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Doctor who sounded alarm on coronavirus dies, hospital says

My only question is that why does this doctor always wears a mask when showing himself on social media - Did he ever unmask himself?
Communist regime is outta pocket. This is crazy! @beijingwalker
Why do you at me? Do I speak for the Chinese government? The Chinese government might not be perfect, but still better than most government including yours. coverups of different degrees can happen in every country at every level, check out how much coverups happened in US, starting with " Spanish Flu".

The great American cover-up: Did Woodrow Wilson cause the spread of Spanish Influenza worldwide?
In the mean time, government also knew there was a new SARS like disease. But government could not make policy by conjecture.

They are just complacent and grossly incompetent.

Singapore, HK, Taiwan started screening visitors from Wuhan on Jan 3. Thailand started on Jan 5.

Meanwhile in Wuhan, mass human movement to the rest of China continued unabated. 5 million people travelled out of Wuhan during that period. A CNY festivity hosting 40k families on Jan 18 is allowed to continue. Now, 57 residential buildings in that area are considered 'fever buildings'.

WUHAN - A neighbourhood in Wuhan, the central Chinese city where a new coronavirus first broke out, reported at least 10 cases of infection after the local government allowed 40,000 families to gather and share their home-cooked food in a Chinese New Year banquet last month, even as the bug crept across the city.

Many residents of Hubei province's Baibuting community, which covers an area of 4 sq km with a population of 130,000, came down with fever after the annual event on Jan 18, prompting the local authorities to label 57 of its residential buildings as "fever buildings", Caixin Global reported.

They are just complacent and grossly incompetent.

Singapore, HK, Taiwan started screening visitors from Wuhan on Jan 3. Thailand started on Jan 5.

Meanwhile in Wuhan, mass human movement to the rest of China continued unabated. 5 million people travelled out of Wuhan during that period. A CNY festivity hosting 40k families on Jan 18 is allowed to continue. Now, 57 residential buildings in that area are considered 'fever buildings'.

I don't think any country can do a better job than China dealing with similar situations, considering the size of the population in China, comparing China with a city state like Singapore in this case is brainless, when they first found cases in Wuhan, it'd already spreaded into other regions, tens of millions travel in China every single day.

If China didn't alerted the international community very early in the stage of the virus spreading, believe me, Singapore, HK, Taiwan would be much much worse now. You guys should really thank China.

WHO chief repeated praised China is largely because China alerted the international community before the disease spreading out of China and gave other countries time and information to contain and fight it.

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BREAKING: Chinese doctor, 34, who tried to warn others about coronavirus has died

A Chinese doctor who tried to issue the first warnings about the deadly coronavirus outbreak has died of the infection, Chinese media say.

Li Wenliang was working as an ophthalmologist at Wuhan Central Hospital when he sent out a warning to fellow medics on 30 December.

Police then visited him to tell him to stop, as authorities tried to keep the news under wraps.

The virus has now killed more than 560 people and infected 28,000 in China.

The coronavirus causes severe acute respiratory infection and symptoms usually start with a fever, followed by a dry cough. Most people infected are likely to fully recover - just as they would from a flu.

What is Li Wenliang's story?

The ophthalmologist posted his story on the Weibo site from a hospital bed a month after sending out his initial warning.

Dr Li, 34, had noticed seven cases of a virus that he thought looked like Sars - the virus that led to a global epidemic in 2003.
◾The Chinese doctor who tried to warn others about coronavirus
◾Five need-to-know things about virus

On 30 December he sent a message to fellow doctors in a chat group warning them to wear protective clothing to avoid infection.

Four days later he was summoned to the Public Security Bureau where he was told to sign a letter. In the letter he was accused of "making false comments" that had "severely disturbed the social order".

He was one of eight people who police said were being investigated for "spreading rumours"

Local authorities later apologised to Dr Li.

In his Weibo post he describes how on 10 January he started coughing, the next day he had a fever and two days later he was in hospital. He was diagnosed with the coronavirus on 30 January.
◾Diary of a life in locked-down Wuhan
◾A visual guide to the outbreak

A number of posts on Chinese social media sites have expressed grief over his death.

Most of the coronavirus victims were over the age of 60 or suffered from other medical conditions, according to China's health authorities. Dr Li's medical history is not known.

What is the latest on the virus in China?

China is introducing more restrictive measures to try to control the outbreak.

