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Does China have locally-made ASCM as fast as Brahmos?

thank you for accepting that china does not have (non-laser) to counter Brahmos..

good luck with the laser tech.

Joke's on you, buddy, because China does. :coffee:

FL-3000N CIWS interceptor missile (comparable to the American Sea-RAM):

FLS-1 CIWS interceptor missile (comparable to the American Sea-RAM):

Type 1030 CIWS:

Type 730 CIWS:

And thanks for your support of China's laser defense weapons program.
^^ still not laser. It is still projectile.. Looking for something like this!!
^^ still not laser. It is still projectile.. Looking for something like this!!

Wait for a few years. China has lasers capable of jamming satellites, so I'm pretty sure they'll churn up something in a few years.

If you are looking for a laser handgun, Japan has it already. Just simply watch Ultraman. :azn:
India is the only country in the world to have deployed a supersonic cruise missile.
Hah, that's a good one. Russia said hello by the way, so did China.
DF-21D ASBM is good, but overreliance on one weapon is a folly. Diversifying angles of attack on a USN Carrier Group and the carrier itself is a surefire recipe for success. If all else, fails, when war happens, China should simply make more carriers and make lots of J-20s to counter the carrier air wings' jets by shooting them down in classic dogfights. No matter how good 7 USN CVBGs are with their 500 +Super Hornets, if China has 1000+J-10s and J-11Bs and 250 J-20s by 2025, even USN will be taking a severe beating and be forced to seek a ceasefire with China while China uses the time after that to take over Taiwan.
1.Wrong,Korea or Japanese dont have supersonic anti-ship missiles or related projects.
2.You mentioned the Yj-91 is a copy of russian product,Can you bother to post a YJ-91 PICTURE?
I was not talking about missiles, but their developements in general. These countries receive and received a large influx of western technology and investement, but they are not able to develope nothing new or really competitive, by their own.

For example, the japanese, received through the history very much aid and developement, before and after of WW2, first from the west (especially Germany) and later from the US. Regardless, they have not developed a single new system on their own. Only work and imitation.

Similar with koreans, they also attempt to develope their military, and nothing. One examole, they were developing their new tank with seemingly advanced systems as active protection and gun launched missiles, only to later get rejected to a ukrainian T-80 mod which just owned the tank.

-Yj-91, what is that? a chinese name to an imported missile, Oh, it is, seconds to google, and then you guys ask, why I do not even pay attention to this. Use common sense atleast, if you have. I assume that not.
So what is the difference between Brahmos, Yakhont and Chinese Yakhont on the Sovremenny class ??
Yakhont: Export version of russian Onyx with reduced performance accordingly, range no more than 300km and smaller warhead.

Brahmos: Offshoot of Yakhont for India, with some parts and receivers manufactured there, assembled in locally I presume.

Why bother with Belarus? They're so poor they can't even pay their subsidized energy bill to Russia. They're about your level in per capita output, but obviously, a lot smaller.
Another asian "Canadian" acting as a smartass here? Do not care to reply to that.
-Yj-91, what is that? a chinese name to an imported missile, Oh, it is, seconds to google, and then you guys ask, why I do not even pay attention to this. Use common sense atleast, if you have. I assume that not.

What is that? Oh, irony, that's what it is. The YJ-91 was developed and manufactured by the same company that built the Silkworm missiles to replace the Kh-31 because the Kh-31 did not satisfy PLA requirements. So much for an "imported missile", huh? They upgraded its capabilities and they are also developing newer variants of the YJ-91.
i don't think china has any countermeasure to Brahmos currently. i don't think any country does.
i don't think china has any countermeasure to Brahmos currently. i don't think any country does.

Yes they do. To name some of them: FL-3000N, FLS-1, Type 1030 CIWS, Type 730 CIWS.

Supersonic missiles such as the Brahmos would have a difficult time doing evasive maneuvers, and it is not even known if it has the capabilities of doing so.

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