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Does India need ACC Killer Version of Shaurya/ Agni 1?

Here a little correction A&N doest host any MKI so far.
Currently KALIKUNDA airbase serves for defence of A&N island series.

Not permanently, but they are kept there from time to time before coming up with a full fledged station as such :)
Not permanently, but they are kept there from time to time before coming up with a full fledged station as such :)

While you changing the station of fighters you also need to change hole infrastructure.

Also my concern is towards that IS small airbases of A&N are suitable for beast like MKI????
OFF TOPIC(mod please don't ban me)

EzioAltaïr;3411816 said:
Are you sure about that? When we use the Submarine to destroy the whole Russian fleet? It looked like a ballistic missile to me.

nope,they said something like "this oscar-II class submarine is armed with 32 cruise missiles"..

go here around 40 secs..

on topic..

there were talks on KEPD-350 taurus cruise missile for Su-30 MKI and Rafale.can we use them against naval target???
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i repaeat the question?

Does India need ACC Killer Version of Shaurya/ Agni 1?
I, again, repeat question:Does India need ACC Killer Version of Shaurya/ Agni 1?
just a minor correction Sagarika has a range of 750-1900 km n not 750-850 km its basically sub version of Shaurya so thats sufficient to counter Pak to some extent as coastal areas like Karachi n other Naval Bases can be easily targeted even from far range so it does serve the purpose of land attack BM for second strike.

Secondly, its very difficult to manufacture SLBMs due to height restriction as Arihant can load only a 10m missile even Agni I is 15m thats why we havn't seen k-4 n i think k-4 won't become operational till 2016 atleast
Hope now u got u now got the answer as to why we developed K-15:D

K 14 wont come before 2017 according to P K Sengupta
K 14 wont come before 2017 according to P K Sengupta

Lol...we all know how DRDO works with regards to timeline besides that was my personal estimate but i just hope they make it as quick as possible bcoz K-4 is a true SLBM for India i don't care how much time they take for k-5 but k-4 is a must....:agree:
Shaurya and A1 both have ballistic trajectories.

This restricts them to be used as AShM as they cant make changes in accordance to a moving target like a cruise missile.

We already have The Awesome Brahmos which is Higly Manuverable and effective against Mobile Targets such as ACC.
I, again, repeat question:Does India need ACC Killer Version of Shaurya/ Agni 1?

If K-15 can be made into as ASBM carrier-killer, it will be an excellent asset.

But if the idea is for land-based ASBM version of Shaurya/Agni-1, its a waste of money because that would limit their effectiveness. At full payload, they're range is only around 700km, even if we base them at the coastal areas, it will be useless because no ACC will ever come so close to coast until the area is secure during war...they'd rather stay far off and launch attacks with carrier-born aircraft using buddy-buddy refuelling.

We'd rather convert Agni-3 into a carrier-killer.


A submarine-based carrier killer will be a terrific threat to even the US 7th fleet.
Why do you all need 2 different weapons for the same Role? India has already tested successfully an Anti Aircraft Carrier Variant of Brahmos with supersonic vertical diving capability.
indians let's have some meaningful debate if you are capable of doing so:

my argument here is simple - it is never about whether you need it or not, india clearly needs this type of weapon. it is all about whether india/indians will be smart enough to design/master it. to have such weapons,

1. you need a White Cloud class NOSS system. To support the Chinese DF-21D anti ACC system, we launched at least 2 White Cloud class satellite clusters, known as YG-16. the last launch was on 25th Nov 2012. you don't have such satellites, and you don't the required rocket that can launch such satellite.

2. you need super accurate ballistic missile systems. To support that, basically you need a lot of launch tests to collect stats and gain experience. you need a flexible satellite navigation system that is under your full control. you don't have the navigation satellite network, you don't have the required rocket that can launch such satellite to form the network, you don't have a strong enough economy to back the R&D of such network. please note, we are talking about building & putting 30-50 satellites each at 5-8ton to operate such network.

3. you need super reliable ballistic missile technology. PSLV's success rate is 90%, GSLV is 20%. it would be a wet day dream to build weapon class missiles based on such reliability stats.

in short, to build and operate this weapon, you need to a pretty big reform to get ride of your highly ineffective government first.
indians let's have some meaningful debate if you are capable of doing so:

my argument here is simple - it is never about whether you need it or not, india clearly needs this type of weapon. it is all about whether india/indians will be smart enough to design/master it. to have such weapons,

1. you need a White Cloud class NOSS system. To support the Chinese DF-21D anti ACC system, we launched at least 2 White Cloud class satellite clusters, known as YG-16. the last launch was on 25th Nov 2012. you don't have such satellites, and you don't the required rocket that can launch such satellite.