Beijing has banned group dining for events such as birthdays and weddings while cities such as Hangzhou and Nanchang are limiting how many family members can leave home each day.

Hubei province, the worst hit by the virus, has switched off lifts in high-rise buildings to discourage residents from going outside.

Its capital, Wuhan, has a lack of beds and equipment, one senior city official said. Despite the rapid construction of two hospitals, the volume of patients is causing severe strain.

Reports on social media say the Wuhan government is to carry out door-to-door temperature checks on residents.

The city of Dali in Yunnan province was accused of requisitioning a shipment of masks bound for Chongqing. Dali's government said it could not do anything as the boxes had already been distributed.

The cities of Qingdao and Shenyang also reportedly squabbled over a medical shipment.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong has seen panic buying of goods, including toilet rolls, and there have been huge queues for masks.

What has the response been to the crackdowns?

Human Rights Watch has criticised them, saying China was "treating public health with a sledgehammer".

Executive director Kenneth Roth said China had suppressed reports in the early days of the outbreak and clamped down on criticism of its handling of the crisis.

"There's no place for secrecy in fighting an epidemic," he said.

Although he praised Beijing for quickly sharing the DNA sequence of the virus, he attacked the lockdowns policy.

Quarantines of this sort typically don't work. Quarantines, the kind that public health officials advocate, are much more targeted. They're aimed at people who have been identified as having the virus," he said.

Mr Roth said there were "huge gaps" in getting people fed, housed and treated.

Chinese officials have strongly defended their approach.

The latest figure to speak out was the Chinese ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, who said the government was doing everything it could to control, prevent and cure the coronavirus.

But he also said the UK had overreacted by advising an estimated 30,000 British nationals in China to leave and that there had been discrimination against Chinese nationals in the UK.

What's the latest on infections?

Although the virus has spread overseas, with confirmed infection in some 25 nations, there have so far been only two deaths outside mainland China - one in Hong Kong and one in the Philippines.

The World Health Organization has declared a global health emergency, saying if funds are not allocated now to tackle the outbreak, nations would pay for it later.
◾Coronavirus: What it does to the body

Although the official figures in China are of 28,000 infections, some scientists have estimated that the actual rate could be 10 times higher, with the majority of infected people only presenting mild symptoms, not receiving treatment, yet passing on the potentially deadly disease.

Some 3,700 people on the Diamond Princess cruise vessel moored off Japan face testing and quarantine for at least two weeks. It has seen on 20 virus cases.

Another cruise ship with 3,600 passengers and crew is quarantined in Hong Kong with three cases on board.


Amending heading to suit his agenda which is against forum rules.
Please take care. Thank you
@waz @The Eagle @Slav Defence
They are just complacent and grossly incompetent.

Singapore, HK, Taiwan started screening visitors from Wuhan on Jan 3. Thailand started on Jan 5.

Meanwhile in Wuhan, mass human movement to the rest of China continued unabated. 5 million people travelled out of Wuhan during that period. A CNY festivity hosting 40k families on Jan 18 is allowed to continue. Now, 57 residential buildings in that area are considered 'fever buildings'.

Singapore, HK, Taiwan and Thailand did that because they were out of cautiousness. Not because they had solid evidence that proved this disease is infectious between humans. Neither did Chinese government. 40k families festivity only proved local government did not know how dangerous this virus is till then. Matter of fact, nobody knew at beginning period of this plague. That's the time line background of the 8 doctors event. Western media said government knew the virus is infectious between humans and intentionally hid the fact. Why? What the profit the government could get from the inevitalbe upcoming huge disaster made by itself? The government officials also have families. Who would also be in danger by doing that.

I'm not saying the government didn't make any mistake. It was slow in every move. Some of slow actions are understandable (It a new disease afte all), some are not.
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BREAKING: Prominent Chinese doctor who was punished by police when he tried to warn his fellow medics about the coronavirus has died from the disease, officials at the World Health Organization say.

China = garbage
@waz @The Eagle @Slav Defence
Another reply meant to degrade certain nation to suit his propangada here. Please take action. Thank you.
Ok, so how can you be sure 100% about the ID of this person if he was masked?
I'm not quite sure what's your question really means.
If you watch those interview videos including foreign medias in past few weeks, it's not hard to tell who is him. The mask didn't cover whole face and he was talking in all these video interviews.

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