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Does our Media play its role by following ethical values???

Oh come on! do some research before arguing.:hitwall:

Did you know:

In 1999 Pakistan had only 256,000 mobile phone users. Today, we have 82+ million mobile phone users.

Motorola sold Mobilink to Orascom because it was making huge losses in 1999? now it is valued at 4 billion USD with 30+ million subscribers and thousands of employees.

Telenor Pakistan started operations on the 15th of March 2005.

Ufone was established in January 29, 2001

Air Blue was established in 2003!

Warid was established in 2004!

Green bus and daewoo bus service was established in 2002.

Adam Motors was established in 2003 and launched Pakistan's first home made car Revo in 2005.

Nando's Pakistan was launched on 7th May 2001 in Karachi.

Makro Pakistan was established in 2006.

Metro was recently launched with the initial Rs. 20 billion investment.

The KSE is now at it's highest levels.

Right now over 50 banks are operating in Pakistan!

I could go on and on. There are countless other achievements.:argh:

None came into being during NS's tenure as PM.:angry:

Half of them were likely to happen cus of the deman of CellPhones in Pakistan. It had nothing to do with anyGovt wether it was Musharraf, BB or NS.

And I am not taking any credit from Musharraf but you got to see what we gained and in the end when they fall we left with.
Ur being sarcastic right?

now what?? its still booming....oh yea i guess you got a bad perception of the economy due to the current Flour(aata) crisis, things being expensive, etc etc... so plz take my advice and take a look outside Pakistan, which i think you would not have done before, and then judge what is our economy, and try to understand the reason of the so-called crisis of food in our country.
Im sure, IF you understand it from a neutral and honest point, you wont be complaining and blaming the previous government.

National-Interest Definition: Actions or decisions regarded as benefiting a particular nation.

LOL Outside Pakistan yes i have seen it and I am not saying because of Atta Crises or some crises the Economy is not booming.

In the same time we had same Faces in the govt except MUSHARRAF. Steel mill cases and there were many other cases around which effected the people like subsidy for farmers etc.

And about National Interest lol i know the definition. You tell me what was done by the MEDIA that was not in our national interest point it out.
You know one thing, i really dont want to fill this thread with all the huge number of progress facts which were seen under PresidentMusharraf,because i dont believe in embarssing someone. You can easily search every single Progress Indicating website, search dating from 2000-2007, and see for yourself, and then bring a similar progress page,which mentions NS's or BB's achievements, if there are any at all. Yea there might be a few dramaai announcements here and there, some 2-3 roads built when 1000 were needed, maybe 1 highway which will be talked abt for centuries to come, maybe some deal made with international ppl to show-off in front of the nation, etc etc....

And for that i can start searching for all these progresses before 99 too.

And yes show me the progress if you have any.
By the way after 1998 we had to go down because "U.S. sends Pakistan $140 in economic and agricultural aid but the U.S. imposes full restrictions on all non-humanitarian aid because of continuing nuclear tests. The Clinton administration sets up five nonproliferation benchmarks for Pakistan, including halting nuclear testing, signing the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and restricting all exportation of nuclear technology and materials."

In this tenture we got 10 Billion Dollars, noone knows wht happened to that money though except buying all those DEFENCE Equipments.
Just to make things clear for u..
You said this:

Previous Govt told us the only thing that economy is booming now what?

i gave you a reply after which u said:

and I am not saying because of Atta Crises or some crises the Economy is not booming.

and what do u mean by "now what" in ur upper post? according to you its not booming atm..right??

In the same time we had same Faces in the govt except MUSHARRAF. Steel mill cases and there were many other cases around which effected the people like subsidy for farmers etc.

In which time??, and what is the relation b/w steel mill cases or other cases, with subsidy for farmers, plz make things clear.[/QUOTE]

And about National Interest lol i know the definition. You tell me what was done by the MEDIA that was not in our national interest point it out.

I gave you the definition to read and understand it.
If you would have understood the definition and not just simply read, you wouldnt have been asking this question.And now if you have tried understanding it, plz apply this definition to GEO TV or ARY programs,and then decide whether our media is working on the policy of "Pakistan First", or is busy in supporting an idealistic issue which even they know is of no use to the country and its people.
Btw, their support to useless issues is not the completion of thier selfishness and traitoristic character... i havent seen one media personnal accepting that Musharraf has given them this freedom, all the time PML-Q ppl use to come up and repeat that it was President Musharraf who gave them this freedom.
And oh yea, this is not just a matter of giving freedom to people, its when freedom was given to them, when no one, NS, BB or any other political party or group wanted media to be free, and everyone wanted it to be just like it was in the 90's. There were so many odds and pressures through which Musharraf took a bold and democratic decision, and for who?, for what? for the people of Pakistan so they can breathe easily and can easily point out if any wrong doings were to happen with them.
i know that you do accept that Musharraf was behind freedom of media in Pakistan, but shoudnt most(not each and every, but most) Pakistanis, whether anti-Musharraf or pro, should acknowledge this fact? But they dont, why? because our free were never interested and were never thankfull to Musharraf for this, and instead spread false,distorted, self-made points, in order to defame the government, and obviously with it, tried to take credit away from Musharraf and give it to themselves, calling it a "struggle".
:) its very difficult to criticise yourself while being from the medai but here in India thats what i am doing questioning the power and responisbility level of Media in Pakistan and strangely people are taking me not favouribly but i still question that being media people do we realy follow the code of ethics ???? and thats the discussion to which i and other participants of a media summer academy here fail to find the answer or solution to
A lot of people on this forum hate the Pakistani media, and I fail to understand why!!

