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Doctor who sounded alarm on coronavirus dies, hospital says

I'm quite intrigued in a medical sense as to why the doctor died when he was a fully fit gentleman with no problems. RIP to the hero and may Allah protect all other workers be it nurses, doctors or any other healthcare staff.

So how many recovered? Why that news is not making to the airwave? And is the world showing the same concerns about half million people dieing every year to common flu?

The common flu is something we have become accustomed to and it has been around for millennia and will be around in the future. The problem with this virus is that if left to its devices, it can rapidly spread and though it isn't fatal in most cases, the few people it does affect have no chance of survival since we haven't got a vaccine for it. Furthermore, the common cold is caused by many different viruses due to the extremely high rate of mutation as opposed to this virus which as far as I am aware of hasn't got a high mutation rate.

None of the media in west is reporting the number of recovered patient. All we are hearing as to how many died.

Because recovery takes a long time and it is easier to work out how many died vs how many recovered since the recovery takes weeks.
None of the media in west is reporting the number of recovered patient. All we are hearing as to how many died.
Why do you pay so much attention to the media in west? Internet is quite open.
Why do you pay so much attention to the media in west? Internet is quite open.

I don't . I am just saying what media is telling the local population in west. For me personally, its a biological warfare unleashed on China right bang in the middle of economic war, and very well coordinated response/propaganda among "like minded nations" and their vested interests.

I have seen swine flu outbreak in UK. We never had such quarantines and push for foreigners evacuations.

The common flu is something we have become accustomed to and it has been around for millennia and will be around in the future. The problem with this virus is that if left to its devices, it can rapidly spread and though it isn't fatal in most cases, the few people it does affect have no chance of survival since we haven't got a vaccine for it. Furthermore, the common cold is caused by many different viruses due to the extremely high rate of mutation as opposed to this virus which as far as I am aware of hasn't got a high mutation rate.

I got flu jab at the beginning of winter and as we speak, I am suffering from worst flu for last two weeks. The vaccine that was suppose to protect me didn't work, because every year the flu virus comes in a form of different strain. And I don't remember if there is a cure for common flu virus once you are effected. it will last its life cycle before you will get better.

Questions remains, is it really a deadly virus which certain countries with their vested agenda are trying to make out? Experts don't agree. Hell, half a million die every year with common flu!

The 8 doctors were reprimanded because they spread "SARS" information to society. They don't have the right to do that.

The virus is similar to SARS and initial medical reports in December last year diagnosed it as SARS. The doctors did nothing wrong as they acted based on the initial medical report.





It doesn't matter whether it was specifically SARS or the ncov2019 (a virus similar to SARS), because the reaction would be the same, which is to raise awareness among the public and take precautions.

The most guilty of 'fake news' are actually the authorities, because in this situation 'no news' is 'fake news'. The public wants to know whether there's a contagious virus spreading around, whether it's SARS or not. Wuhan authorities are playing a game of wordplay.
A Chinese doctor who got in trouble with authorities for sounding an early warning about the deadly coronavirus outbreak lay in critical condition with the illness, a hospital said amid conflicting reports about his fate.

"In the fight against the epidemic of the new coronavirus pneumonia, Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist of our hospital, was unfortunately infected. He is currently in critical condition and we are trying our best to rescue him," Wuhan Central Hospital said in a social media post just after midnight.

Late Thursday, Chinese media reports said the 34-year-old Li had died. And the World Health Organisation tweeted: "We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr Li Wenliang. We all need to celebrate work that he did" on the virus.


There are conflicting reports over the fate of Chinese doctor Li Wenliang. This undated photograph shows him on oxygen support in hospital after contracting the coronavirus. (Supplied)

Li was reprimanded by local police for "spreading rumours" about the illness in late December, according to news reports.

The outbreak, centred in Wuhan, has now infected over 28,200 people globally and killed more than 560.

The hospital's social media post received nearly 500,000 comments in the first half-hour afterward, with many people hoping Li would pull through. One wrote: "We are not going to bed, we are here waiting for a miracle."


