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Do you think that India is sponsoring the terrorism in Pakistan?

Do you think India is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan ??

  • Yes

    Votes: 108 63.9%
  • No

    Votes: 54 32.0%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 7 4.1%

  • Total voters
Do you people think that India is sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan? Is there any solid evidence of Indian involvement or backing of TTP,BLA and other terrorist organizations in Pakistan??

Also give your reasons how do you think they are behind this?? and what leads you to think that? I'm looking for evidences which suggest the Indian involvement .

Most Pakistanis (including myself) believe that India could have some sort of involvement in backing these terrorists in Afghanistan or fuming/arming them against Pakistan, but Indians deny it and say its Pakistan's and ISI's own creation which is biting us right back now, and how could they radicalize them???

Why there isn't any official statement from Pakistan?? since many Terrorists have been arrested too which can confirm the Indian involvement??

The more information someone can share with some factual statements the better, thankyou.

PS: Please don't make it a troll thread, I'm serious on this..
It all started when coward Musharraf gave unrestricted access to all of Pakistan (including strategic and sensitive areas like Balochistan, FATA, Kahuta, tarbela, etc.) to foreign spy agencies for an extended period. Those agencies used that once-a-century opportunity to create sinister dragnets and terror outfits by misguiding and deceiving Pakistani youth in the name of jihad. The evil enemy then used these terror outfits to bleed, malign, and hurt Pakistani nation-state in multiple ways. On one side, the enemies used these terrorists to penetrate Afghan resistance groups, especially Afghan Taliban, and creating divisions and promoting infighting among them. On the other hand, these assets, now grown up as a dreadful terrorist organization known as TTP, were widely used for launching the worst kind of terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Our markets, offices, schools, train stations, and places of worship repeatedly had bloodbath. Our most protected places (such as GHQ, airbases, ISI offices, etc.) were attacked repeatedly and consistently by these brainwashed terrorists of TTP. Their handlers (in foreign agencies like CIA, MI6, MOSSAD, RAW, and NDS) would provide help in intelligence collection, target selection, planning, logistics, and supply of appropriate weapons before these terror strikes. The so-called war on terrorism was, in fact, turned into a grand war of terrorism launched against Pakistan. The ISI tried its best to fight back but given the abundance of resources, ultramodern equipment, and numerical superiority enjoyed by the enemy agencies, Pakistan was made to bleed massively. On top of all that, we were daily reminded that we are suffering from the same Frankenstein (i.e. jihadi groups labeled as terrorists) that we created of our own. The enemy had succeeded in pitting the so-called Islamic extremists against the state of Pakistan. These brainwashed idiots of TTP were ostensibly fighting for creating an Islamic state in Pakistan and Afghanistan by murdering scores of innocent Muslims. The fitna was at its peak and Ummah was bleeding profusely.
Since Indian RAW was working as a junior partner in this dirty deceptive war against Pakistan, Indians end up having considerable access to the terror infrastructure created by the enemy agencies and significant influence on the terrorists of TTP. RAW was consequently able to start playing its own dirty game. Even after NATO left Afghanistan, Indians kept using the numerous terror groups created and supported by foreign agencies against Pakistan. They (with help from NDS) were able to stage quite a few deadly terrorist attacks in Pakistan using local and foreign assets. For example, all attackers on Army Public School, Peshawar where more than 130 students were killed were foreigners. That attack in fact united the whole Pakistani nation and gave a new impetus to the nation's determination to fight back and defeat the terrorists and their foreign masters and patrons. Since that day, the terrorists are retreating delivering their foreign masters deep shock and disappointment.
While Indians kept operating and using the vast terrorism networks to bleed Pakistani nation, these evil geniuses found another way to isolate, malign, and blackmail Pakistan. RAW handlers would send terrorist squads from Pakistan to India to launch an orchestrated terror attack. Since the terror masterminds (the RAW handlers) would have already pass the related information about imminent terror attack to authorities in India, the Indians would intercept and gun down the attackers without suffering much loss. But the failed attack (presumably by terrorists coming from Pakistan) would provide Indians with a huge opportunity for launching diplomatic offensive and propaganda blitz against Pakistan. And that happened not just once or twice but rather more frequently. The first one was the attack on the Indian parliament building. Carefully planned and executed, the attackers were mowed down like sparrows by well-prepared Indian forces. The Bombay attacks were, in fact, planned by RAW but somehow the plan got out of RAW's control. RAW operatives smuggled dozens of Indian SIM cards into Pakistan and supplied these cards to the Bombay attackers much before they proceeded on their mission. It was probably an arrangement to keep track of the attackers' movements and intercepting them at an appropriate place. However, it's not known yet, how the Bombay attackers turned that arrangement ineffective. Despite losing the plot to a large extent, Indians were able to achieve their objective (of maligning Pakistan)because scores of foreigners were killed in those attacks. The attack on Pathankot airbase and now on the Uri brigade headquarter seem to have same sick minds working in the background. The attack on Pathankot airbase was more like attack on Indian parliament building (where attackers were gunned down before they could inflict a significant damage) while the Uri attack again seems getting out of RAW's hands. It's amazing that how Indians started blaming Pakistan for any of these attacks even before it's over and without even initiating an investigation. The answer to this idiotic behavior lies in the fact that while the attacker might have come from Pakistan, the handlers of the attackers are those RAW officials who are still using the terror infrastructure created in Pakistan/Afghanistan by foreign agencies during the occupation of Afghanistan.
The question now is this: can a worst event happen? Or more directly, can the sick minded RAW use whatever the portion of their assets in Pakistan has survived the Pak military operation to stage a really sinister attack somewhere in world? The answer, to me, is yes - especially in case if the people of occupied J&K do not relent on their struggle against illegal Indian occupation. If Indians can send terror squads from Pakistan to India to stage a drama terror attack, why cannot they send one to Europe or US. You can expect any evil from Indians. If they can kill score of Sikhs just before a US president's India visit and if they can stage a terror attack in Uri where mostly Sikhs get killed, they can do whatever serves their interests. If Indians can kill their own citizens to malign Pakistan, they can certainly try to hit the West where it hurts the most to malign their western neighbor. Watch out, the West!
Indian terrorism in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. is spanned over more than a half century.

