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Doka La face-off: Round 1 to India

Sikkim boundary section between India, China well demarcated and India's action is a betrayal, says Chinese foreign ministry
yes true..and countries like Taiwan, Mongolia and others who are victims of chinese aggression should get inspired....

Here is a list of the countries with whom China has made territorial and border disputes ..
  1. Japan :: Parts of the East China Sea, particularly the Senkaku Islands. Also, on occasion, the Ryukyu Islands, on the grounds that the completely independent Kingdom of Ryukyu was once a vassal state of China. The Kingdom of Ryukyu terminated tributary relations with China in 1874.

  2. Vietnam :: China claims large parts of Vietnam on historical precedent (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Also, Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands.

  3. India :: China illegally occupies 38,000 sq km (Aksai Chin) of land in Jammu & Kashmir. It also holds 5,180 km of Indian territory in Pakistan occupied Kashmir under Sino-Pak agreement of 1963. At the heart of Sino-Indian boundary dispute is the issue of Arunachal Pradesh (90,000 sq km), which China describes as "Southern Tibet". Beijing is demanding that at least the Tawang Tract of Arunachal Pradesh, if not the whole of the state, be transferred to China.

  4. Nepal :: China claims parts of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese War in 1788-1792. China claims they are part of Tibet, therefore part of China.

  5. North Korea :: Baekdu Mountain and Jiandao. China has also on occasion claimed all of North Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  6. The Philippines :: Parts of the South China Sea, particularly Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands. Russia :: 160,000 square kilometres still unilaterally claimed by China, despite China signing several agreements. Singapore :: Parts of the South China Sea.

  7. South Korea :: Parts of the East China Sea. China has also on occasion claimed all of South Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  8. Bhutan :: Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk. Also Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan.

  9. Taiwan :: China claims all of Taiwan, but particular disputes are: Macclesfi eld Bank, Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. The Paracel Islands, also called Xisha Islands in Vietnamese, is a group of islands in the South China Sea whose sovereignty is disputed among China, Taiwan and Vietnam disputes with Burma.

  10. Kazakhstan :: There are continual unilateral claims by China on Kazakhstan territory, despite new agreements, in China's favour signed every few years.

  11. Laos :: China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent (China's Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).

  12. Brunei :: Over Spratly Islands. The Spratly Islands is a disputed group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays, and islands in the South China Sea. About 45 islands are occupied by small numbers of military forces from the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Brunei has also claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratlys encompassing just one area of small islands on Louisa Reef. This has led to escalating tensions.

  13. Tajikistan :: Chinese claims based on historical precedent (Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912).

  14. Cambodia :: China has, on occasion, claimed parts of Cambodia on historical precedent (China's Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Indonesia :: Parts of the South China Sea.

  15. Kyrgyzstan :: China claims the majority of Kyrgyzstan on the grounds that it was unfairly forced to cede the territory (which it had formerly conquered) to Russia in the 19th century.

  16. Malaysia :: Over Parts of the South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands.

  17. Mongolia :: China claims all of Mongolia on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). In fact, Mongolia, under Genghis Khan, occupied China.

  18. Afghanistan :: Afghan province of Bahdakhshan (despite a bilateral treaty of 1963, China still encroaches on Afghan territory).
So clearly written about that bully.World should know about these facts..
Meanwhile Indians can flip motorbikes and jump front of an SUV to wreck it. So it's a good call. Maybe Tamil action movies vs Chinese action movies this time. XD
We have Tamil action movies and Telugu action movies and Kannada movies, deadly combination against Chinese movies,
learned what? to make shitty claims on other people territory :lol:

nothing compares to the raping slaughter house of nanking and your own warlord mao killed 50 million Chinese

lol didn't India build a indigenous aircraft carrier long before china , their carrier was launched in 2013 , yours just launched this year.

kek your aircraft carrier isn't going to enter service until 2020 and you are bitching about the Indian carrier which launched in 2013 and currently under trials :lol:
Bro it is not OK to talk about rape and massacre in WWII, we are P5 for a reason, we sacrificed soldiers and civilian for that war. Japan would have reached India if China didn't keep them bz in mainland China.

In return hundreds of thousand of Japanese were killed by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You cannot compare a border skirmish with WWII.

Your carrier launched 3 times for a reason. Do you want to bet with me? China will have her carrier ready earlier than India. Ready as in commissioned.
Bro it is not OK to talk about rape and massacre in WWII, we are P5 for a reason, we sacrificed soldiers and civilian for that war. Japan would have reached India if China didn't keep them bz in mainland China.

In return hundreds of thousand of Japanese were killed by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You cannot compare a border skirmish with WWII.

Your carrier launched 3 times for a reason. Do you want to bet with me? China will have her carrier ready earlier than India. Ready as in commissioned.
Agreed,it's the Chinese who stopped japs to enter India,japs where brutal and cruel creatures back then. But time has changed,now you Chinese are replacing as japs as most evil force in Asia.
In fact, while India has hardly finished 30% of border infrastructure required, China is building a harden road right up to your chicken-neck area, which is the very reason that made India so nervous and decide to trespass the border.
PLA faces a gargantuan logistics and supply problem on Indi China border.
Agreed,it's the Chinese who stopped japs to enter India,japs where brutal and cruel creatures back then. But time has changed,now you Chinese are replacing as japs as most evil force in Asia.
We have no intention to destroy India nor enslaved India nor rape India. This is a border dispute, remember how we treated your POWs in 62? We fed the them and returned their weapons. There is a dispute and if agreement cannot b reached, then fight it off like true soldiers.
Like I said, can just wait and see the result yourself. Shall we revisit situation in say a months time? Enough?

These photos are from yesterday, Aksai Chin, if you still think the game is over at Round 1.


Even RPGs can penetrate these vehicles and most of them are unuseable once they get off the road in mountain terrain.If this is your attack force its easy meat for our dug in veteran infantry.

Make sure you have enough those brave Sikh warriors who can get into 200 m firing range of RPG, so you are safe to be a Think Tank behind your LCD.
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