.
India should cede territory to China to realize your dream.
This from a Chinese in the US living a billion miles away passing idiotic comments when you know squat about the geo-political ground realities. Residing in the US of A seems to have infected you with the Yank cowboy syndrome. Am I surprised? No!

India should cede territory to China? Which territory? And why? How about China handing back Tibet to Tibetans and Xinjiang to the Muslims to form an independent country which they are fighting for due to Chinese repression and suppression of their human rights?

How about the Chinese going by International laws which they are brazenly flouting like the UNCLOS Treaty by claiming the whole of South China Sea as the the property of the Han Kingdom? The Chinese must adhere to International norms and treaties first and learn to live like a responsible entity in the comity of nations.
Of course, if India is siding with China, prepare to cede territories.

India should cede territory to China to realize your dream.
Its China that has offered friendship.................I am for Strong support of India - China Relations..........
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