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Don’t Send Us Back, Pakistani Girls Appeal


Dec 14, 2010
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Two Pakistani girls, who fled from the Mirihana detention center, have made an appeal for protection saying they face grave danger if deported to Pakistan.

Sadia Khan and her 11 year old sister Amala Khan said they, together with their mother, are now in hiding in Sri Lanka fearing arrest and deportation. Both girls contacted The Sunday Leader and spoke of their ordeal since arriving in Sri Lanka and after they fled from the Mirihana detention center.

While the The Sunday Leader is unable to verify their claims, the two girls say their passports are with the Immigration officials and that they had also approached the US Embassy in Colombo for help, but to no avail.

Sadia Khan, who had contacted the The Sunday Leader on an earlier occasion as well, said that she had been a target of Pakistani officials after she continued to write against the Pakistani military on her blog and about terrorism in Pakistan. Khan, whose father is not alive, had also converted to Christianity together with her mother and sister.

Fearing for their lives in Pakistan they had arrived in Sri Lanka in January 2012 and sought to register with the UNHCR. However Khan claims that while their appeal for asylum was pending, they were arrested in March this year and placed at the Mirihana detention center.

They however fled on April 9 fearing they will be deported to Pakistan and have been in hiding since. Sadia Khan later made an appeal through her blog for help from President Mahinda Rajapaksa on humanitarian grounds.

The Immigration and Emigration Department had confirmed last month that some Pakistanis had fled from the center.

Don’t Send Us Back, Pakistani Girls Appeal
Wonder what she wrote that was worth her and her families' lives. Hope she and her family get to stay somewhere safer than being deported..
Yes, on humanitarian grounds ,she should be granted asylum in Sri Lanka itself and if Sri Lanka is not that human then India should step in.She would most probably be stoned to death if deported back.
If srilankan aren't willing then India should extent asylum to these brave girls and her family.

Careful now, she might write something critical about India too.

Journalists denied visas for India after critical reporting - Reporters Without Borders

Journalists are blacklisted if their reports about India are seen as too negative, according to sources quoted by the programme. This has happened to several other Swedish journalists.

Other Indian embassies around the world have also rejected visa applications from journalists, said Vincent Brossel, head of the Asia desk at Reporters Without Borders’ head office in Paris. He confirmed that foreign journalists have also had difficulty returning to India, usually after reporting on sensitive social issues.
wow.... pretty awkward and shameful of the power house !!
The reason for not returning back is not criticizing military, rather it's their conversion to christianity. Since they left Islam, so they would have a field day with Mullahs and every other person if they return back
Careful now, she might write something critical about India too.

Journalists denied visas for India after critical reporting - Reporters Without Borders

Journalists are blacklisted if their reports about India are seen as too negative, according to sources quoted by the programme. This has happened to several other Swedish journalists.

Other Indian embassies around the world have also rejected visa applications from journalists, said Vincent Brossel, head of the Asia desk at Reporters Without Borders’ head office in Paris. He confirmed that foreign journalists have also had difficulty returning to India, usually after reporting on sensitive social issues.

They were blacklisted for violating visa norms.They came to India on a tourist visa instead of a journalist one.Just look at the sheer number of articles on western media which are critical of India.You people will know because you post it all here.Do you think we are denying visa to them all.
They were blacklisted for violating visa norms.They came to India on a tourist visa instead of a journalist one.

Is that the Indian spin on the matter?
All the banned journalists just happened to use this trick, eh? :lol:

Just look at the sheer number of articles on western media which are critical of India.You people will know because you post it all here.Do you think we are denying visa to them all.

Uh no.

On social issues, India gets treated with kid gloves compared to China or the Muslim world.
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