Indian media is the same. They don't spare anyone, from Prime Minister to Mahatma Gandhi, from criticism. Yet nobody tries to curb it.
try watching GEO TV, stealth. you'll see exactly how biased there reports are. just listening to them makes me sick. Jang and GEO are basically owned by Nawaz and some of the anchors are PPP extremists.

If you watch some of the programs, you'll notice they don't even invite people from PML-Q. I remember Hamid Mir criticized a PML-Q member and didn't even let her talk on his show, it was degrading.

I'm of the strong opinion that pakistan shouldn't have free media at all, we were much more better off and peaceful when we had that crappy PTV channel with poor cameras.

watch the video below and you will crack up in laughter, notice the comments on the actual youtube website.

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No one hates the media. It is the media's job to tell the truth. However, what is the truth? Media in general and TV in particular have tremendous power to spin the truth and decide what to show and what to ignore.

FOX news is a prime example. A lone rocket hits the Israeli settlement and a little girl gets injured. FOX news will show the girl and her crying mother over and over for two days. In reprisal, Israeli gunships target a Palestinian village and 50 people get killed. They will simply mention this news in passing.

Pakistan media has done the same thing in case of Lal Masjid & the CJ. AAJ TV showed for 14 continuous hours progress of CJ's procession. Hamid Mir program showed hours and hours of footage of interviews of the Lal Masjid female students. They totally ignored the burning of the library by LM fellows and killing of PA by LM firing. Basically they elect to show only the news that shows up Musharraf and the PCO judges in the bad light.

This is what I call spin in the extreme. There is no doubt that every reporter and media man has an inherent bias but Geo and AAJ TV have taken the art of spinning the news to the extreme.I have heard Dr Anwar Maqsood asking the views of Gen Hamid Gul on nearly every subject hundreds of time. Hamid Gul was the biggest bigot there is and primarly responsible for the shelling of Kabul by Hikmatyar's forces which killed hundreds of innocent civilians. How many times has Dr Anwar Maqsood asked Prof Hoodbhoy to his program??

IMO, some TV presenters have taken the freedom of speech to their head. Does freedom of speech give you the right to present minority's point of view as view of the masses?? Imran Khan had only one seat in the last Assembly and none now. Do you think he deserves the attention he is given by the media??. How is it serving the public?

It has been a fashion to only invite those who's views are similar to the presenter. Qazi sahib was anti Musharraf, his views and outbursts get published in detail. Fazlu Rahman, despite having ten times the MNA's that JI had, was sidelined as he was considered pro Musharraf. Even in case of current crisis, even if Nawaz Sharif farts, it is news on the Geo TV, Asif Zardari, with much bigger party gets lot less exposure.

Is Indian media like that. May be but not in my opinion.
No one hates the media. it is the media's job to tell the truth. However, what is the truth? Media in general and TV in particular have tremendous power to spin the truth and decide what to show and what to ignore.

FOX news is a prime example. A lone rocket hits the Israeli settlement and a little girl gets injured. FOX news will show the girl and her crying mother over and over for two days. In reprisal, Israeli gunships target a Plestinian village and 50 people get killed. They will simply mention this news in passing.

I agree, that Fox news is a propaganda arm of the Conservative party.

I am not sure about Geo News, but I am sure there are alternative news channels with a different spin.

Ultimately, the truth lies somewhere in between.

In any case, it is better than having PTV, which is simply the propaganda wing of the current government.

Is Indian media like that. May but not in my opinion.

Indian mediascape is very diverse. Very, very, very diverse.

There are about 15 major languages, and each of them have 5-10 different news channels.
Apart from that, there are 10-15 national media channels in English or Hindi.

Some news channels, especially in South India, are owned by political parties.
Sun TV, Jaya TV et.c et.c are owned by politicians.

I personally watch only a few , like NDTV, CNN-IBN and Star News.
These channels are quite high-quality, and professional. They usually have balanced, secular views, and tend to keep national interests in mind as well.

