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Does Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace?

Gandhi never won the Peace Prize. Why list him with those two?

Yes, you are right. Gandhi never got the peace prize. But i never said he did in my post good sir. I only listed his name because he is "great" along with Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa.

What I posted was only saying that those people DID something great, Obama did NOT.
Yes, you are right. Gandhi never got the peace prize. But i never said he did in my post good sir. I only listed his name because he is "great" along with Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa.

What I posted was only saying that those people DID something great, Obama did NOT.

Gandhi was nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize. I think that's quite an achievement so you should have pointed that out while listing him with the other Peace Prize winners.

As far as Obama is concerned, I seriously think the Peace Prize committee should be ashamed of themselves for this horrendous decision.
How would you stop a president of Big Country of getting this?
He deserves the Prize just because he is the President of USA!
As far as Obama is concerned, I seriously think the Peace Prize committee should be ashamed of themselves for this horrendous decision.

I am certain that a peace prize at this stage is silly.

Though, he certainly can be nominated for Oscars for his efforts. I would not have any objection to that.
Ironic that in the day he won the noble peace prize, Obama was with his War cabinet discussing the Afghan strategy.

As someone said above, the American people deserve the peace prize for not voting Sarah Palin to power.
Seriously, wtf? What for?
U.S. President Barack Obama's historic life journey took another extraordinary step Friday when he was named the winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The prize comes just 11 months after then U.S. senator Obama became the first African-American to be elected president of the United States.

He attracted millions of supporters to his campaign with his themes of hope and bringing change to Washington.

Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961, the son of a black Kenyan man and a white American woman from Kansas. He spent some of his early years in Indonesia, then later, after graduating from college, began his public career as a community organizer in Chicago, went to Harvard Law School and later became a U.S. senator from the state of Illinois.

He made history as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review.

Two other sitting U.S. presidents - Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson - have won the peace prize. Former President Jimmy Carter won in 2002, two decades after leaving office.

President Roosevelt won in 1906 for his work in mediating an end to the Russo-Japanese War. His successor, President Wilson, won the award in 1919 for his efforts in creating the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.

Former President Carter was honored with the prize for his work in mediating conflicts and promoting democracy on the international stage.

In 2007, former Vice President Al Gore shared the prize with the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for his work on climate change.

Mr. Obama is also the third African-American to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Ralph Bunche, a high-ranking U.N. official, won the 1950 prize for mediating a peace accord between Israel and the Arab states. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. won in 1964 for his work in the U.S. civil rights movement.

Obama Peace Prize win has Americans asking why?

Barack Obama's Nobel prize greeted with cynicism and surprise
For making pretty speeches talking about nice ideals ...

Though I suppose he is seriously invested in nuclear disarmament, reducing tensions between Russia and the US (abandoning the missile defence shield), peace in the Mid East, though he could not have hoped for a worse partner than the racist and expansionist regime of Bibi and company.

But aside from the MDS, he has not really shown any tangible progress IMO, maybe someone else can elaborate ...

P.S: He hasn't presided over any UNSC resolutions condemning the refusal of Israel and India to implement their commitments to past UNSC resolutions - just for you Gubbi.
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For making pretty speeches talking about nice ideals ...

Though I suppose he is seriously invested in nuclear disarmament, reducing tensions between Russia and the US (abandoning the missile defence shield), peace in the Mid East, though he could not have hoped for a worse partner than the racist and expansionist regime of BB and company.

But aside from the MDS, he has not really shown any tangible progress IMO, maybe someone else can elaborate ...

P.S: He hasn't presided over any UNSC resolutions condemning the refusal of Israel and India to implement their commitments to past UNSC resolutions - just for you Gubbi.

Investment in peace without tangible results or even concrete steps towards peace are not a criteria for awarding a Nobel Peace prize. Though if I could, I would have voted for Obama last year without a doubt, but awarding a peace prize is taking this idolatry a step too far!
For Christ's sake, this man has been in politics for less than a decade and in power for less than a year and he gets a Peace Prize?? I think that Bra-Mask which got the Ig Nobel award was more deserving!

ps: @AM, I just love it when you manage to sneak in UN resolutions whenever/everytime you can. Can't take that itch off now, can ya?:smokin:
ps: @AM, I just love it when you manage to sneak in UN resolutions whenever/everytime you can. Can't take that itch off now, can ya?:smokin:

Seriously though - the UNSC resolutions on Kashmir and the Mid East represent consensus and neutral decisions based on all available points of views and facts, and as such are extremely important and relevant. Granted some states now have performed U-turns on their commitments to them because they have decided "might is right" serves to protect their interests better, but that does not change what the UNSC resolutions represent.

Anyway, back to Obama and the Nobel he didn't earn.
This is going to attract more attention to his mediocrity. It is only natural that people, including those who voted for him, to wonder about his accomplishments, if any. Behind closed doors, they will examine his record as a public figure and they will finally admit to themselves that he has a mediocre record as an attorney, as a state legislator, as a US Senator, and so far mediocre as the President. There is going to be a lot of "buyer's remorse". Privately, of course.
Behind closed doors, they will examine his record as a public figure and they will finally admit to themselves that he has a mediocre record as an attorney, as a state legislator, as a US Senator, and so far mediocre as the President. There is going to be a lot of "buyer's remorse". Privately, of course.

and then they all will say, "And he had great potential".
Hush hush - me thinks (very tongue-in-cheek) its a vast conspiracy of right wingers and CIA-MI6-RAW-MOSSAD-FSB to undermine the man, destroy his potential and turn him complacent.:woot:
Yup, he doesnt deserve it, at the very least, not yet!
Anyway, back to Obama and the Nobel he didn't earn.

Didnt you campaign for him?

Though I suppose he is seriously invested in nuclear disarmament, reducing tensions between Russia and the US (abandoning the missile defence shield), peace in the Mid East, though he could not have hoped for a worse partner than the racist and expansionist regime of Bibi and company.

What he may be interested in is besides the point, the American establishment will not allow any major foreign policy changes.

Which brings in the question, nobel prize for what? What exactly has he achieved? Nothing.
He doesn't deserve the Peace Nobel :angry: Wht abt us doctors who help people or organisations who help the poorest people? Why is someone getting the prize who is a war monger?
How many times an "African American" president has won a Nobel?
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