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Does Modi know what a smart city is?

Congratulations on your discovery!!!

But have Indians discovered this? Of course, why am I asking? Of course the Indians are clueless as usual, which is to be expected because after all, Indians are poorly educated and exceptional ignorant, and yes, they always talk, talk, and talk.
Modi is a politician and politicians use all sort of rosy words to make public fool.
But have Indians discovered this? Of course, why am I asking? Of course the Indians are clueless as usual, which is to be expected because after all, Indians are poorly educated and exceptional ignorant, and yes, they always talk, talk, and talk.
Thanks for your concern!!
Indians are poorly educated and exceptional ignorant, and yes, they always talk, talk, and talk.
This is total BS, many Indians educated India are in top positions in major companies in the world.
There is a difference between criticizing Modi and insulting Indians
ICT and IoT industries should be first established.

India have major IT industries specially in Hyderabad. From what I see in Modi's plan it seems to be more closer to urban planning than making a "smart city"
This is total BS, many Indians educated India are in top positions in major companies in the world.
There is a difference between criticizing Modi and insulting Indians

India have major IT industries specially in Hyderabad. From what I see in Modi's plan it seems to be more closer to urban planning than making a "smart city"
You've ever been to India?
This is total BS, many Indians educated India are in top positions in major companies in the world.
There is a difference between criticizing Modi and insulting Indians

India have major IT industries specially in Hyderabad. From what I see in Modi's plan it seems to be more closer to urban planning than making a "smart city"

So, a few Indians have done well, out of 1.3 billion. They succeeded because they LEFT INDIA.
This is total BS, many Indians educated India are in top positions in major companies in the world.
There is a difference between criticizing Modi and insulting Indians

India have major IT industries specially in Hyderabad. From what I see in Modi's plan it seems to be more closer to urban planning than making a "smart city"

Smart people like you are better off ignoring the troll "RisingShiningSuperpower" now in a new skin.

The former has been perma-banned, but mods seem to be unwilling to ban this multiple account for some reason.

Best to let trolls engage with other trolls only.
As always, India talks while China works. Narendra Modi wants to build 100 smart cities at a time when India doesn't yet have one city that has 24/7 water and electricity supply.

I can't help but wonder if Modi even understands what a smart city is and how difficult it would be to build 100 of them.

To give you an idea what building a smart city requires, watch this video of Guangzhou China. Do you think India has what it takes to build one, much less 100 smart cities?

I would have appriciated if you have a nice intent while opening this thread...Anyway, I would like to respond to it.

First of all, the nomenclature of smart city or modern city is really in context with India and it is nothing to do with China...Whatever you say smart city or modern, it might be nothing in comparison to any average city of Europe or North America...Does that mean China will not strive to make a smart city by itself???...

Now, in general, i am a big fan of progress made by China in last 20 years...So India should really stop comparing itself with China....It is a stupid ideal whever any one be in India or Outside India compares between 2 nation...There is a huge difference in public aspiration, cultural motivation and political infrastructure between 2 nation to even compare with each other...So if you would like to get my opinion...I see China is a great nation where Government and its aspiration to develop themselves made them a great power in 21st century.

But it would be great, if you can very well understand that whatever we see or think is not always against China and vice versa too...Apart from Pakistan factor, as such, Indian have not any major issue with China...
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