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Does our Media play its role by following ethical values???


Apr 2, 2008
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Being a student of Journalism and a memeber of this honorable forum, I would like to take opportunity to submit a topic "Media role in Pakistan" to discuss with friends at this valued forum:

Now a days when Media is free.........here is a question arised due to observed some how bias media reporting like an advertisment campaign that, Is media follow the following code of ethics or not????


Seek Truth and Report it as Fully as Possible
  • Inform yourself continuously so you in turn can inform, engage, and educate the public in a clear and compelling way on significant issues.
  • Be honest, fair, and courageous in gathering, reporting, and interpreting accurate information.
  • Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting.
  • Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context
  • Avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography,
  • sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.
  • Give voice to the voiceless.
  • Hold the powerful accountable.

Act Independently
  • Guard vigorously the essential stewardship role a free press plays in an open society.
  • Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure
  • to influence news coverage.
  • Seek out and disseminate competing perspectives without being unduly influenced by those who would use their power or position counter to the public interest.
  • Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise your integrity or damage your credibility.
  • Recognize that good ethical decisions require individual responsibility enriched by collaborative efforts.

Minimize Harm
  • Be compassionate for those affected by your actions.
  • Treat sources, subjects, and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect, not merely as means to your journalistic ends.
  • Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort, but balance those negatives by choosing alternatives that maximize your goal of truthtelling.
  • Be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those
  • affected by tragedy or grief.
  • Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort.
Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance.
its obviously observe by any one of us that, Media is playing critical bias role in our country. specially Geo act as the commercial adovcate and propagete on agenda rather journalism. while they should impartial as basic principle of "code of ethics"
Masha'Allah, i'm glad you posted this pkpatriotic. You've realized what is really going on. The people running Jang and Geo are PPP fanatics, Shahid Masood was a part of the NSF.

If you've noticed, Hamid Mir doesn't even let any PML-Q supporter speak on his show. He always disrupts their speech and belittles their view. GEO tv continues to show so called "heart-softening" clips of the lawyers struggle. Yet, they barely cover the beatings of any criticizers of PPP.

As soon as these thugs were elected in the name of democracy and free speech, they beat anyone for opposing them. I'm still waiting on Zardari to restore the judges.
Masha'Allah, i'm glad you posted this pkpatriotic. You've realized what is really going on. The people running Jang and Geo are PPP fanatics, Shahid Masood was a part of the NSF.

If you've noticed, Hamid Mir doesn't even let any PML-Q supporter speak on his show. He always disrupts their speech and belittles their view. GEO tv continues to show so called "heart-softening" clips of the lawyers struggle. Yet, they barely cover the beatings of any criticizers of PPP.

As soon as these thugs were elected in the name of democracy and free speech, they beat anyone for opposing them. I'm still waiting on Zardari to restore the judges.

Tkx Asad, but I really feel sorry about all this pathetic situation in our loving country by politicians particularly at the time where we are facing lot of serious internal and external problems, and its media who supposed to built pressure on politicians by pinpointing the real issues to get it resolve on priority.

But Unfortunatly, our Media shake hand catagorily with eliets to support their agenda of personal benefits.
Here is an latest example showing their tasks & Loyalities ;
Specially Geo did not explore the incident of smuggling of Wheat by Rao Mazhar Heyat Khan the MNA-PML-N, Kassor disst: on 26th April 2008, exposed on Express tv, Its also very interesting that, when food department hold their tractor trolly, then the said MNA went to the food department with their mob of terrorists, tortured on staff and snatched back their loaded trolly on gun point, when after a long efforts and consultation, Food secratory phoned to police station to register the complain, police make delying tactics , but ultimatly they registerd it after a long struggle as whole scene show running for 2+ hours at ExpressTV.

