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Does Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace?


May 5, 2009
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United States President Barack Obama on Friday made his mark in history when he won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

The luminaries who have won the coveted prize include Mother Teresa, Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and Martin Luther King Jr.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened, the committee said.

Do you agree with the Nobel committee's decision? Does Barack Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

PS: I request the MODs to please add a poll to this thread.
simple answer....... no
Obama has been barely active for 6 months and he gets nobel prize? for what?

He doesn't deserve it. The award looses it's value because of giving it to people like that.

Mohandas Gandhi
Mother Teresa
Martin Luther King Jr.

What's OBAMA compared to them?
but we can also discuss that
Was there any other person(read better person than obama) who should get this honour?
If you have one in mind than pls tell us.
The point being: Nobel Peace Prize are generally or traditionally given with the advantage of hindsight. Mostly a after at least a decade has passed and true impact of the acts can be judged.

The Impact of Obama's actions and intents are yet to be tested on the true scale and its benefit to the humanity are yet to be assessed.
but we can also discuss that
Was there any other person(read better person than obama) who should get this honour?
If you have one in mind than pls tell us.

I don't know. Even Dr. Manmohan Singh would be a better choice. He averted an armed conflict by his restrained response to 26/11..
(Speaking with tongue firmly in my cheek and waiting a barrage of colourful posts from my Pakistani friends)
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One would think the Peace prize would be given after one attains peace.
:rofl: :blink:

Man this a great joke, What the hell has Obama done, has he got Noble Prize for his big claims about Nuclear Dis armament & bla bla
Noble Prize has lost his Prestige, End of story
This is stupid. It is like awarding a degree to some who has not sitten in exams or worse, not even enrolled in the course.
What Obama has done to get this nobel. Answer is nothing.
Clearly these is somehting else going on behind curtains.
:rofl: :blink:

Man this a great joke, What the hell has Obama done, has he got Noble Prize for his big claims about Nuclear Dis armament & bla bla
Noble Prize has lost his Prestige, End of story

I totally agree with you
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If contenders for Nobel Peace award were Osama Bin Ladin, Aimen Al-Zawahri, Baitullah Mehsood and Obama, he is undoubtedly the right choice of the four.
He does not deserve it, what has he done for the peace prize ?

Did he stop the war in Afghanistan - NO
Did he stop the war in Iraq -NO
Did he stop the genocide in Darfur - NO
Was he successful in nuclear disarnament - NO
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Yes He Deserves It! Simply for his initiative to make this world a better and peaceful place. Being the President of the USA his one small step may turn into a giant leap down the road.

Congratulations to President Obama and his family and to the American people (of course those who agree with it)
simple answer....... no
Obama has been barely active for 6 months and he gets nobel prize? for what?

He doesn't deserve it. The award looses it's value because of giving it to people like that.

Mohandas Gandhi
Mother Teresa
Martin Luther King Jr.

What's OBAMA compared to them?

Gandhi never won the Peace Prize. Why list him with those two?
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