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Do Young Taiwanese want to Reunify With China?


Dec 15, 2009
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The views of young Taiwanese (e.g. "people in their twenties or early thirties") on Chinese reunification are extremely important. They are the next generation of leaders. When the elder generation dies from old age, Taiwan will belong to today's young people.

Gilbert B. Kaplan: Letter from Taiwan: 100 Million Manufacturing Employees Next Door

"Gilbert B. Kaplan

Former Deputy Assistant and Acting Assistant Secretary of the U. S. Department of Commerce
Posted: December 29, 2009 01:05 PM

Letter from Taiwan: 100 Million Manufacturing Employees Next Door
Taiwan prides itself on being a merger of Chinese, Japanese and Western culture. There is definitely a feel of all three in the country. The United States used to have a special relationship with the small state, though that has definitely faded. Now, for Americans, perhaps the most important thing about Taiwan is what its younger generation is saying. Speak to people in their twenties or early thirties, and they basically have given up on resisting China. They think the game is over and that it would be better to simply merge in some way with the mainland. This marks a dramatic shift from about ten years ago, when one engineer I was working with on Taiwan said "China, we hate China. We don't want to have anything to do with them. They are so poor." The mainland was viewed as backward, uneducated, and politically oppressed. Now the concern is almost the reverse.

Most young people believe there will be no future without being part of China. Some talk about a merger into China in 50 years. The standard of living on the mainland, long much lower than in China, is catching up. In the Shanghai region, most often compared to Taiwan, the yearly GDP per capita is within several thousand dollars. Yes, there is a catch. Ask a young Taiwanese what they think about freedom of speech and political rights, clearly denied in China as made strikingly clear by the eleven year sentence given to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo last week. They shrug, "yes, those are important, but..." And then it seems hard for them to finish the sentence. They usually get around to saying, with some hesitance, that economic prosperity and economic security are more important than "rights," and, anyway, what can they do about the inexorable march of "progress."

It probably will not take 50 years for China to take over Taiwan, and China would probably not put up with the situation for that long. Now will they have to. China's business model is working against Taiwan, as it is working against the rest of the world, but faster and more effectively. The de facto merger is occurring, in part, as a result of industrial relocation into China by the major Taiwanese manufacturers, the companies that had comprised much of the Taiwan "economic miracle" of the 1980's and 90's. China, flush with money from it's aggressive mercantilist trading strategy, has provided a host of incentives to Taiwanese companies, making them offers they can't refuse. The Chinese have created special government run industrial parks just for Taiwanese companies. They have created an entire section in their laws on providing incentives to the Taiwanese to build-up industries within mainland China. And they have a special set of grants and benefits they give to what they call "off-shore" Chinese who are bringing their companies back to China. Coupled with benefits on the cost of labor, almost every Taiwanese company comes knocking on China's door."
I see integration happening already economically, and culturally there has been more awareness of what the other side is doing.

Reunification will happen eventually. But I personally think people in Taiwan will find it hard to adjust to the way CCP runs the country as of now. I think it is more beneficial to reunify under a more reformed government system.

The current Chinese government is still undergoing reform like its economy, and will continue to do so for quite awhile. Having a stable international atmosphere will help the reunification process. Personally I don't see Taiwan flying PRC flag until China can appear on world stage as number uno. Or uno-duo.

I see this achieveable by or before mid century if current progress continue. It is a very previliged/advantageous time for young people (like me!). People who were born later are going to miss this show and are just going to see the results. It is inspiring to see developments and improvements.

Sometime I feel that things can turn out so different for people of a country depending on the time that they were born. I looked up people's life when China was going down and then I see it now that it has a bright future. I cannot but think what a difference it is.
Well, I have some friends from Taiwan who are studying in japan. They told me they wanna reunify with china but china should under ROC controll or atleast COP should be in the same position with CPC. For me, personally I dont really care which party are controlling china, I only care whether china is under chinese controll and whether the govt can make china more powerful.:china:
Well, I have some friends from Taiwan who are studying in japan. They told me they wanna reunify with china but china should under ROC controll or atleast COP should be in the same position with CPC. For me, personally I dont really care which party are controlling china, I only care whether china is under chinese controll and whether the govt can make china more powerful.:china:

i do because the ROC has proven itself incompetent. the CCP made terrible mistakes in the past, but it was still better than the nationalists.
The news is not real. I have seen so many Taiwanese in Singapore but they never wanted to join China.
i do because the ROC has proven itself incompetent. the CCP made terrible mistakes in the past, but it was still better than the nationalists.

Hey, bro. Sorry for that I disagree with you on this. The CCP are doing great now, but we cant guarantee they will not make mistake like they did before, we need ROC to watch CCP and balance them in the future but not now. Personally I think it is good for china in the future.:cheers:
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Hey, bro. Sorry for that I disagree with you on this. The CCP are doing great now, but we cant guarantee they will not make mistake like they did before, we need ROC to watch CCP and balance them in the future but not now. Personally I think it is good for china in the future.:cheers:

There is something you forget to factor in. Something that is much more IMPORTANT than 'skills', and that is of LOYALTY TO CHINESE PEOPLE (and our future generations).

CPC has PROVEN it's loyalty to the welfare and harmony of Chinese people worldwide and out descendants.

The ROC is okay, BUT, compare that with how many traitors there are. Look at Chen Shui Bian, that basterd is one-among-several.

Let me ask you this: How many CPC leaders have dual citizenships??? Not many (if at all). How many ROC leaders have dual citizenships??? I can guarantee you quite a few.

Now tell me which leadership is more LOYAL to our people! :china:
agreed, many ROC leaders have US or Japanese citizenships, Chen actually claimed he was acting on direct orders from Washington and thus sued for his freedom in a US court (his case was thrown out, he remained in prison).

in the mainland, there is a LAW that any official with all other family members outside the country cannot be the head of a committee, and the CPC has never, ever accepted dual citizenship.

i really cannot trust the ROC, in 1930 jiang ordered zhang to not attack japan, in 1947 jiang was about to agree to dividing china at the chang jiang, in 1996 lee wanted to move towards taiwan independence, 2009 chen said he was an american agent. the track record of the ROC is just terrible.
Let me ask you this: How many CPC leaders have dual citizenships??? Not many (if at all). How many ROC leaders have dual citizenships??? I can guarantee you quite a few.
No one can have dual citizenships, mainland china's law doesnt allow this. So no one have dual citizenships in CPC, I dont know what about Taiwan.

Now tell me which leadership is more LOYAL to our people! :china:
Well, the most important condition of welcome ROC controll china with CPC is they must considering everything for china's interests. Without this, there are no way for any single chinese to support them.:cheers:
No one can have dual citizenships, mainland china's law doesnt allow this. So no one have dual citizenships in CPC, I dont know what about Taiwan.

Well, the most important condition of welcome ROC controll china with CPC is they must considering everything for china's interests. Without this, there are no way for any single chinese to support them.:cheers:

ROC is not worried that they will become voiceless. The nationalist party of china still exists on the mainland, even today!

ROC allows dual citizenships by the way.

it's also not likely that the CPC can make a huge mistake. the membership of the CPC is bigger than the population of france, can all of france including babies make a collective strategic mistake?

the politicians in taiwan are worried about their own power. right now they're a "president" but if they unify they're just a "governor". they're trying to play the game where they threaten unification to get cash from the US and threaten independence to get cash from China.
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