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Don't aggravate problems on border, China tells India

Your shock at discovering how democracy works is understandable.

I understand how a normal democracy work. But I'm still trying to figure out the Indian democracy. The population of India is not ready for democracy yet, even though India has been a democracy for 65 years. 65 years of failure and India is still trying the same thing over and over again.
The PRC has turned many of its democratic neighbours against itself. India is just one of several countries pushing back against Chinese attempts to change the status quo on the ground through the deployment of its military.

Infrastructure is still going up. Mountain strike corps is coming, along with MMRCA, Agni V induction, etc.

India has begun to wrap up its vulnerabilities on the border.
I understand how a normal democracy work. But I'm still trying to figure out the Indian democracy. The population of India is not ready for democracy yet, even though India has been a democracy for 65 years. 65 years of failure and India is still trying the same thing over and over again.[/quote
I understand how a normal democracy work. But I'm still trying to figure out the Indian democracy. The population of India is not ready for democracy yet, even though India has been a democracy for 65 years. 65 years of failure and India is still trying the same thing over and over again.

Stick to topic. Opposition party criticizing what they consider to be failures of the party in power is in no way ''failure of democracy''. You just say all these things because that's the script your supervisor gave you.
We will see about that.

We are ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN:pakistan::pakistan:. :dance3::dance3::p:p:
yeah you are seeing that for last 6 decades...wat u got inturn is crippled economy...military leadership...drone attacks....so chillax u and ur country need to rethink priorities...

If possible make Japanese Emperor visit Arunachal Pradesh....This will piss off the Chinese further...Can't wait to see their reaction after that...:chilli:
no man that would be too much pressure for the Chinese to handle..they may flip out...poor guys..
I understand how a normal democracy work. But I'm still trying to figure out the Indian democracy. The population of India is not ready for democracy yet, even though India has been a democracy for 65 years. 65 years of failure and India is still trying the same thing over and over again.
mr.faithfulguy watevr....democracy has its set of problems and so do the other models...in quoting indias 65 years of failure...are u referring that having problems is failure? if ur r an american....are u saying it doesn't have problems wit its system at all and if ur a chinese u believe that ur system is fool proof?
i couldn't figure out to to which country u belong or support so....

I understand how a normal democracy work. But I'm still trying to figure out the Indian democracy. The population of India is not ready for democracy yet, even though India has been a democracy for 65 years. 65 years of failure and India is still trying the same thing over and over again.
mr.faithfulguy watevr....democracy has its set of problems and so do the other models...in quoting indias 65 years of failure...are u referring that having problems is failure? if ur r an american....are u saying it doesn't have problems wit its system at all and if ur a chinese u believe that ur system is fool proof?
i couldn't figure out to to which country u belong or support so....
mr.faithfulguy watevr....democracy has its set of problems and so do the other models...in quoting indias 65 years of failure...are u referring that having problems is failure? if ur r an american....are u saying it doesn't have problems wit its system at all and if ur a chinese u believe that ur system is fool proof?
i couldn't figure out to to which country u belong or support so....

mr.faithfulguy watevr....democracy has its set of problems and so do the other models...in quoting indias 65 years of failure...are u referring that having problems is failure? if ur r an american....are u saying it doesn't have problems wit its system at all and if ur a chinese u believe that ur system is fool proof?
i couldn't figure out to to which country u belong or support so....

A country need responsible stake holders. Back in the old days, only land owners have the rights to vote. That is because the land owners have a stake in the country. We also know the problem with this but there is also a merit behind this.

In India, the vast majority of people are poor and uneducated. These people would vote for someone that provide them a meal just for that night. As a result, India democracy is in control by people who would sell their votes for a meal. This in turn means that the buyer of the votes will always be in charge. How can a democracy function if the population is not ready for it in this case.

There are so many ways to solve the problem. But keep it the same way is not the solution. America also has its own problems, but we are in a much better shape than in India and democracy works here.

Stick to topic. Opposition party criticizing what they consider to be failures of the party in power is in no way ''failure of democracy''. You just say all these things because that's the script your supervisor gave you.

