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Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

The concept of hunger strike was started by mahatma gandhi..glad to know that pakistanis who hate gandhi also follow his methods.

Well, it's ramdan. We are already not eating/drinking 17 hours out of 24. So, :-)
A lot of my Pakistani brother will get angry, when situation gets bad, even soldiers refuse to fight (remember 1971). Here we are not providing proper equipment to doctors. When a country fights war, military plans about war. In this war against virus, doctors are out of planning room and maulanas are planing...
That’s the most retarded thing I have heard all my life. Thank you for making me se someone this retarded before I died
Says a 'young doctor'

That's a oxymoron in its own.
Says a 'young doctor'

That's a oxymoron in its own.
says a pussy sitting in his home commenting people fighting the fight against covid-19 and don’t be grumpy you didn’t become a doctor maybe you didn’t deserve to be in this noble profession since your a certified moron and self-grandiose retard you can’t comprehend what you don’t have a brain or knowledge of so I pity you poor you
Why don’t you go to a hospital and help doctors with atleast moving these patients around ? Without PPE ?
Baatay karwa lo
I am not saying they don't need PPE. of course, they are frontline and we all understand how the Gov hospital management in Pakistan, is this new issue to doctors. The availability of protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves and gowns to medical staff have become a political issue since Dr.Alvi drew criticism from doctors after he was seen wearing a high-protection medical mask at a government meeting while those treating Covid-19 patients complain they are going without.

I love @aryadravida. Wonder if he is real.


Kya kar loge? What can you do about it?

abey Yeah tumarey payroll par tha , abi tu list. We have so many in our list who are going to be charged soon why in RAW payroll.
This is where we bring faith into play and leave it in Allahs hand but still do the job that you are paid to do!

Brother, it is comments like these that make modern Muslims the butt of ridicule. Think again what you wrote.

Also, Pakistan government should put the mullahs, especially the Tableeghis, on the front line against Corona alongside the trained medical staff who should be given full protection equipment. The mullahs should be told to protect themselves using their "Faith".
Brother, it is comments like these that make modern Muslims the butt of ridicule. Think again what you wrote.

Also, Pakistan government should put the mullahs, especially the Tableeghis, on the front line against Corona alongside the trained medical staff who should be given full protection equipment. The mullahs should be told to protect themselves using their "Faith".

Mullahs is something bad now? These western idelogies has changed our people into thinking a person who follows the Quran is a dirty Terrorist Mullah.
Always easy to say by the ones sitting at home. You don't care if a single doctor dies for every 10 patient because for you, the doctors are just animals doing jobs for a mediocre salary.

You know the USSR sent 15 year old boys to the Eastern front in the WWII with only 5 bullets and told them to pick up a weapon from their fallen brothers. you want something along the lines of that being done in Pakistan?

Dr Usman died in GB due to severe viral load after he tested Zaireen coming from Iran without PPE. Did the man study 7 years, dreaming of a better future, only to be failed by a heartless system? Are you willing to sacrifice every thing for your country as long as you have nothing to do with it? Yeah...Sacrifice all the white coats. Its their job.

You see the clerics and their devotees with their strong imaan going to mosques against the advice of the government. Do you think their imaan is going to help them somehow slow the spread of a viral pneumonia? Does our beautiful religion teach us ignorance?

The doctors might keep helping the patients with their empathy and love for the people, but history will not forgive the ones who say that this is just their job, and a strong imaan is all that they need.

It may sound mean but medical profession like military one is not forced upon people. The doctors secured good grades, signed up for the profession and benefited from the subsidized education on their free will - - - - - - -.
First of all we doctors are doing our work getting exposed to virus everyday without proper ppe don’t we have parents or kids or family we want to protect and secondly if doctors keep dropping like flies all the rest of you are doomed got it and we need proper equipment to fight this disease can’t just wave my hand and it vanishes. How about you come to Pakistan and help us move those pts around without ppe phir apni phata Ge tau kud he ppe mango Ge smjh lagi plus if your sending back money to Pakistan your doing it for your family not for Pakistan so stop this bs and remain to your respective field don’t interfere in things you don’t know or have any idea about got it

Dont interfere in Pakistans internal conflicts? Only the doctors and the highly noble educated class can do that right? We small working class peasants dont have any rights on Pakistan.

Well let me tell you something, my family has been in this land since maybe the beginning of time so Pakistan is my country as much as yours.

Everyone has parents, kids, so sorry you have to go out and do your job and btw did you call out to the people for help? Did you say to the regular patriots of the county to help out with this virus?

If you are a doctor who gives a shit, Im not here depending on doctors for my life. I have Allah in my life for that.