Last year Dr Li Wenliang warned Wuhan officials about the coronavirus threat but was shut down by police. (AP)

Meanwhile, a newborn became the youngest known person infected with the virus.

China finished building a second new hospital yesterday to isolate and treat patients and moved people with milder symptoms into makeshift quarantine centres at sports arenas, exhibition halls and other public spaces. And testing of a new antiviral drug was set to begin on patients.


Only in China do the right thing and get arrested and disappear, CCP LOL.
BREAKING: Prominent Chinese doctor who was punished by police when he tried to warn his fellow medics about the coronavirus has died from the disease, officials at the World Health Organization say.

China = garbage

Don't worry the paid Chinese trolls will be on here attacking you soon.
Do you have any date of when he blew the whistle?

Cause the news of the out break of Coronavirus was reported on Wuhan official even before media reported it. So stop paddling fake news.
Do you have any date of when he blew the whistle?

Cause the news of the out break of Coronavirus was reported on Wuhan official even before media reported it. So stop paddling fake news.
12/30/2019 He didn't blow the whistle in the traditional sense that you may be familiar with. He just informed his classmates in school about the disease that appeared to be new. He also told them not to spread the news but be vigilant.
He was working on the virus so most probably got infected. Instead of criticizing china at this time, such useless countries should contribute to its cure or vaccine.
I got flu jab at the beginning of winter and as we speak, I am suffering from worst flu for last two weeks. The vaccine that was suppose to protect me didn't work, because every year the flu virus comes in a form of different strain. And I don't remember if there is a cure for common flu virus once you are effected. it will last its life cycle before you will get better.

Questions remains, is it really a deadly virus which certain countries with their vested agenda are trying to make out? Experts don't agree. Hell, half a million die every year with common flu!

1) As you rightly said, there are different strains of common cold which mutate almost every 6 months statistically speaking. Therefore, you can have a vaccine but its not a gurantee it will protect you. Also, without going into too much depth, once you are infected, your body has a primary response which can take upto 2-4 weeks to act. That is probably why your cold is taking so long. However, most patients start to get better within 5-6 days after they start showing symptoms since their body will recognise the virus and secondary response kicks in as their body has B-memory cells. But no it doesn't last its life cycle since there is no life cycle due to it being a non-living pathogen.

2) It is not a deadly virus for now but if spread it can become extremely deadly. The common cold virus is found all over the world so we can't really try to fix it. However, coronavirus is new and it is imperative we stop its spread. However, all the media hype is exaggerated since all it does is make us act in a non-rational way and scares people.
any follow up actions against the guilty authorities?
BREAKING: Prominent Chinese doctor who was punished by police when he tried to warn his fellow medics about the coronavirus has died from the disease, officials at the World Health Organization say.

China = garbage
Crocodile's tears, pretend you sympathize with the Chinese?
You America is celebrating the disaster in China

China = garbage???Is this your purpose? I admit that the Wuhan government is wrong,but does not represent the whole of China
Crocodile's tears, pretend you sympathize with the Chinese?
You America is celebrating the disaster in China

China = garbage???Is this your purpose? I admit that the Wuhan government is wrong,but does not represent the whole of China
American are actually much better than this garbage.
Please don't be fooled by this false flag from who knows which garbage country.
The virus is similar to SARS and initial medical reports in December last year diagnosed it as SARS. The doctors did nothing wrong as they acted based on the initial medical report.
1, All the 8 doctors said were conjectures based on several patients cases. In the mean time, government also knew there was a new SARS like disease. But government could not make policy by conjecture. They needed time to wait for more scientific conclusion from health authorities. Which is sensible for a government. As this disease has two weeks window time, the conclusion can not be drawn in short time.
2, Highly infectious diseases are very sensitive topic in any country. It can bring enormous social panic and lead to disastrous result. Without government permission, individuals don't have the right to spread that information. What the 8 doctors did legally to say was wrong. That's for sure. Even though what they said is truth. It is only matter of survivorship bias.
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