2. you need super accurate ballistic missile systems. To support that, basically you need a lot of launch tests to collect stats and gain experience. you need a flexible satellite navigation system that is under your full control. you don't have the navigation satellite network, you don't have the required rocket that can launch such satellite to form the network, you don't have a strong enough economy to back the R&D of such network. please note, we are talking about building & putting 30-50 satellites each at 5-8ton to operate such network.

3. you need super reliable ballistic missile technology. PSLV's success rate is 90%, GSLV is 20%. it would be a wet day dream to build weapon class missiles based on such reliability stats.

in short, to build and operate this weapon, you need to a pretty big reform to get ride of your highly ineffective government first.

^^ Reporting all failures as success in the media doesn't mean you are 100% success rate.

Most of the tech you mentioned should be developed AFTER the military actually develops a requirement
for such a missile (for which there is no requirement presently whatsover), not before.

The chinese carrier-killer myth is the real wet dream. Has it ever really demonstrated the capability to
destroy a moving target 3000km away at the ocean? No.

So who's the one having wet dreams here? We're discussing whether India really needs such a missile
or not, unlike china which "claims" it has carrier-killer capability but never dares to demonstrate it.
indians let's have some meaningful debate if you are capable of doing so:

my argument here is simple - it is never about whether you need it or not, india clearly needs this type of weapon. it is all about whether india/indians will be smart enough to design/master it. to have such weapons,

1. you need a White Cloud class NOSS system. To support the Chinese DF-21D anti ACC system, we launched at least 2 White Cloud class satellite clusters, known as YG-16. the last launch was on 25th Nov 2012. you don't have such satellites, and you don't the required rocket that can launch such satellite.

2. you need super accurate ballistic missile systems. To support that, basically you need a lot of launch tests to collect stats and gain experience. you need a flexible satellite navigation system that is under your full control. you don't have the navigation satellite network, you don't have the required rocket that can launch such satellite to form the network, you don't have a strong enough economy to back the R&D of such network. please note, we are talking about building & putting 30-50 satellites each at 5-8ton to operate such network.

3. you need super reliable ballistic missile technology. PSLV's success rate is 90%, GSLV is 20%. it would be a wet day dream to build weapon class missiles based on such reliability stats.

in short, to build and operate this weapon, you need to a pretty big reform to get ride of your highly ineffective government first.

1.You got it all wrong here buddy. discussion happening here is not about an ASBM . Now to answer your questions. India has launched satellites such as Oceansat, capable enough to handle NOSS functionalities way before the chinese launch of YG-16.

2.We already have IRNSS underway which safeguards our threat areas, so this answers your curiosity about Indian economy and R&D capability.

3. Sorry to say, neither PSLV nor GSLV are ballistic missiles.

In short we already have the required systems to build one.
indians let's have some meaningful debate if you are capable of doing so:

my argument here is simple - it is never about whether you need it or not, india clearly needs this type of weapon. it is all about whether india/indians will be smart enough to design/master it. to have such weapons,

1. you need a White Cloud class NOSS system. To support the Chinese DF-21D anti ACC system, we launched at least 2 White Cloud class satellite clusters, known as YG-16. the last launch was on 25th Nov 2012. you don't have such satellites, and you don't the required rocket that can launch such satellite.

2. you need super accurate ballistic missile systems. To support that, basically you need a lot of launch tests to collect stats and gain experience. you need a flexible satellite navigation system that is under your full control. you don't have the navigation satellite network, you don't have the required rocket that can launch such satellite to form the network, you don't have a strong enough economy to back the R&D of such network. please note, we are talking about building & putting 30-50 satellites each at 5-8ton to operate such network.

3. you need super reliable ballistic missile technology. PSLV's success rate is 90%, GSLV is 20%. it would be a wet day dream to build weapon class missiles based on such reliability stats.

in short, to build and operate this weapon, you need to a pretty big reform to get ride of your highly ineffective government first.


kindly take look at this thread

Why? Most Indian airbases have Pakistan in attacking range - so why will we use ACCs against you? The only reason you may conceivably need anti-ACC ballistic missiles is if you are fighting Uncle Sam. And then sir you are screwed anyways. :sick:
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