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Does Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace?

So speeches can win you Nobel. Hmmm...interesting. ;)

Maybe the Nobel committee should have given him a Nobel for literature.:rofl:
Obama's performance thus far has been all salesman talk.

They should have waited for him to deliver first.
Nobel is no more precious. Those who will get, their image will be shatered.
Hillary Clinton must be boiling mad by now.

That is one face I would love to see right now. :rofl:
Especially after that outburst in Ghana about "channeling" her husband.

I think the Female Afghan Activist should have gotten it

Dr. Sima Samar.
Brave woman. She was even nominated.

So speeches can win you Nobel. Hmmm...interesting. ;)

Maybe the Nobel committee should have given him a Nobel for literature.:rofl:

Then the award should go to his speechwriters, not to him.

Nobel is no more precious. Those who will get, their image will be shatered.

Nobel prizes, even the scientific ones, have a long history of controversy. In the early days, they deliberately excluded Nazi scientists. Also, communist and eastern bloc countries have always complained of discrimination.

On topic, at the risk of throwing my lot in with terrorists, of course he didn't deserver it.

LAHORE: While US President Barack Obama is seen as an improvement over former president George Bush, many Pakistanis feel the president has not done enough to merit the peace prize, the Chicago Tribune has reported.

Pakistanis are still wary of Obama and his policies. For they, Obama represents a marked improvement over his predecessor Bush. He believes in tackling world problems through consensus-building rather than unilateral action, they say.

But the way many Pakistanis see it does not mean he has done nearly enough to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

“Maybe if you compare him to Bush, you can say Obama is a bit better when it comes to dealing with Muslim countries,” said Ajmal Khan, a 55-year-old mechanical engineer in Islamabad. “Otherwise, I do not think he deserves the peace prize. Has he done anything special to bring peace to the world? Killing goes on in Afghanistan, in Iraq, and in other countries.”

Pakistanis still have not fully made up their mind about Obama. When they compare him to Bush, they like that he has reached out to the Muslim community and appears genuinely interested in what other world players have to say.

But Pakistanis still are wary of Obama and his policies toward their part of the world. They worry Obama won’t solve the conflict in Afghanistan, an eight-year war on Pakistan’s doorstep.

“If the category is peace, he doesn’t deserve the peace prize,” says Nadeem, 49, a salesman at a clothing store at Jinnah Super Market, Islamabad. “The situation keeps getting worse in Pakistan and Afghanistan. I think he got the prize because he is a powerful man, that’s all.” daily times monitor
Obama became president in January this decision was made in February what did Obama do in 2 months after becoming president that had him qualify to win this??
My question is, why is nobel is considered so "noble"? Like every award, it has some backdoor lobbying as well. One must wonder why some people are always excluded from consideration. Even if we take the case of nobel awards in science, there are so many research going on. How can one decide which one is most beneficial.

And why any country should look for nobel prize to validate its fruitfullness. Any research/innovations is always god with or without nobel...:)
After all, Nobel Prize is a reflection of Western value and is manipulated by a handful few.

No sooner had Mr. Obama proclaimed adding more troops to Afghanistan war, than came the peace NP for him. :bounce: Oh yeah, more killing = peace Prize: that is the value of Western society! :rofl:
agree, up till now there is no single person coming from communist countries are the laureate even if they made such great contribution to the world because they hold the nationality of communist country prevents them from getting that glory.


Not quite, buddy.

Russia has quite a few.

Anti-communists in communist country are even easier to get a piece of peace NP:

Saharov -1975
Gorbachev -1990

because Westerners like those for obvious reasons.
I don't know what the big deal is anyways. I have never taken the Nobel prize as an indication of the recipient's real efforts or achievements. The Nobel committee is not objective, apolitical or non-partisan - far from it.

What did Al Gore do to deserve the prize? What did F W de Klerk of South Africa do. He was literally forced into a position where he had no other choice but to relinquish power to Mandela. If Agnese Gonxhe Bojaxhiu (aka Mother Teresa) deserves it, so does Abdul Sattar Edhi. If Martin Luther King deserved it, so did Malcolm X. And what real achievements can all those speak of who have received the prize for peace in the Middle East - from Kissinger to Begin, and from Sadat to Arafat. All those agreements have brought nothing but more misery and death to the Palestinian people. Where do we stand now in terms of the basic human rights of the Palestinians?

As far as I am concerned, the Nobel committee and their prize have no credibility. It is indeed ironic that the world's "most prestigious" peace prize is named after Mr. Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and other explosive devices. So much for peace.
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