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Donbas is falling to Ukraine. Millions of Russians in Eastern Ukraine are leaving to Russia to escape Ukrainian Bombardment

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Let’s go Russia open a European front so theseclowns know what it feels like when they cause conflicts overseas and live in peace at home.
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You think the western imperialism will leave Russia alone? They target Kalingrad next. Putin is a patriot and protector of

It was because of Russian behaviour most of eastern Europe quickly joined Eu and Nato, east hasn’t forgotten being under Stalin communism rule for 70 years learning to speak there Russian language, Kalingrad is German like Taiwan is Chinese yes?
So instead of Russian forces, these breakaway countries forces will fight Ukraine?
Congratulations Ukraine for recovering Donbas. Now Next stop is Crimea.

Donbas is falling to Ukraine. Millions of Russians in Eastern Ukraine are leaving to Russia to escape Ukrainian Bombardment

If you think that you, Ukraine or the West has any chance at regaining Donbass, or Crimea, let alone defeating Russia in a war, economic or military. Then the sorry state of affairs of the West, seem blaring on deaf ears.

Mark these words, for historians (if they ever were to exist after the Great War) we be left scratching their heads as to why the West chose a suicidal approach toward Russia and China. Particularly when it was drowning itself in debt, while still believing it's economic system established after WW2 would remain intact, after all it's merciless sanctions on other states.

There is absolutely nothing that the West can do to defeat Russia, the only and highest authority has spoken, and any Muslim with Imaan knows this as fact. The Russia that exists today, stands tall head and shoulders above the rest of the West. The Russia that "we" know today has already begun eclipsing America as a Premier Superpower, glowing bright as the Sun which this planet revolves around.

Not economic sanctions, not military intimidation, employed by the West have worked and the desperation of the West is increasingly looking like a fish fluttering on land, desperate to get back in the water.

You have no idea what is in store for you, when you come looking for a war with Russia. When war does happen, you would be left out classed, out matched and the lightning speed with which your destruction would take place, you wouldn't even have time to blink.

So please Western Mainstreat Media and Western governments, carry on with your bumbling like idiots. When the dust settles it would be Russia that stands triumphantly over the West, insha-Allah, Ameen.

Oh and in case you thought I was Russian, then think again. I am a proud and staunch Muslim who follows our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and honors the true believers of Jesus Alaihi Salam, Orthodox Christians.

The intelligent ones would have picked up on this clue, the bumbling idiots, would still be thinking I am Russian.
Congratulations Ukraine for recovering Donbas. Now Next stop is Crimea.

Donbas is falling to Ukraine. Millions of Russians in Eastern Ukraine are leaving to Russia to escape Ukrainian Bombardment

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