Reporters like Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep Sardesai are well respected not only in India, but around the world as well.

The Hindi channels like Aaj Tak tend to sensationalize the news. They focus on "infotainment"..i.e. present the most "entertaining" news story rather than the most important ones. So if some bizarre incident occurs like a man marrying a dog, or some father raping his daughter, etc. they will spend days on it and give unnecessary gruesome details.

There has been a lot of hue and cry about the tendency of the media to sensationalize things, and conduct sting operations which are sometimes fake.

However, the law is the law, and the Supreme Court has the last word. So nobody interferes with the media.
A lot of people on this forum hate the Pakistani media, and I fail to understand why!!

Indian media is the same. They don't spare anyone, from Prime Minister to Mahatma Gandhi, from criticism. Yet nobody tries to curb it.

Dude its not the wish to curb the media, plz re-consult the main heading: "Does Media play its role by following Ethical values"

Here is the point to understand that, we insists media to excute by following their own established "Code Of Ethic" and to be unbiased / impartial to maintain their respectable image and win public trust for long.

We all are well awared that, every nation, community and races of the world, have their ethical value and they are proud on it, they happily bound to keep following their values. I am sure you may understand my this point of view being an indian patriot, as India is one of the most populated country haivng lot of races, casts, and relegions, they all have their own respective values and custome, may some are different then other while most of values based upon humanity are common amongst them.

Even If we consider to the animals in jungle, (its now easy to judge almost ever one by watching "National Geography") It has been obvserved that, each specie follows its built-in ehtical codes & systems.

Well to conclude this topic, for your information that, we are not going to dictate any certain policy designed by us or any one other then Media, but we remind them to play their role by following their own designed ethics.

In my view as Media has a great exposure, and it can change the whole scenrio, so they must have responsible attitude by following their own established "Code of Ethics", to avoid any kind of anarchy in social societies.

Dont you think we need ethics and customs in each of our life aspects including Media? Or do you advise to leave "Media" as it is, and wait for "catastrophe" with in or out of country or in region?

Most of our friend may agree that, Every profession has its individual psychy, like Teachers, Doctors, engineers Politicians, Accountants, Service-men, Judges, designers, artists, & actors etc; with haivng their sub-catogorial specialities. Lets suppose if a designer or painter-artist is going to be bias, even its still wrong but it can not effect the people's life, while if Service-men, (Police), Doctor, or A Honorable Judge are biased then its could be seriously harmfull to peoples. SO Media is the profession that, if they are partial they cud be even more dangerious then any other professional, they can damage the humanity as our world history told us about serveral occassions, clashes & wars just becuz of misleaded by Media......!

Dont have to go far, Even in todays, you may also please check a detail report in NYTimes published on April 20, 2008, or I have few more atthenticated enquiry reports issued under title " US News Media’s Latest Disgrace" showing the manupulation of Media just to earn heavy envolpes by pantagon.

"After prying loose 8,000 pages of Pentagon documents, it has proven what should have been obvious years ago: the Bush administration manipulated public opinion on the Iraq War, in part, by funneling propaganda through former senior military officers who served as expert analysts on TV news shows".

Retired Green Beret Robert S. Bevelacqua, a former Fox News analyst, said the Pentagon treated the retired military officers as puppets: “It was them saying, ‘we need to stick our hands up your back and move your mouth for you.’”
None of that, of course, should come as any surprise. Where do people think generals and admirals go to work after they retire from the government by using complete Media consultation?
If they play ball with the Pentagon, they get fat salaries serving on corporate boards of military contractors, or they get rich running consultancies that trade on quick access to high-ranking administration officials. If they’re not team players, they’re shut out.

Yet, what may be more troubling, although perhaps no more surprising, is how willingly the U.S. news media let itself be used as a propaganda conduit for the Bush administration regarding the ill-advised invasion of Iraq.
Fox News may have been the prototype of the flag-waving “news” outlet that fawned over pro-war retired military officers and mocked anti-war citizens.

Media dishonesty & its partialism caused created major disaters maily for two countries at a time One USA it self.... as its public now face worst economical & social problems, while 2nd obviously Iraq:tsk:, and it has effected other countries of the world too!!!:tsk:
Hope You woudn't mind the the vision behind this thread, and once again I repeat that, we dont wish to dictate "Media" to execute to favor anyone, but this is vitality of this thread that, we are insisting to "Media" to follow their own designed "Code of Ethics" which i got from "International press association" and quoted in my tilted article.