Resulting in 100s of thousands innocent lives being lost.

Is there even a debate on that?
I would say no. If India had indeed supported any of the insurgents, they would have got what they were asking for. Just like Bengali's of the then East Pakistan got..
u r surely funding terrorism in pakistan....... your national security advisor Ajay dayol has confessed it several times.......
I would say no. If India had indeed supported any of the insurgents, they would have got what they were asking for. Just like Bengali's of the then East Pakistan got..

You denied your "No" in last part of your sentence.
It is the height of hypocrisy that we see in your entire nation.
India making terrorism into Pakistan with help of their beloved MQM, BLA, RAW (India) via Afghanistan!
I will talk here with proof
That India don't accept our existence from day 1 and they are sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan from 1947 to date
1. 1947 Pakistan president liaqat Ali khan assassination by raw.
2. 1947 mass genocide of kashmiris, illegal occipation of jummu and kashmir, India say the maharaja signed the kashmir down to India his son on Indian parliament opened the pendora box that maharaja never signed kashmir to India. Nehru in United nation signed a resolution for plabiste in kashmir, coming back to India he ran way from his words, 10000 killing of Pakistani kashmires in jammu kashmir unknown thousands of graves, every home with widows orphans thousands missing thousands of women raped by India army.
3. 1971 Indra gandhi with mukti bani bani planed to attack East Pakistan and make it indipendent state of Bangladesh mass murdering of million Muslim bangalese raping women by Indian army and fooling bangalese that it was Pakistan army biggest proof narender modi in his speech in Bangladesh accepted that he was part of mukti bani and took part in independence of Bangladesh.
4. Ajeet doval was a X raw spy served in Pakistan 10 years in his speech he told.
5. India has 25 consulates in Afghanistan, even us neighbours Pakistan don't 2 or 3 consulates there why India is preparing ttp iss in terrorist training camps there giving them emmo and advance training to attack Pakistan. See ajit doval he has so many speech on record .
6. Kulbushan yadav captured with iraniaon visa from balochistan kaboom do India have any spy from Pakistan proof involving in terrorist activities and he confessed.
7. India gave there srinagar air base to Israel to plan attack on kahuta atomic installation which Pakistan got aware of and India aborted the attack.
8. Modis idiolgy of chanakya to make this whole region akhand Bharat. Even Indian are aware of this.
9. Indian funded and trained X raw agents aka ttp terrorist attacked Sri Lanka team in late Pakistan who had interest in doing this India.
10. Modi in his 15 August speech mentioned that people from balochistan and azad kashmir are calling him for help freedom boom golden proof, how can any India serpass this truth.
11. 26/11 false flag in Mumbai by raw and Indian army, to put blame and through dirt at Pakistan image in world, check so many programs even X raw chief and X army genrals accepted that it is in game of India.
12. Not only this India for 2 decades sponsored terrorism in srilanka tail tigers killing millions of inocent Srilankan all world knows who was behind this India.

What great India are you talking about you chose a prime minister from Rss same terrorist party organisation who murdered your great leader Gandhi.
Is that enough if Indians and world needs more proof just name it. I thing it's enough for opening your eyes.

