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Does Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace?

How would you stop a president of Big Country of getting this?
He deserves the Prize just because he is the President of USA!

agree, up till now there is no single person coming from communist countries are the laureate even if they made such great contribution to the world because they hold the nationality of communist country prevents them from getting that glory. those scientists who moved from their birthland and change their nationality will deserve the prize.

so, np is just a tool for the west to anti communist and to help enhance the influence of very important figure of the west to propagate their image to the rest of world to impress those innocent talents to come to the west to work for them gloriously:smitten: while sabotaging a potential opponent development by taking out their native talents away,especially absorbing talents and resources from small and weak countries , then the west uses the achievements in tech sector made by these talents to oppress the world of weak countries....
SO, is it worthy for us to discuss whether the np is so nobel that it cant be misawarded? the selection of the laureate has been decided within a certain range of people , isnt it clear enough this award is also a toy played by unscrupulous politicians?:cry::pop::argh::hitwall:
and then they all will say, "And he had great potential".
Hush hush - me thinks (very tongue-in-cheek) its a vast conspiracy of right wingers and CIA-MI6-RAW-MOSSAD-FSB to undermine the man, destroy his potential and turn him complacent.:woot:
Yup, he doesnt deserve it, at the very least, not yet!
This is more about taking a cheap shot at B43 than it is about Obama. The Euros are still pissed off that America (under B43) asserted some backbone and did things (Afghanistan and Iraq) without due deference to them. Now like petulant children, they exercise what little authority they have over some award and give it to Obama out of spite to Bush. All they have done is diminish the Nobel Peace award itself and those who rightly deserved it in the past.

Hillary Clinton must be boiling mad by now. She had been rendered an empty suit, even as SecState, by Obama when he appointed all those special 'envoys' over significant regions in the world. She got suckered and she knows it. By now she is regretting accepting her appointment as SecState, probably the second worst decision after not divorcing Bill for his sexual peccadilloes. B43 is not stupid, he must be laughing his southern region off, as if he really care about what some spineless Euros think of him.
This is more about taking a cheap shot at B43 than it is about Obama. The Euros are still pissed off that America (under B43) asserted some backbone and did things (Afghanistan and Iraq) without due deference to them. Now like petulant children, they exercise what little authority they have over some award and give it to Obama out of spite to Bush. All they have done is diminish the Nobel Peace award itself and those who rightly deserved it in the past.

Hillary Clinton must be boiling mad by now. She had been rendered an empty suit, even as SecState, by Obama when he appointed all those special 'envoys' over significant regions in the world. She got suckered and she knows it. By now she is regretting accepting her appointment as SecState, probably the second worst decision after not divorcing Bill for his sexual peccadilloes. B43 is not stupid, he must be laughing his southern region off, as if he really care about what some spineless Euros think of him.
Yeah, Bush wasn't stupid, he's far more wily and clever than we give credit for! But his coterie, especially Cheney and Rumsfeld, was his unmaking. I know you might not agree, but perceptions my friend, perceptions!
But seriously, lets hope (damn Pandora! And Obama for letting it out again) for the sake of US and the world, that Obama has his head firmly on his shoulders and doesn't get carried away by this farce of an award!
IMHO, they should do away with Peace Prizes...don't have no meaning whatsoever, rather have prizes for accomplishments of the sort achieved by Mother Theresa or M. Gandhi or Norman Borlaug! Last few Nobel Peace prizes have been jokes!
Yes He Deserves It! Simply for his initiative to make this world a better and peaceful place. Being the President of the USA his one small step may turn into a giant leap down the road.

Congratulations to President Obama and his family and to the American people (of course those who agree with it)

Stop cracking a joke here, the only reason he got this just because he is fulfiling the agenda of illuminaties...I hope you do know them.

This noble peace price is the joke of the millenium.:coffee:
Obama has just initiated his policy and still a long way to get results , not sure of getting noble:disagree:
It's ridiculous. He hasn't accomplished anything. Totally stupid decision by the Nobel committee. They are obviously trying to steer American foreign policy in the direction they want to see it go. It might work. Obama's ego is the biggest we have seen in a long, long time. Now we'll see if he will stay in Afghanistan or cut and run .... stay tuned.
Didnt you campaign for him?
I campaigned for a Liberal, so far I have gotten a 'consensus builder'. The problem with 'consensus building', as I see it, is that the core of his support base of the left are disillusioned, and therefore you don't really see any excitement or push from his support base for the policies he has. You do see a tremendous amount of excitement and passion from his opponents on the right, in opposing even his 'consensus' policies.

Couple the ambivalence of Obama's support base with the fiery opposition of the right and he's in trouble IMO. Of course he may prove me wrong, and I would still choose him over McCain or any of the potential conservative candidates the in the field currently.

What he may be interested in is besides the point, the American establishment will not allow any major foreign policy changes.

Love Jimmy Carter, wish Obama was half the man he was (so far he is not).
I campaigned for a Liberal, so far I have gotten a 'consensus builder'. The problem with 'consensus building', as I see it, is that the core of his support base of the left are disillusioned, and therefore you don't really see any excitement or push from his support base for the policies he has. You do see a tremendous amount of excitement and passion from his opponents on the right, in opposing even his 'consensus' policies.

Couple the ambivalence of Obama's support base with the fiery opposition of the right and he's in trouble IMO. Of course he may prove me wrong, and I would still choose him over McCain or any of the potential conservative candidates the in the field currently.

Love Jimmy Carter, wish Obama was half the man he was (so far he is not).

I love Obama personally because he is an inspiration. But I have no idea why would some one get a noble prize for being in a job for just 1 month of work( remember Nobel prize nominations are done in feb, whereas committee meeting happens later).

I think this kind of patronizing will cloud his importance and for me this looks goofy.

But I think shows like O'reilly, crazy Glen beckk and fox channel will increase his popularity because in my opinion, US as a whole is not crazy, otherwise we would have highly intelligent Palin as VP.
I talked to a lot of people today, from across the American political spectrum, and everyone asked -- WTF ?. None, even those who voted for him in my neighborhood, believed he has done anything worthy of such praise. Everyone now has a much lower opinion of the Nobel Committee and those who voted for Obama has no choice but to call it blatant political activism from the Nobel Committee.

I sort of feel sorry for Obama. But if he is willing to act on his conscience, he should decline the award, making a bold statement to all Americans, especially to those who voted for 'change', that he is beholden to no one outside our borders. Unfortunately...
But if he is willing to act on his conscience, he should decline the award, making a bold statement to all Americans, especially to those who voted for 'change', that he is beholden to no one outside our borders. Unfortunately...

He didn't decline the prize. You see, he has a very, very, very big ego. His ego is bigger than any US President since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So, the bottom line is, we will see, if, he is OUR President or the President of the European Socialists. I'm betting he's more their (European Socialist) President, than ours.
Obama definitely deservered a Nobel price as US president because:
1) he promised to end the war in Iraq
2) he's not yet starting at another war or droping bombs on more countries.

For the rest of the world, that's already the peace not seen in 20 years
I will remember this piece of trivia for long until I forget Avogardo's # "(physical constant to use scientists who does come easily forget when endeavoring metaphore of the century" By that logic Chicago should of had won Olympics with his speeches.

The moron OBAMA does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.
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