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Does our Media play its role by following ethical values???

:) its very difficult to criticise yourself while being from the medai but here in India thats what i am doing questioning the power and responisbility level of Media in Pakistan and strangely people are taking me not favouribly but i still question that being media people do we realy follow the code of ethics ???? and thats the discussion to which i and other participants of a media summer academy here fail to find the answer or solution to

Jana.........first its cool to know that you related to media..............its pleasure to c ur comments...........:tup:

now after implication of electronic media............. there is a race of competition.........due to that they are now supposed to creat sensetion as more as possible to attract viewers and advertisers to get money....:tsk:

I think ........ they can get business even by following ethics, by keeping trust as geniun unbiased channel, among their viewers & advertisers even more impressively following ethics, by enhanceing their vision and scintific knowledge, effective in time reporting.... ....... even then they can follow their ethics.
Just realistic approach needed............you may recognis your goodself that, journalism is not just the profession, but it's combination of courage, dignity and integrity....who update the viewers at the cost of their lives some times........... so when we find peoles certified but not have enough courage to speak truth .........then they may not journalists even they certified by institution. Journalism is the quality......... which can be lil effected by circutamnces but cant not creat nor change as whole....... a real journalist like a real leader........ who do not need to lie to attract peoples.....but the peoples admired by his true diligence and he won the trust among societies.
Hmmmmm...... I am not trying to show lamp to the sun, but just share my views with a professional.
Well I appreciate to your efforts made in this regard as stated in your post which encourage me a lot.
Hoep to have better idea for the way to reform trustworthy media.
Your expert comments will be appreciated:angel:.
Oh come on! do some research before arguing.:hitwall:

Did you know:

In 1999 Pakistan had only 256,000 mobile phone users. Today, we have 82+ million mobile phone users.

Motorola sold Mobilink to Orascom because it was making huge losses in 1999? now it is valued at 4 billion USD with 30+ million subscribers and thousands of employees.

Telenor Pakistan started operations on the 15th of March 2005.

Ufone was established in January 29, 2001

Air Blue was established in 2003!

Warid was established in 2004!

Green bus and daewoo bus service was established in 2002.

Adam Motors was established in 2003 and launched Pakistan's first home made car Revo in 2005.

Nando's Pakistan was launched on 7th May 2001 in Karachi.

Makro Pakistan was established in 2006.

Metro was recently launched with the initial Rs. 20 billion investment.

The KSE is now at it's highest levels.

Right now over 50 banks are operating in Pakistan!

I could go on and on. There are countless other achievements.:argh:

None came into being during NS's tenure as PM.:angry:

You rock bro! :victory:
Pakistani media is loosing cultural, moral and social values, its terrible, tv channel like BOL are worst!
We don't have media...
We have bunch of fools, some supporting one party while other supporting the opposition.
There is no talk of economy....
There is no talk of governance....
There is talk of corruption, but no journalist was ready to investigate the corruption and bring it in front of public eyes. They only just work on blame...
No investigative journalism exists no more.
These anchors taking huge amount of money, sitting in their air condition rooms and having the power to declare anyone saint or Satan , are actual culprits.
They are played very well by our politicians.
We think that these anchors are all clever but they are played by the politicians all the time.
Our media is blessed with a nation that is very emotional. If one thing I hate about my nation is being overly emotional and in that emotion they loose their rational sense.
So they can play people up very well.
Being a student of Journalism and a memeber of this honorable forum, I would like to take opportunity to submit a topic "Media role in Pakistan" to discuss with friends at this valued forum:

Now a days when Media is free.........here is a question arised due to observed some how bias media reporting like an advertisment campaign that, Is media follow the following code of ethics or not????


Seek Truth and Report it as Fully as Possible
  • Inform yourself continuously so you in turn can inform, engage, and educate the public in a clear and compelling way on significant issues.
  • Be honest, fair, and courageous in gathering, reporting, and interpreting accurate information.
  • Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting.
  • Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context
  • Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography,
  • sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.
  • Give voice to the voiceless.
  • Hold the powerful accountable.

Act Independently
  • Guard vigorously the essential stewardship role a free press plays in an open society.
  • Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure
  • to influence news coverage.
  • Seek out and disseminate competing perspectives without being unduly influenced by those who would use their power or position counter to the public interest.
  • Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise your integrity or damage your credibility.
  • Recognize that good ethical decisions require individual responsibility enriched by collaborative efforts.

Minimize Harm
  • Be compassionate for those affected by your actions.
  • Treat sources, subjects, and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect, not merely as means to your journalistic ends.
  • Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort, but balance those negatives by choosing alternatives that maximize your goal of truthtelling.
  • Be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those
  • affected by tragedy or grief.
  • Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort.
Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance.

Well the media in Pakistan lacks professionalism...

They are more interested in who breaks the news first than the content of the news!

The media also doesnt take its role as an informer! Meaning it doesnt spread awareness which it has the power to do so coz it prefers being paid to mouth someone else's campaign/ words/ brainwashing....So nope it gets 0 points for code of ethics!
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