SO we can analize the intentions of the politicians and their actual agenda which is now also supported by a markable Media ticons, but they must know their bias attitude will effcted them and they will face the same situation, which is facing by NewYork Times & fox . they is a familier scandle as stoogy for mislead the peoples in USA, on Iraq war
God bless Us all.................... I appreciate the open but real comments and discussion on this topic.
The problem with Pakistan and Pakistanis is they complain about everything. Before we had PTV then people did not know nothing cus 90 Percent of the population could not read the newspapers.

Then comes the MEDIA thanks to MUSHARRAF and Company, now the problem is we have so many GENIOUS members here and around the world who say oh MEDIA is BIAS Media is this Media is that. You did not know before PTV was a GOVT BIAS too? Now whtever channel you like watch it or change the channel. Its petty simple and easy to point fingers on anything based on your own judgment but why not look at the positive side of it too?

It was Media who showed you and made u aware on that Earthquake day and motivated people to help others.
You can see Govt as well as Opposition on the TV now before it was only GOVT.
People know more about our politicians what they are how they talk.
People know more about other Pakistani areas then their twons and cities.

YOU the ex Pakistanis and the foreigners now living outside PAKISTAN know more about Pakistan.

You talk about propeganda you did not see anything yet.

Here in this thread i will see Musharraf supporters will come up and say oh Media is on the money of NS or Zerdari. LOL its funny on the forums these days all i see is this. MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA!!!!
Now whtever channel you like watch it or change the channel.

No, its not as simple as that. We criticize because we are watching our media show a completely opposite picture of numerous issues, distorting facts, making wrong look right and right look wrong, hence effecting Pakistan and every single matter in Pakistan. Therefore just changing the channel if we dont like it, is not helping Pakistan in any way, if actually you'r thinking for Pakistan, and working on "Pakistan first" way.

It was Media who showed you and made u aware on that Earthquake day and motivated people to help others.
You can see Govt as well as Opposition on the TV now before it was only GOVT.
People know more about our politicians what they are how they talk.
People know more about other Pakistani areas then their twons and cities.

All these things u have mentioned are extremely common.Obviously this was bound to happen as soon as media got free thanx to President Musharraf.I m not saying that these benefits are next to nothing, but here the negatives are overtaking the positives, and this happening is harming our country very badly.

Now there are 100 more important issues than these little ones u have mentioned above, or should i say 100 more disadvantages than advantages.
Problem is that our media does not know what is national interest, we can hope that it'll learn it soon, but meanwhile in these past 8 years, it has demolished all the good work which was done by previous government, and highlited all those little, unimportant things and used them to fire at Musharraf and his government, and is still continuing in doing so.
Now when they do this, then there is no meaning in getting delighted over those little advantages u mentioned, and thats the reason why everyone blames media for all the dirty work they have done.
No, its not as simple as that. We criticize because we are watching our media show a completely opposite picture of numerous issues, distorting facts, making wrong look right and right look wrong, hence effecting Pakistan and every single matter in Pakistan. Therefore just changing the channel if we dont like it, is not helping Pakistan in any way, if actually you'r thinking for Pakistan, and working on "Pakistan first" way.

All these things u have mentioned are extremely common.Obviously this was bound to happen as soon as media got free thanx to President Musharraf.I m not saying that these benefits are next to nothing, but here the negatives are overtaking the positives, and this happening is harming our country very badly.

Now there are 100 more important issues than these little ones u have mentioned above, or should i say 100 more disadvantages than advantages.
Problem is that our media does not know what is national interest, we can hope that it'll learn it soon, but meanwhile in these past 8 years, it has demolished all the good work which was done by previous government, and highlited all those little, unimportant things and used them to fire at Musharraf and his government, and is still continuing in doing so.
Now when they do this, then there is no meaning in getting delighted over those little advantages u mentioned, and thats the reason why everyone blames media for all the dirty work they have done.

I agree 100%
No, its not as simple as that. We criticize because we are watching our media show a completely opposite picture of numerous issues, distorting facts, making wrong look right and right look wrong, hence effecting Pakistan and every single matter in Pakistan. Therefore just changing the channel if we dont like it, is not helping Pakistan in any way, if actually you'r thinking for Pakistan, and working on "Pakistan first" way.

