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Do Young Taiwanese want to Reunify With China?

I like here, most of people in here whoever come from Pakistan or from Indian even from Taiwan are friendly. In many Chinese web, you will find that they are fighting against each other all the time.

try going to india defense =) it'll be just like home. at least as good as tianya =)

the reason theres alot of fighting in chinese forums is because we are much more free than most westerners think and we can talk about anything except 和谐的话题~ oh and theres people that take 美分 to stir up trouble :china:
I feel ashamed that I didn't know this word "region", I never use goole translators or other translators like this. All sentences are writen by myself. I am a common youth who live in China and haven't enough opportunity to use English.

Hey, bro, once you get on Internet forum, you need an amour of thick face skin. :woot:

And never feel ashamed. :hitwall:

No kidding. Just you look around at some fundamentalists here. :lol:
There is nothing for you to be ashamed. Those guys are hardly perfect. I see plenty of grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors in their posts.

As a second language, your English is excellent. Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much, I love this forum more. :tup:
"whatever. Its obvious that its from .......When I readed this sentence, I felt that the sentence was hard to read, your work made me understand those grammar knowledge clearly.
I like reading your articles, thanks for your encouragement again!
try going to india defense =) it'll be just like home. at least as good as tianya =)

the reason theres alot of fighting in chinese forums is because we are much more free than most westerners think and we can talk about anything except 和谐的话题~ oh and theres people that take 美分 to stir up trouble :china:

I totally agree with you.
As long as Taiwan doesn't get blasted to smithereens by mainland China, things are usually looking up for plucky little Taiwan. Today brings more good news. Taiwan is ranked as the world's eighth most-competitive economy.


"No. 8 Taiwan

Change Since 2009 Ranking: +15
Real GDP Growth, 2009: –1.9 percent
Per Capita GDP, 2009: $31,834

World Competitiveness Rankings:

Economic Performance: 16
Government Efficiency: 6
Business Efficiency: 3
Infrastructure: 17

Jumping 15 places in this year's rankings, Taiwan is the most improved country in the IMD's 2010 competitiveness yearbook. The country's focus on technology, coupled with its deep economic connections across Asia Pacific, has left it positioned to profit from the global recovery. There's just one concern: Rising competition for foreign investment from neighbors looking to copy Taiwan's economic model eventually could dampen growth."
What is the secret of Taiwan's economic success (e.g. economic competitiveness, world 5th rank in U.S. patents granted last year, billions of dollars in corporate profits for Taiwanese exporters, etc.)? In addition to Hsinchu Science Park, the following may be part of the answer to the puzzle.

A Two Year IQ Research by GetIQ & Ph.D. Maslow, has found Remarkable Facts about World IQ Rank ? PRWeb ? Entrepreneur.com

"A Two Year IQ Research by GetIQ & Ph.D. Maslow, has found Remarkable Facts about World IQ Rank

A IQ Research by Creafire Ltd has Ranked top Ten Countries with the highest IQ score which is Hong Kong, South Korea , Japan...... The Research has been taken by over 36 Countries who participated by taking IQ Test.

Seattle, Washington (PRWEB) September 12, 2009 -- The research was done by testing over 2,000,000 people from 36 countries of four continents within one and a half year. World most ranked country with IQ level is Hong Kong with 107 points, the worst IQ rank has Barbados with 68 points out of 161.

IQ is a measure of different components of intelligence as measured on a standardized test so arranged that exactly half of the people taking it score 100 (the 50-the percentile). When the IQ test is given to many people the distribution of scores resembles a bell curve, with intellectually gifted people falling on the curve's right side and their less fortunate counterparts on the left.

Amazing, but date of birth could affect human IQ either! If you are born in the last three months of the year, your IQ could be a victim of school policies. Schools usually have a cutoff dates; if you are born after one, you have to wait a year to start kindergarten. Likewise, schools also require attendance until kids are 16 or 17. But 16-year-old dropouts born after the cutoff dates get a year less of schooling than 16-year-olds born before it. And researchers have shown that each year of schooling is good for about 3.5 IQ points. So even though kids born in the last three months of the year have the same intellectual potential, school rules can come back to bite them harder than their peers if they drop out.

Other factors that could have an impact on your IQ level is the things you put in your mouth. The study of 4,000,000 students in New York City revealed that school pupils did 14 percent better on IQ tests after preservatives, dyes, and artificial flavors were removed from their lunches. The weakest students benefited the most from healthier food.

After getIQ research, top ten most ranked countries are:

1.Hong Kong 107 points
2.South Korea 106 points
3.Japan 105 points
4.Taiwan 104 points
5.Singapore 103 points
6.Austria 102 points
7.Germany 102 points
8.Italy 102 points
9.Netherlands 102 points
10.Switzerland 101 points

Still, these results are approximate due to permanent evolution and people mix around the world. You are probably "smarter" than your grandfather. At least, as measured by IQ test. If you could turn back time 50 years and take IQ test, more than 90 percent of today's scorers would rate "genius" . Meanwhile, our grandparents' score compared to today's would tend to put them in the lowest bucket. Does this mean we are actually smarter? Not so much. Rather, we have better nutrition, more schooling, better-educated parents, and lifestyles that have been enriched by computers and toys that boost that particular kind of intelligence. In other words, we test better.

