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Does Pakistan need whole Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir region?


that is what i say make it border and finish
I support it ... It's only solution possible Imran bhai.
Pakistan and Indian should accept LOC as current borders and let Kashmiris from both sides easy to travel across. Lets be honest India and Pakistan will not let go of Kashmir neither would want any independent Kashmir which could be used by any of the states against each other.
Pakistan and Indian should accept LOC as current borders and let Kashmiris from both sides easy to travel across. Lets be honest India and Pakistan will not let go of Kashmir neither would want any independent Kashmir which could be used by any of the states against each other.
Pakistan and Indian should accept LOC as new IB.It's good solution. But making the border porous won't do any good to India. It would increase terror strikes in India.
Pakistan and Indian should accept LOC as new IB.It's good solution. But making the border porous won't do any good to India. It would increase terror strikes in India.

I know but many Kashmirirs have relatives on both sides. Maybe there should be some strict regulations. Anyway its not going happen. Kashmir issue is a rally cry for religious extremists and politicians in Pakistan.

Watch this funny video.:D

Most of the Pakistanis seem to be suffering from obsessive cumpulsive disorder of Kashmir. I really pity them. Get yourselves treated people.

Your obsession with Kashmir is the reason why we Indians totally despise you.
Read the arbitral award on the Kishenganga dispute by the Hague. Educate yourself.

educate yourself ... read hague arbitral

but how ? can they learn red about it ? know about it ?

and where obviiusly these are not taught where they go to learn
As we all have heard about Pakistan's continued demand for plebiscite in J&K, I would like to share my thoughts on the reasons why it is not possible in present scenario.

1.The resolution was passed by United Nation Security Council under chapter VI of UN Charter. Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under chapter VII. Any resolution under chapter 6 is non mandatory. It is dependent on the will of the parties to follow it through or not. Hence it is not mandatory for India to conduct plebiscite in J&K. And since it is against India's national interest i do not see any reason why India should do it.

2. Even if a plebiscite was to happen according to United Nations Security Council 47, adopted on April 21, 1948, Pakistan was supposed to withdraw all of it's forces from the territory which was the 1 condition of the resolution and which Pakistan did not until recently when Pakistan has changed the demography of the region with help of Islamist extremism in it's favor. And result of that terrorism is the migration of kasmiri pandit from valley. Unless these pandits and their successors are relocated in state, the plebiscite is not possible.

3. Pakistan has created a false govt. of so called azad kasmir which is directly under Paksitan govt. but Pakistan has not done anything to safeguard the rights of kashmiri in Azad Kashmir. what i mean is that nowadays the Azad Kashmir is full with Punjabi Sunni Muslims form Punjab province of Pakistan who pledge their allegiance to Pakistan and the native kashmiri in Azad Kashmir are almost migrated to other parts. OTOH India did everything to safeguard rights of kashmiri with introduction of article 370. Pakistan now can not guarantee the originatlity of the voters from Azad Kashmir. I mean IF there are no original voters then what actually voting is worth of?

4. Pakistan has ceded a large area of Karakoram to Chna, are they going to ask back that area from Chinese, because if the plebiscite has to be done it has to be done in whole of J&K.

5. Pakistan has crated Gilgit-Baltistan as an autonomus region. They have delibirately cut that area from J&K.
Are they going to conduct the plebiscite there too? because if plebiscite has to be done it has to be done according to pre 1947 J&K.

6. There lies another problem of Aksai-chin. How does the plebiscite happen there? I don not see Democratic Reublic of China agreeing to their friend Pakistan in the process.

P.S. Are Pakistani really concerned about Kashmiri people's freedom
Is it just personal vendetta against 1971 and actually about just water of Kashmir?
Pakistan posters, claiming something is a different issue that acheiving something...You guys can not control your eastern border so that your Gov does not have any control to large section of Pak and Afgan border...So you can not control whatever you have it right now and you are expecting that you occupy Kashmir?....Not a bad wish either...

But honestly...tell me, do you really feel that Kashmir will be one day part of Pakistan...If any one is thinking it will be ...then i am 100% sure...these are all impact of stupid Salman Khan and Sharukh Khan movies which is so popular in Pakistan....which is high on imgination and less on substance...
Also muslim majority, Junagadh, Hyderabad, UP and Kashmir, which all decided to be part of Pakistan, as well as Sikh's Punjab, Khalistan under Indian illegal occupation, never joined with India till this date...they were illegal and forcefully occupied territories.
Pakistan and Indian should accept LOC as current borders and let Kashmiris from both sides easy to travel across. Lets be honest India and Pakistan will not let go of Kashmir neither would want any independent Kashmir which could be used by any of the states against each other.

This best way out with soft borders for Kashmirs from both sides having easy access
This is also wrong, "Jammu division" is 65 % hindu (jammu, udhampur, kathua) and 35 % muslim (kishtwar, poonch, rajauri).

Kishtwar and doda are koshur speaking muslim majority districts of jammu, that is the kashmiri population from valley had spilled over to these areas, poonch is a remaining part of earlier pooch state . Poonch and rajouri are also muslim majority areas with pahari as dominant language.
How did u know abt these districts? Are u from kashmir?
1. Kashmiris are dardic people and related to the dardic people of Pakistan (Shinas and Chitralis) and in extend also to Pashtuns (East-Iranian people).
2. Kashmiris always were part of Pakistan's predecessor states (like the Sikh empire, Durrani empire or Indus valley civilisation etc.)
3. Kashmiris are Muslims

In conclusion Kashmiris share ethnical, historical, religious and cultural ties with all Pakistanis.
For the same reasons, Pakistan occupied Kashmir and manyother other areas should be returned to India.

For example the whole of West Punjab must be returned and merged with Punjab, India because:
1. Punjabis are Punjabis
2. Punjab has always been part of India
3. Punjabis are Sikh, Hindu & Muslims

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