Sorry guys it was 150000 kashmiries murdered by Indian army I mistake in numbers.

You just put India onto to its knees by that list above. India is the biggest, terrorist country in the world. 1.2 Billion elected the biggest terrorist PM in the world. Indian terrorism is the only way India can ever have some satisfaction & victory, India cannot fight with Pakistan face to face, Indian are born to serve not master or rule...Indian 1000 years Islamic rule confirms, Indian British rule confirms that. India has been sponsoring terrorism since Chanakya's times. Indian terrorism has been continuous for the past 15 years in Pakistan. India is against humanity, India has a failed democratic system, India has extremist terror organizations like RSS, Bajrang dal etc, Indian 70+ years human right torture and terrorism in Kashmir is the live, most realistic example. India terrorist bombing in Quetta, Samjota express, self made Mumbai attack, Uri attacks or Indian attack on Srilankan team or the Indian bombs in Pakistan for past 15 years are the most real example how terrorism and India is the same side of the coin. India exists on terrorism for its hegemonic rule. India = Terror.
yes please at 71 you have all West behind you , why u not able to do that time?

please give proof to UN of TTP / BLA etc get us shame in UN like we do to you every here n there with proof.

What proof are you talking about Pakistan? Have you declared Pakistan a terrorist state? Does any country actually believe Pakistani state involvement in any recent attacks? When did you actually present any evidence at UN?

All the while, we showed your terrorist thug Yadav on TV. Now someone who's a full on conspiracy theorist can deny that bharat is not a terrorist state.
I will talk here with proof
That India don't accept our existence from day 1 and they are sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan from 1947 to date
1. 1947 Pakistan president liaqat Ali khan assassination by raw.
2. 1947 mass genocide of kashmiris, illegal occipation of jummu and kashmir, India say the maharaja signed the kashmir down to India his son on Indian parliament opened the pendora box that maharaja never signed kashmir to India. Nehru in United nation signed a resolution for plabiste in kashmir, coming back to India he ran way from his words, 150000 killing of Pakistani kashmires in jammu kashmir unknown thousands of graves, every home with widows orphans thousands missing thousands of women raped by India army.
3. 1971 Indra gandhi with mukti bani bani planed to attack East Pakistan and make it indipendent state of Bangladesh mass murdering of million Muslim bangalese raping women by Indian army and fooling bangalese that it was Pakistan army biggest proof narender modi in his speech in Bangladesh accepted that he was part of mukti bani and took part in independence of Bangladesh.
4. Ajeet doval was a X raw spy served in Pakistan 10 years in his speech he told.
5. India has 25 consulates in Afghanistan, even us neighbours Pakistan don't 2 or 3 consulates there why India is preparing ttp iss in terrorist training camps there giving them emmo and advance training to attack Pakistan. See ajit doval he has so many speech on record .
6. Kulbushan yadav captured with iraniaon visa from balochistan kaboom do India have any spy from Pakistan proof involving in terrorist activities and he confessed.
7. India gave there srinagar air base to Israel to plan attack on kahuta atomic installation which Pakistan got aware of and India aborted the attack.
8. Modis idiolgy of chanakya to make this whole region akhand Bharat. Even Indian are aware of this.
9. Indian funded and trained X raw agents aka ttp terrorist attacked Sri Lanka team in late Pakistan who had interest in doing this India.
10. Modi in his 15 August speech mentioned that people from balochistan and azad kashmir are calling him for help freedom boom golden proof, how can any India serpass this truth.
11. 26/11 false flag in Mumbai by raw and Indian army, to put blame and through dirt at Pakistan image in world, check so many programs even X raw chief and X army genrals accepted that it is in game of India.
12. Not only this India for 2 decades sponsored terrorism in srilanka tail tigers killing millions of inocent Srilankan all world knows who was behind this India.
13. Raw agents army personell rss was invoked in samjhota express attack in India they planed to blame it on indian Muslims and telling them getting help from pakistan secret agency, some thing is cooking now check proof on the web swami admi anand in jail confesed about his involovement and took names identified about people above involved but indian Goverment did not took action that involves India in it sa other slap.
14. India involved in supporting terror in Sind pakistan supporting mqm political party aka terrorist group all world know being funded by raw altaf Hussein there chief that drunken hippo always asking for help from India raw on record in London raw officials meeting with this rascal proof India supporting separates movement in Karachi through them, so many times he was invited by raw rss to India indian Goverment for what do you want know the recepie of biryani come on .
15. Attack on Peshawar school man leave the war to men your ugly raw didn't even took petty on school children, butchered them like cow, that's tells the mentality of indian Goverment as I mentioned above the rats who did this wild genocite were highly trained like agents got there instructions from indian consulate in Afghanistan .
Not only this all terrorist proxyies link to indian consulates in Afghanistan we already gave proofs to United Nations US officials world powers, so no running away now .
This information pretty much involves India in the crimes against the ever living pakistan, which also makes indian Goverment guilty of killings of almost 100000 pakistani citizens in your raw CIA aka ttp planed planted suicide attackes on pakistani soil.
Pakistan is forged in the name of Allah and prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and no body can undo great pakistan. Amen