All these things u have mentioned are extremely common.Obviously this was bound to happen as soon as media got free thanx to President Musharraf.I m not saying that these benefits are next to nothing, but here the negatives are overtaking the positives, and this happening is harming our country very badly.

Now there are 100 more important issues than these little ones u have mentioned above, or should i say 100 more disadvantages than advantages.
Problem is that our media does not know what is national interest, we can hope that it'll learn it soon, but meanwhile in these past 8 years, it has demolished all the good work which was done by previous government, and highlited all those little, unimportant things and used them to fire at Musharraf and his government, and is still continuing in doing so.
Now when they do this, then there is no meaning in getting delighted over those little advantages u mentioned, and thats the reason why everyone blames media for all the dirty work they have done.

GOOD work are you kidding me? What was good that was done tell me?

Previous Govt told us the only thing that economy is booming now what?

Musharraf did some good work but not all of em. Media knowing national interest. You know it? WHat is our national interest? Tell me and i will go further with you.
dynamic, I think you misunderstood my post. I am not implying in anyway the free media is a "bad thing". I argue that GEO and ARY should have and show some responsibility in portraying current events.

I've yet to see GEO news anchors criticize Zardari and even question his criminal record. Let alone criticize, they praise Zardari. GEO tv has been repeatedly been showing the struggle between the military and the lawyers from a biased point of view.

The army is made to look like the "bad guy" while lawyers and politicians have been shown to be innocent. This has done nothing, but divide the country even more. We must always have the national interests in mind.

I only criticize GEO and ARY, not the other private news channels like NewsOne and so forth. If people actually bother watching these other news channels, everyone will realize GEO shows current events through a biased point of view.
GOOD work are you kidding me? What was good that was done tell me?

Previous Govt told us the only thing that economy is booming now what?

Musharraf did some good work but not all of em. Media knowing national interest. You know it? WHat is our national interest? Tell me and i will go further with you.

Why do we all forget where we were way back in 1999 or 1990s for that matter! it is because of the honest and hard work of our President that Pakistan holds great importance not only in the Islamic world but globally. No one can question the loyalty of a man who has fought wars to defend our country and is williing to defend it even today!

You talk of good work??

Employment, transport, infrastructure, economy and defence.

The fact that we are able to withstand the effects of global warming and oil prices (Oil prices in 1999 were 11 USD). The Pakistani economy grew with an average of 7% annually in the past 8 years.

Have you forgotten about:

Telenor, Warid, Ufone, Mobilink, 82 million mobile phone users, Metro stores, Makro stores, Metro taxis, Air blue, Aero asia, Green bus, Metro bus services, Macdonalds, Nandos, Media, Adam motors (first Pakistani car), The centaurus, Sofitel towers, freedom of expression, roads, bridges, underpasses and record development in the past 8 years.

Why do we forget that it is because of his hard work that we all are empowered to speak this way today!
dynamic, I think you misunderstood my post. I am not implying in anyway the free media is a "bad thing". I argue that GEO and ARY should have and show some responsibility in portraying current events.

I've yet to see GEO news anchors criticize Zardari and even question his criminal record. Let alone criticize, they praise Zardari. GEO tv has been repeatedly been showing the struggle between the military and the lawyers from a biased point of view.

The army is made to look like the "bad guy" while lawyers and politicians have been shown to be innocent. This has done nothing, but divide the country even more. We must always have the national interests in mind.

I only criticize GEO and ARY, not the other private news channels like NewsOne and so forth. If people actually bother watching these other news channels, everyone will realize GEO shows current events through a biased point of view.

First of all, everywhere in the world the media goes like that. You tell me do we have a FCC? If we do where it is? I've never seen it.