NOTE: By the way Mazhar Abbas The Secratory General "Pakistan Union of Journalists" an autonomy body of Journalists, admitted on-air himself during a talk show "Capital Talk" held yesterday May 13 2008. that, "our journalists may became partial during reporting" :smokin:

That’s why for the past dozen-plus months at sevral forums, I being a Peace loving Pakistan as majority of Pakistan and rest of the world like you in India, have called for a major public attentions in honest journalism, so information can be produced that it is both professional and independent of the kinds of external pressures that have deformed today’s mainstream press:pakistan:
Please also note that, after having complete follow-up the issue, by writing on forums specially this praiseworthy forum defence.pk, and tel-talks with most renown senior journalists and columnists, thrive initially to begin Media have been recognised cautiously and have changed a lil.
We must find neutral ways to tell the news
No media,the world over, can claim that they are totally ethical!

It is all a question of the degree!
Pakistani private media is bane. How many of you guys saw the broadcast on the day Geo was being shut down. I remember that joker Shahid Masood was whining non-stop about how "unfair" it was. And then he asked a correspondent about his views, and I swear to God the reporter let slip that Geo's coverage at times were so crazy that Pakistanis abroad would call their relatives in Pakistan to ask if everything was alright, and their relatives would calm them down and tell them things aren't really as bad as Geo reported. THis was clear proof that Geo didn't conduct itself responsibly as a balanced news organized should.

The amount of airtime given to the PPP an d PML-N was absurdly greater than the airtime given to PML-Q. Kashif Abbasi from ARY One World is blot in the field of journalism. He's not even ashamed of the kind of blatantly biased, one-sided interviews he conducts. Do you all know Shahid Masood doesn't even have the proper education to be a journalist? He has an MBBS from some school in Pakistan. This isn't even his field.

No media in the world except the Pakistani "free media" depicts the country like its on the verge of collapse. Biased anti-government reports and absolutely minimal cosmetic air time for the government party to state their own case. The previous government presided over some of the most prosperous years of pakistan's history, but you'd think Pakistan was falling apart. But it was in the interest of the PML-N and PPP to portray the country on a brink bereft of reality and hence their lapdogs in the media business openly spun the news that way.

I have to give props to the indian media. When it comes to internal matters, they are critical of individuals but they are responsible enough to keep the image of the country positive and provide an uplifting view of the country. India has 700 million people who dont have access to toilets and they practice constructive criticism regarding the issue. But if you look at Indian media you still come out with the view that India is a growing economic power and democracy.

And now that the PPP and PML-N are in power now, the media are completely easy on them. I haven't heard a single criticism of the PML-N party even when they haven't been able to live up to a single one of their promises of lowering commodity prices, restoring the judges, releasing A Q Khan. Not a single issue was resolved under these people. Yet the media only blames the previous government or the PPP.
Pakistani private media is bane. How many of you guys saw the broadcast on the day Geo was being shut down. I remember that joker Shahid Masood was whining non-stop about how "unfair" it was. And then he asked a correspondent about his views, and I swear to God the reporter let slip that Geo's coverage at times were so crazy that Pakistanis abroad would call their relatives in Pakistan to ask if everything was alright, and their relatives would calm them down and tell them things aren't really as bad as Geo reported. THis was clear proof that Geo didn't conduct itself responsibly as a balanced news organized should.

The amount of airtime given to the PPP an d PML-N was absurdly greater than the airtime given to PML-Q. Kashif Abbasi from ARY One World is blot in the field of journalism. He's not even ashamed of the kind of blatantly biased, one-sided interviews he conducts. Do you all know Shahid Masood doesn't even have the proper education to be a journalist? He has an MBBS from some school in Pakistan. This isn't even his field.

No media in the world except the Pakistani "free media" depicts the country like its on the verge of collapse. Biased anti-government reports and absolutely minimal cosmetic air time for the government party to state their own case. The previous government presided over some of the most prosperous years of pakistan's history, but you'd think Pakistan was falling apart. But it was in the interest of the PML-N and PPP to portray the country on a brink bereft of reality and hence their lapdogs in the media business openly spun the news that way.

I have to give props to the indian media. When it comes to internal matters, they are critical of individuals but they are responsible enough to keep the image of the country positive and provide an uplifting view of the country. India has 700 million people who dont have access to toilets and they practice constructive criticism regarding the issue. But if you look at Indian media you still come out with the view that India is a growing economic power and democracy.

And now that the PPP and PML-N are in power now, the media are completely easy on them. I haven't heard a single criticism of the PML-N party even when they haven't been able to live up to a single one of their promises of lowering commodity prices, restoring the judges, releasing A Q Khan. Not a single issue was resolved under these people. Yet the media only blames the previous government or the PPP.

Gr8 zpak....its cool.........your vision and sharp analysis is highly regarded and admired:tup::cool:..........I wished to comments on media role being unbaised but effective elaboration of real facts regarding meida role, as you did in your post......... that's really make a difference:pakistan:
Our Media and Politics needed to reforms their ways in to the real unbiased honest ways by keeping views to care about our country image.:pakistan:
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