What great India are you talking about you chose a prime minister from Rss same terrorist party organisation who murdered your great leader Gandhi.
Is that enough if Indians and world needs more proof just name it. I thing it's enough for opening your eyes.
Time is near when we will see greater pakistan emerging and becoming the greates of all in time we will all see . So relax Muslims around the world dear pakistanis this is for you .

I will talk here with proof
That India don't accept our existence from day 1 and they are sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan from 1947 to date
1. 1947 Pakistan president liaqat Ali khan assassination by raw.
2. 1947 mass genocide of kashmiris, illegal occipation of jummu and kashmir, India say the maharaja signed the kashmir down to India his son on Indian parliament opened the pendora box that maharaja never signed kashmir to India. Nehru in United nation signed a resolution for plabiste in kashmir, coming back to India he ran way from his words, 150000 killing of Pakistani kashmires in jammu kashmir unknown thousands of graves, every home with widows orphans thousands missing thousands of women raped by India army.
3. 1971 Indra gandhi with mukti bani bani planed to attack East Pakistan and make it indipendent state of Bangladesh mass murdering of million Muslim bangalese raping women by Indian army and fooling bangalese that it was Pakistan army biggest proof narender modi in his speech in Bangladesh accepted that he was part of mukti bani and took part in independence of Bangladesh.
4. Ajeet doval was a X raw spy served in Pakistan 10 years in his speech he told.
5. India has 25 consulates in Afghanistan, even us neighbours Pakistan don't 2 or 3 consulates there why India is preparing ttp iss in terrorist training camps there giving them emmo and advance training to attack Pakistan. See ajit doval he has so many speech on record .
6. Kulbushan yadav captured with iraniaon visa from balochistan kaboom do India have any spy from Pakistan proof involving in terrorist activities and he confessed.
7. India gave there srinagar air base to Israel to plan attack on kahuta atomic installation which Pakistan got aware of and India aborted the attack.
8. Modis idiolgy of chanakya to make this whole region akhand Bharat. Even Indian are aware of this.
9. Indian funded and trained X raw agents aka ttp terrorist attacked Sri Lanka team in late Pakistan who had interest in doing this India.
10. Modi in his 15 August speech mentioned that people from balochistan and azad kashmir are calling him for help freedom boom golden proof, how can any India serpass this truth.
11. 26/11 false flag in Mumbai by raw and Indian army, to put blame and through dirt at Pakistan image in world, check so many programs even X raw chief and X army genrals accepted that it is in game of India.
12. Not only this India for 2 decades sponsored terrorism in srilanka tail tigers killing millions of inocent Srilankan all world knows who was behind this India.
13. Raw agents army personell rss was involved in samjhota express attack in India they planed to blame it on indian Muslims and telling them getting help from pakistan secret agency, some thing is cooking now check proof on the web swami admi anand in jail confesed about his involovement and took names identified about people above involved but indian Goverment did not took action that involves India in it sa other slap.
14. India involved in supporting terror in Sind pakistan supporting mqm political party aka terrorist group all world know being funded by raw altaf Hussein there chief that drunken hippo always asking for help from India raw on record in London raw officials meeting with this rascal proof India supporting separates movement in Karachi through them, so many times he was invited by raw rss to India indian Goverment for what do you want know the recepie of biryani come on .
15. Attack on Peshawar school man leave the war to men your ugly raw didn't even took petty on school children, butchered them like cow, that's tells the mentality of indian Goverment as I mentioned above the rats who did this wild genocite were highly trained like agents got there instructions from indian consulate in Afghanistan .
Not only this all terrorist proxyies link to indian consulates in Afghanistan we already gave proofs to United Nations US officials world powers, so no running away now .
This information pretty much involves India in the crimes against the ever living pakistan, which also makes indian Goverment guilty of killings of almost 100000 pakistani citizens in your raw CIA aka ttp planed planted suicide attackes on pakistani soil.
Pakistan is forged in the name of Allah and prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and no body can undo great pakistan. Amen

What great India are you talking about you chose a prime minister from Rss same terrorist party organisation who murdered your great leader Gandhi.
Is that enough if Indians and world needs more proof just name it. I thing it's enough for opening your eyes.
Time is near when we will see greater pakistan emerging and becoming the greates of all in time we will all see . So relax Muslims around the world dear pakistanis this is for you .

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