"Pakistan received a total of US$21.84 billion foreign remittance in the last fiscal year and is expected to receive more than 23 billion this year due to increase in number of Pakistanis going abroad for work.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is expecting that the foreign remittance should surge to $40 billion in the coming years"

And overseas money is big part of Pakistan exonomy.
Mullahs is something bad now? These western idelogies has changed our people into thinking a person who follows the Quran is a dirty Terrorist Mullah.

Please consider this. In modern times, those we called terrorists are the same ones who are supported by Western governments. Take Al Qaeda and LIFG as examples. They were created by the Western governments, not for the benefit of Muslims but for the benefit of the Western governments.

Secondly, those Muslims who followed the Quran in its correct spirit were people like Faiz, Nasser and Gaddafi. Please read this thread of mine from 2016 which is an article by Nadeem Paracha about progressive activism among Muslims in previous decades. These activists generally understood the correct message of Islam and stood in opposition to the regressive, capitalist ideologies promoted by the Western governments.
Please consider this. In modern times, those we called terrorists are the same ones who are supported by Western governments. Take Al Qaeda and LIFG as examples. They were created by the Western governments, not for the benefit of Muslims but for the benefit of the Western governments.

Secondly, those Muslims who followed the Quran in its correct spirit were people like Faiz, Nasser and Gaddafi. Please read this thread of mine from 2016 which is an article by Nadeem Paracha about progressive activism among Muslims in previous decades. These activists generally understood the correct message of Islam and stood in opposition to the regressive, capitalist ideologies promoted by the Western governments.

Pakistan helped im the creation of Taliban and supported them by fighting off two super powers in Russia and USA.

Maybe, if the regular people would have this much imaan they would be winning the wars against their enemies as well. Because at rhe end of the day its Allah who gives victory and defeat.

I know there are some molvis who abuse the religion for power but I know people like you who even look at a beard and say oh, thats a terrorist mullah.

This is a country for Muslims and Islam. If I bring my faith in Allah into everything, well thats what a Muslim being is. Submit to the will of Allah.
Dozens of doctors and nurses in Punjab have launched a hunger strike demanding adequate protective equipment for frontline staff treating coronavirus patients, the lead organiser of the protest said on Saturday.

Health workers have complained for weeks that the country's hospitals are suffering chronic shortages of safety gear, prompting the arrest of more than 50 doctors who called for more supplies in Quetta earlier this month.

Frontline staff have been left vulnerable, with more than 150 medical workers testing positive for the virus nationwide, according to the Young Doctors' Association (YDA) in worst-hit Punjab.

The protesters have kept working in their hospitals while taking turns to demonstrate outside the health authority offices in Lahore.

“We do not intend on stopping until the government listens to our demands. They have been consistently refusing to adhere to our demands,” said doctor Salman Haseeb.

Haseeb heads the province's Grand Health Alliance, which is organising the protest, and he said he had not eaten since April 16.

“We are on the frontline of this virus and if we are not protected then the whole population is at risk,” he told AFP.

The alliance said about 30 doctors and nurses were on hunger strike, with up to 200 medical staff joining them each day for demonstrations.

Punjab's health workers union is supporting the alliance and also demanding adequate quarantine conditions for medical staff.

Nearly three dozen doctors, nurses and paramedics contracted the virus in one hospital in Multan, while seven members of a doctor's family were infected in Lahore, it added.

“We are simply demanding justice for our community,” said doctor and YDA chairman Khizer Hayat. Hospital staff would not escalate their protest by walking off the job, he added.

Punjab health department officials told AFP that hospitals had now been provided with adequate protection gear after an earlier “backlog” was resolved.

Earlier this month, the provincial government announced that frontline workers will be awarded a pay bonus and life insurance.

Almost half of the more than 12,000 confirmed Covid-19 infections across the country have been recorded in Punjab.

Frontline medical workers across the world have been grappling with short supplies of vital safety equipment since the start of the pandemic.
I do not understand your need to embarrass your self on a daily basis. we are having the same problems as Pakistan , it has nothing to do with them vs us , have you forgotten our own doc went on strike because there were attacks on them , the PM had to bring an ordnance in two hrs to punish those who assaulted doc?

You have your entire life ahead of you to hate Pakistan , (if you do not perish in this pandemic) till then lets focus on the real enemy with is the virus!!
This is a war, it dictates more money. Kindly donate savings when you get the chance, sure it might be really, really bad for you in that it might jeopardize your life, but you should be patriotic.

Are you a child? How about the doctors use their savings account which they have been using to accumulate all their wealth in peaceful times and when they are really needed in the field, theyre cowering up and want to hide in their homes with their wives.

Dont you know death can come in your home as well!

Man up or quit being a doctor or do something about it.
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