Off course.
But a good Indian should not even be talking about forcing "Indian population" out of India no matter what the reason is. I believe your implicit message is a positive one.
On paper it may look OK>
But the history tells us otherwise.
Long before Muslims came on the scene (that in itself was long long time ago), Hindus and Bhuddists and Hindus vs. Hindus wars and raja vs. raja was name of the game.
I am sure you have read more about epic Hindu-on-Hindu battles right?
Thus religion is not a factor. $tupidity and lack of historical knowledge is. This is why our region has consistently lost to small time invaders.
And we are doing the same thing again in 2013 that $tupid rajas did in 1800s, 1600s, 1400s, 1200s, ..... (I'm sure you get the point. Right?).
And if we do not learn, and study, and change our ways, year 2150 may see another small band of foreigners ruling all of our @rses throughout India and Pakistan.
I sure hope we learn it quickly to live with each other for the betterment of the whole region.