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Donald Trump slams Pakistan for lies and deceit

No no, You keep taking the money. Also do the usual "ehtajaaz". Salala and drone strike did not stop you from taking money. Why should a tweet change anything. This is clearly not about "beghairati"!

you have attempted to spin it. But you are not so innocent in taking money from the yanks. as for for beghairati it was invented in vedic india!
What balls? Asif gave a stupid statement towards Israel and this time he said "We will respond you" and when finally he did, he said "we are ready to share details of US aid".. ? That's it?

Here USA is trying to fu*k your country and you are complaining of clerical errors in counting US aid? Naa.. these people are who they are.. they could not bring stability internally, could not deal with internal opposition. Do you expect such failures will deal with external challenge better than internal ones? They not only lack capacity, but are rather part of international conspiracy against Pakistan. It is in their best interest not to speak and they will not.

Its been 2 days, neither Nawaz nor that Termite Lady spoke. Do you want to wait more?

The government of Pakistan is not fit to respond to American warmongering. Our politicians are scum who knock on US door when they feel threatened by accountability. The US stands shoulder to shoulder with corrupt stooges who are subservient to their cause. They also drop them like flies when not needed.

There is a good reason why the Americans continue to have faith in the likes of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. When you hear that democracy is under threat in Pakistan you should know what the Americans actually mean.

Our clueless leaders are very much responsible for the mess along with US incompetence in Afghanistan.
oh dear, is this the best you have about beghairti. once again;

India top recipient of US economic aid


clearly when you point a finger at someone 3 point back at you. but of course beghairati was invented in vedic india.

And how much of those aid money were given to Govt of India, and how much to the Christian NGO missionaries? India stopped flashing its begging bowl from 90s, but US and UK Govt continue sending money to various Christian NGOs in India whose sole purpose is the promote Christianity in India (restrictions are now in place to stop even those donations). Secondly as per the report India received zero military aid compared to about 12 billion USD.
And how much of those aid money were given to Govt of India, and how much to the Christian NGO missionaries? India stopped flashing its begging bowl from 90s, but US and UK Govt continue sending money to various Christian NGOs in India whose sole purpose is the promote Christianity in India (restrictions are now in place to stop even those donations). Secondly as per the report India received zero military aid compared to about 12 billion USD.

To say India never received aid formally or informally is not correct. secondly I don't see any indian on israeli forums telling them they are the biggest recipient of aid either!!
And how much of those aid money were given to Govt of India, and how much to the Christian NGO missionaries? India stopped flashing its begging bowl from 90s, but US and UK Govt continue sending money to various Christian NGOs in India whose sole purpose is the promote Christianity in India (restrictions are now in place to stop even those donations). Secondly as per the report India received zero military aid compared to about 12 billion USD.
Data compiled by USAID and released recently shows that India received $ 65.1 billion in economic assistance from the US in inflation-adjusted dollars in the period 1946-2012, closely followed by Israel, which received $ 65 billion.
^ what the F is that?

The government of Pakistan is not fit to respond to American warmongering. Our politicians are scum who knock on US door when they feel threatened by accountability. The US stands shoulder to shoulder with corrupt stooges who are subservient to their cause. They also drop them like flies when not needed.

There is a good reason why the Americans continue to have faith in the likes of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. When you hear that democracy is under threat in Pakistan you should know what the Americans actually mean.

Our clueless leaders are very much responsible for the mess along with US incompetence in Afghanistan.

Agree. That is why we need to hang Kulbhushan and Nawaz simultaneously. They are both foreign agents in a disguise and who did their best to harm Pakistan.
1. Kurdistan has been routed, that plan failed
That is a misconception. FYI: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/10/us-kurdish-independence/543540/

US has not supported Kurdistan movement because this move will lead to destabilization of a NATO member which is bad for American prestige and image. Unless Turkey quits NATO, Kurdistan card will not be played.

If US really desire, nothing can stop Kurdistan from happening.

Just look at the case of a referendum in Kurd-dominated regions of Iraq in 2017; theme was cessation from Iraq and almost every Kurd voted in support. However, US conveyed to Kurd leadership in clear terms that this is not acceptable to them.

I have closely monitored developments in Iraq, Libya and Syria and I am telling you that US could [easily] split Iraq during the period (2006 - 2008) when much of Iraq was in turmoil and Iraqi factions such as Shia, Sunni and Kurd were at each other throats. FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sectarian_violence_in_Iraq_(2006–08)

However, to my surprise, US did not go down that route.

2. 2013 report relevant to 2017 how? A lot has changed since then, mainly BRICS and Russian assertiveness in the Balkans.
I just pointed out why US did not topple Assad-led regime in Syria.

Russian posturing in the Balkans has backfired to an extent. Vladimir Putin is desperate to uphold his strongman image abroad because he benefits from this in domestic politics.

1. Russian interventions in Georgia and Ukraine have forced Poland and Romania to reconsider their defense-related options:


Overview: https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/2862805.main_image.jpg?strip=all

2. US imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its intervention in Ukraine, and I have explained their impact on Russian economy to you in my earlier post.

3. Reports are surfacing that Trump administration is willing to provide anti-armor weapons to both Georgia and Ukraine in large numbers.

Imagine US arming Poland, Romania, Georgia and Ukraine to the teeth in the near future. Not good for Russia in the long-term, if you ask me. Pivot to Balkans is the name of the game now.

Russian interventions in Georgia and Ukraine might impress you but they are not without a price; Putin is trying to ensure his relevancy in domestic politics.

Thanks in part to deal with the Americans on the matter of Syria, Putin can now market himself to domestic audience and sell them his propaganda victory. Elections are near, right?
Post 9/11 this was to happen. It was just the question of time as to when! Perhaps that time has arrived, now.
Absolutely fence the border its not our fault US sits on its arse in Afghanistan and cant control cross border movement and has surrendered half of Afghanistan to Taliban

Just look at the areas Taliban control, most are no where near Pak border. Is all of Afghanistan bordered by Pakistan? Who will these arrogant folks blame for these others areas? Santa Claus? That's why they will do everything they can to hinder the construction and management of a proper border control system. It will leave them without a scapegoat. Pakistan must complete the border fencing and improve monitoring of the border to save itself from the Black hole of Shyte that is Afghanistan.
Ungrateful yankees. Time to stop nato route and quadrouple transit fees.

Keep harping on about nonsense when they can't even control their own territory, failure military campaign. Im proud Pakistans finally having balls to stand up to the bully.
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