More information about the following research and IQ test can be found on GetIQ.co.uk"
I personally think that reunification will occur as soon as CPC is willing to share power with the nationalist and the other parties in taiwan (by democratic means). This will be good for both mainland and taiwan since greater competition will mean better economy for every one. Plus, nobody will worry about corruption any more because every party will watch the other ones cloesly.
I personally think that reunification will occur as soon as CPC is willing to share power with the nationalist and the other parties in taiwan (by democratic means). This will be good for both mainland and taiwan since greater competition will mean better economy for every one. Plus, nobody will worry about corruption any more because every party will watch the other ones cloesly.

disagree. why should we share when we can take it all? the population of taiwan is 1/4 the membership of the CPC alone, why should they get such disproportional representation? so an even smaller and even more corrupt elite can take power? if anyone has a problem they can go to US.
disagree. why should we share when we can take it all? the population of taiwan is 1/4 the membership of the CPC alone, why should they get such disproportional representation? so an even smaller and even more corrupt elite can take power? if anyone has a problem they can go to US.
Did I ever say we should use disproportional representation? Ofcourse every one's vote should be counted equal, doesn't matter if you are from Tibet or Shanghai or Taipei. All I am saying is that for example: if communists get in power during first year of unification (because all mainlanders vote for it), and CPC isn't quite up to standard, then people will turn to vote for the nationalist. And vice versa. This political system should greatly reduce the amount of corruption in mainland and taiwan right now. :cheers:
^^^ That is easier said than done, where will the loyalty of army lie ?
PLA seems pretty pro CCP to allow for proper power sharing between CCP and KMT
Did I ever say we should use disproportional representation? Ofcourse every one's vote should be counted equal, doesn't matter if you are from Tibet or Shanghai or Taipei. All I am saying is that for example: if communists get in power during first year of unification (because all mainlanders vote for it), and CPC isn't quite up to standard, then people will turn to vote for the nationalist. And vice versa. This political system should greatly reduce the amount of corruption in mainland and taiwan right now. :cheers:

and when they vote for the nationalists, the nationalists invite the US army in and then there's no "next election". no thanks, ask your grandparents what they thought of living under nationalist rule.

like no_name said, its much easier to just occupy taiwan and then give it hong kong style autonomy if they come peacefully, and make it like US occuped japan in 1945 if they don't.

i don't think you understand the principle of negotiation. why should anyone accept your conditions if there's no pressure? there should be an obvious choice between reward and punishment.
I personally think that reunification will occur as soon as CPC is willing to share power with the nationalist and the other parties in taiwan (by democratic means). This will be good for both mainland and taiwan since greater competition will mean better economy for every one. Plus, nobody will worry about corruption any more because every party will watch the other ones cloesly.

I think you're a bit naive if you think there's no corruption in democratic governments. The U.S., Russia, and India are all big countries with varying forms of democracy, and corruption runs rampant in all of them in different ways.

I live in the U.S., so I'll describe the American way of corruption. To win elections, you'll need to sway the general public; to sway the general public, you need control of the media; and to do so, you'll need money. A presidential election needs hundreds of millions of dollars, and big chunks of them are from big corporations. In this way, big corporations own the U.S. government.

That's not all. What do you think those politicians do after they retire? They go work for the companies that they helped push favorable policies through. They get some some cushy job and make bank while doing jack shiet. It's all legal, but it's also damn corrupt.
China must work hard to reunify all territories back to the mainland

I would support such initiative. A strong(er) China is in our interests also :)

I think you're a bit naive if you think there's no corruption in democratic governments. The U.S., Russia, and India are all big countries with varying forms of democracy, and corruption runs rampant in all of them in different ways.

I live in the U.S., so I'll describe the American way of corruption. To win elections, you'll need to sway the general public; to sway the general public, you need control of the media; and to do so, you'll need money. A presidential election needs hundreds of millions of dollars, and big chunks of them are from big corporations. In this way, big corporations own the U.S. government.

That's not all. What do you think those politicians do after they retire? They go work for the companies that they helped push favorable policies through. They get some some cushy job and make bank while doing jack shiet. It's all legal, but it's also damn corrupt.

I am not saying there will be NO corruption at all in the states, since I am not a 美分党,but it is true that Canada, the US, and many european countries that have adopted the democratic system is much more open and transparent in terms of their budget spending, and ofcourse less corruption. China haved advanced very fast in the last 20 or so years in terms of economy. Her citizens are more than joyful at her pace at urban development, but the astonishing economic growth rate have also showed its side effects like unthinkable real estate price. I am sure you've experienced that too. The top leaders of CPC such as our beloved President Hu wants to decrease on the housing price for sure. However, there are more than a handful of corrupt CPC regional officials who doesn't want that to happen because their own interest will be destroyed. Only a democratic monitoring and regulating agency can control that. :china:
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