People need food and clothing and the basic needs first. After these are satisfied, than people would want freedom and democracy. People who are constantly hungry worry more about satisfy their hunger instead of about their government.
People need food and clothing and the basic needs first. After these are satisfied, than people would want freedom and democracy. People who are constantly hungry worry more about satisfy their hunger instead of about their government.

Stop being an idiot on all threads. This has nothing to do with hunger but more and more about your 50 cents. Seek permission of your supervisor to talk on topic for once, at the risk of exposing your IQ myth.
Stop being an idiot on all threads. This has nothing to do with hunger but more and more about your 50 cents. Seek permission of your supervisor to talk on topic for once, at the risk of exposing your IQ myth.

If given a chance, would any ordinary Indian leave India with their family and come to America. Of course they would. If you have the opportunity to leave there, you would. The only people who would stay behind are the super rich or the people in the high level politics. Its ok to admit to that fact.
If possible make Japanese Emperor visit Arunachal Pradesh....This will piss off the Chinese further...Can't wait to see their reaction after that...:chilli:
It will surprise the Japanese Emperor if he really visit Arunachal to see so many Japanese people living in that state out of his Empire and do not speak Japanese.
I ŵonder why I see your BS everytime I open pdf :no:

A country need responsible stake holders. Back in the old days, only land owners have the rights to vote. That is because the land owners have a stake in the country. We also know the problem with this but there is also a merit behind this.
is it CPC defination of democracy ???
Please defiñe it for us.
Also back in days women too were NOT allowed to vote.

In India, the vast majority of people are poor and uneducated. These people would vote for someone that provide them a meal just for that night. As a result, India democracy is in control by people who would sell their votes for a meal. This in turn means that the buyer of the votes will always be in charge. How can a democracy function if the population is not ready for it in this case.
so 68-70% educated population is minority ??? Chiñese matematics ???
Do ŷou know what vast majority means ??? High time to buy a decent dictionary.

All of the rest is BS. Do you know the same poor and uneducated people throw Mrs. Gandhi out of office when she tried being sole power ??? How can you know that ;)

There are so many ways to solve the problem. But keep it the same way is not the solution. America also has its own problems, but we are in a much better shape than in India and democracy works here.

People need food and clothing and the basic needs first. After these are satisfied, than people would want freedom and democracy. People who are constantly hungry worry more about satisfy their hunger instead of about their government.
Its a shame that most of the world didnt agree with what you think. Yu must be happy that stupidity isnt a crime yet ;)
I have been recognized as japanese by some real Japnnese many times.
If given a chance, would any ordinary Indian leave India with their family and come to America. Of course they would. If you have the opportunity to leave there, you would. The only people who would stay behind are the super rich or the people in the high level politics. Its ok to admit to that fact.

You are a leach, not an American.
You are a leach, not an American.

Truth hurt. But if you lack anything to respond logically and respectfully, than its more polite to stay quiet.

I ŵonder why I see your BS everytime I open pdf :no:

is it CPC defination of democracy ???
Please defiñe it for us.
Also back in days women too were NOT allowed to vote.

so 68-70% educated population is minority ??? Chiñese matematics ???
Do ŷou know what vast majority means ??? High time to buy a decent dictionary.

All of the rest is BS. Do you know the same poor and uneducated people throw Mrs. Gandhi out of office when she tried being sole power ??? How can you know that ;)

Its a shame that most of the world didnt agree with what you think. Yu must be happy that stupidity isnt a crime yet ;)

The Indian style parliamentary democracy do not work for such a big country as India. And indeed there is a massive poor and poverty in India.

From Wikipedia, 96% of Indians get by with less than $5 per day. They must be more worry about food and clothing. How can we expect anything more from them.

Poverty in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Poverty in India is widespread, with the nation estimated to have a third of the world's poor. In 2010, the World Bank reported that 32.7% of the total Indian people fall below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 per day (PPP) while 68.7% live on less than US$ 2 per day.[1]
Truth hurt. But if you lack anything to respond logically and respectfully, than its more polite to stay quiet.

Talk on topic and we will respond logically and respectfully. How India is a failed country and how british made india and posting some random film clips on all threads is plain retarded. Are you that dumb not to understand the meaning of ''talk on topic''?
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