You said Army as bad then i dont think so it was "Musharraf" as a bad guy in media. And about biased let me tell you how the biase goes If i wanna see something and someone show me that it will be good and if i dont wanna see something and someone show me that then its BIASED for me.
Why do we all forget where we were way back in 1999 or 1990s for that matter! it is because of the honest and hard work of our President that Pakistan holds great importance not only in the Islamic world but globally. No one can question the loyalty of a man who has fought wars to defend our country and is williing to defend it even today!

You talk of good work??

Employment, transport, infrastructure, economy and defence.

The fact that we are able to withstand the effects of global warming and oil prices (Oil prices in 1999 were 11 USD). The Pakistani economy grew with an average of 7% annually in the past 8 years.

Have you forgotten about:

Telenor, Warid, Ufone, Mobilink, 82 million mobile phone users, Metro stores, Makro stores, Metro taxis, Air blue, Aero asia, Green bus, Metro bus services, Macdonalds, Nandos, Media, Adam motors (first Pakistani car), The centaurus, Sofitel towers, freedom of expression, roads, bridges, underpasses and record development in the past 8 years.

Why do we forget that it is because of his hard work that we all are empowered to speak this way today!

LOL nice half of the companies came up before 1999. infact McDonalds was brought in by NS. I will give the full credit to Musharraf for the MEDIA. But other things were there already but the way they built it the same way they destoryed it to make it EVEN.

If you are telling me it was all Musharraf's hardwork then i think you need to go back and do a reality check. Read some facts and Post.
LOL nice half of the companies came up before 1999. infact McDonalds was brought in by NS. I will give the full credit to Musharraf for the MEDIA. But other things were there already but the way they built it the same way they destoryed it to make it EVEN.

If you are telling me it was all Musharraf's hardwork then i think you need to go back and do a reality check. Read some facts and Post.

Oh come on! do some research before arguing.:hitwall:

Did you know:

In 1999 Pakistan had only 256,000 mobile phone users. Today, we have 82+ million mobile phone users.

Motorola sold Mobilink to Orascom because it was making huge losses in 1999? now it is valued at 4 billion USD with 30+ million subscribers and thousands of employees.

Telenor Pakistan started operations on the 15th of March 2005.

Ufone was established in January 29, 2001

Air Blue was established in 2003!

Warid was established in 2004!

Green bus and daewoo bus service was established in 2002.

Adam Motors was established in 2003 and launched Pakistan's first home made car Revo in 2005.

Nando's Pakistan was launched on 7th May 2001 in Karachi.

Makro Pakistan was established in 2006.

Metro was recently launched with the initial Rs. 20 billion investment.

The KSE is now at it's highest levels.

Right now over 50 banks are operating in Pakistan!

I could go on and on. There are countless other achievements.:argh:

None came into being during NS's tenure as PM.:angry:
GOOD work are you kidding me? What was good that was done tell me?

Ur being sarcastic right?

Previous Govt told us the only thing that economy is booming now what?

now what?? its still booming....oh yea i guess you got a bad perception of the economy due to the current Flour(aata) crisis, things being expensive, etc etc... so plz take my advice and take a look outside Pakistan, which i think you would not have done before, and then judge what is our economy, and try to understand the reason of the so-called crisis of food in our country.
Im sure, IF you understand it from a neutral and honest point, you wont be complaining and blaming the previous government.

Musharraf did some good work but not all of em. Media knowing national interest. You know it? WHat is our national interest? Tell me and i will go further with you.

National-Interest Definition: Actions or decisions regarded as benefiting a particular nation.
If you are telling me it was all Musharraf's hardwork then i think you need to go back and do a reality check. Read some facts and Post.

You know one thing, i really dont want to fill this thread with all the huge number of progress facts which were seen under PresidentMusharraf,because i dont believe in embarssing someone. You can easily search every single Progress Indicating website, search dating from 2000-2007, and see for yourself, and then bring a similar progress page,which mentions NS's or BB's achievements, if there are any at all. Yea there might be a few dramaai announcements here and there, some 2-3 roads built when 1000 were needed, maybe 1 highway which will be talked abt for centuries to come, maybe some deal made with international ppl to show-off in front of the nation, etc etc....
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